Good Post/Bad Post Mod

Started by OutofOrder, June 17, 2009, 10:08:41 AM

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I'm using Tinyportal.
Its possible to have 2 modules, on rght side of forum, with the 10 most respected, and 10 top post voters?



How can I place the messages of the week, on top of the forum? before the boards.


And when will be
added adding voices to the karma
separate display of positive and negative votes
the ability to output messages of the week to block the portal

Sorry for my english


Thank you, for this great mod.   :)

I use this mode as LIKE on the facebook. This mod is very cool for that, it will be more cool if somehow, users can recive notification for changes value in their own post. Maybe notifycation like PM.

Is it possable?  :D


Quote from: Bugo on July 13, 2010, 05:55:01 AM
Quote from: anidea on July 12, 2010, 11:23:50 PM
I'm getting the following error:

"Database error, given array of integer values is empty. (id_msgs)"

Please someone help?
Are you change Display "Messages of the week" option?
Try change it to "0" and save settings.

I tried this and it didn't work.... any other work-around for this? I even went into the board index and rated a couple of posts, but still the same error with id_msgs.

I am on 2.0 RC3.

I didn't manually install the entire mod, just the parts where the test failed on Admin.php and BoardIndex.php....



Good Post/Bad Post mod has been updated!
QuoteVersion 2.0.2 - September 29 2010

  • Fixed Board Index bug ("Database error") in inactive/unvoted forums.
  • Fix: Removed duplicate minus symbol in MOTW.
  • Dropped support for SMF2 RC2.
  • Added: Change displayed icon when hovering a voting button.
  • Added: Allow users to hide a manually revealed Bad Post.
Emphasis on the Board Index bugfix.

Quote from: IdanC on May 18, 2010, 06:00:53 AM
have anyone noticed that even when guests are given permission to view voter, clicking on the icon, does'nt work.
I'll be taking care of this next time.

Quote from: on June 29, 2010, 09:34:37 PM
Just installed this mod on rc3 with SimplePortal. Everything went smooth but no gp/bp menu anywhere. Not even in the SimplePortal menu as someone described earlier.
I made a change in the install script for 2.0.2, after the recommendation given from SiNaN (now シナン  ;D), which should hopefully fix the compatibility problem with SimplePortal.

Quote from: Verbist on July 07, 2010, 01:42:23 PM
Does anyone know, is there a way to automatically delete posts, not just hide them, based on a number of downvotes?
Hmm. This could be a (rather drastic) feature of the GPBP tools. Maybe in the future.

Quote from: anidea on August 26, 2010, 11:01:00 PM
So in an attempt to prevent retaliatory voting, is there any way I could:
1. Limit users to, say, 3 negative votes per day?
2. Have a member's total respect be based on positive voting only, and only use the negative voting in the post? 
(the reason being that the forum is very new and users are earning negative respect, which is hurting their delicate sensibilities)
You can do 2. already assuming you're under SMF 2. Just disable negative voting under Advanced options.

Quote from: Makar on September 03, 2010, 10:45:22 AM
And when will be
added adding voices to the karma
separate display of positive and negative votes
the ability to output messages of the week to block the portal
1) Voices to the karma?
2) Maybe in the future.
3) ... to block the portal?

Quote from: rocknroller on September 03, 2010, 03:24:50 PM
This mod is very cool for that, it will be more cool if somehow, users can recive notification for changes value in their own post. Maybe notifycation like PM.

Is it possable?  :D
It is possible. It may turn to be very annoying if you receive many votes though, in a very active forum at least.


Nice, hardcoded text in BoardIndex.template.php ("Messages of the Week", "by", "in")...

    // Good Post/Bad Post: Show most recently voted topics...
    if (! empty($modSettings['gpbp_show_best_topics']) && ! empty($context['gpbp_best_topics']))
        echo '
            <h4 class="titlebg"><span class="left"></span>
                <img class="icon" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/gpbp_motw.gif" alt="MOTW" />
                <span>Messages of the Week</span>
        $odd = 0;
        foreach ($context['gpbp_best_topics'] as $message)
            echo '
            <p class="inline windowbg', $odd++ % 2 ? '' : '2','">
                <a href="', $scripturl, '?topic=', $message['topic'], '.msg', $message['msg'], '#msg', $message['msg'], '">', $message['subject'], '</a>
                by ', ! empty($message['member_id']) ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $message['member_id'] . '"><strong>' : '', $message['member_name'], ! empty($message['member_id']) ? '</strong></a>' : '', '
                (', $message['score'] > 0 ? '+' : '', $message['score'], ')
                in <em>', $message['board_name'], '</em>

Hardcoded text in GPBPManage.template.php, lines: 292, 399, 403, 424, 429, 430, 440, 444, 449, 450...


Hi OutofOrder,
i would like to translate this wonderful mod for smf rc3 but don't know exactly which files to translate. well...those strings in install.xml should be translated, right? but what about those in upgarde_2.0.xml ? or the others in upgarde_accumulated_2.0.1.xml ?


Quote from: OutofOrder on September 29, 2010, 02:03:56 AM
Quote from: IdanC on May 18, 2010, 06:00:53 AM
have anyone noticed that even when guests are given permission to view voter, clicking on the icon, does'nt work.
I'll be taking care of this next time.
thanks, i'll take the new version for a run this weekend.


Quote from: OutofOrder on September 29, 2010, 02:03:56 AM
Good Post/Bad Post mod has been updated!
Quote from: anidea on August 26, 2010, 11:01:00 PM
So in an attempt to prevent retaliatory voting, is there any way I could:
1. Limit users to, say, 3 negative votes per day?
2. Have a member's total respect be based on positive voting only, and only use the negative voting in the post? 
(the reason being that the forum is very new and users are earning negative respect, which is hurting their delicate sensibilities)
You can do 2. already assuming you're under SMF 2. Just disable negative voting under Advanced options.

Hi, and thanks for the response and the update!  Can't wait to try it.  Congrats!

But my question re: request #2 is: I don't want to disable negative voting, because I want users to be able to censor themselves.

What I'd like to do is to keep negative voting, but then have total respect based on positive votes only.

Is this possible?  Or is this what the disable negative voting does?


Quote from: Bugo on September 29, 2010, 02:45:52 AM
Nice, hardcoded text in BoardIndex.template.php ("Messages of the Week", "by", "in")...
Hardcoded text in GPBPManage.template.php, lines: 292, 399, 403, 424, 429, 430, 440, 444, 449, 450...
Hmm. Oops. ;D Thanks for reporting.

Quote from: parvaz on September 29, 2010, 05:57:06 AM
Hi OutofOrder,
i would like to translate this wonderful mod for smf rc3 but don't know exactly which files to translate. well...those strings in install.xml should be translated, right? but what about those in upgarde_2.0.xml ? or the others in upgarde_accumulated_2.0.1.xml ?
Please wait until i re-upload the updated localisation files. I'll also add the missing strings from above.

Quote from: anidea on September 29, 2010, 11:53:55 AM
What I'd like to do is to keep negative voting, but then have total respect based on positive votes only.
Hmm. That's an interesting idea. And easy to implement too. Sit tight.


Quote from: OutofOrder on September 29, 2010, 02:03:56 AM
QuoteAnd when will be
added adding voices to the karma
separate display of positive and negative votes
the ability to output messages of the week to block the portal
1) Voices to the karma?
2) Maybe in the future.
3) ... to block the portal?

vote for a message and the user is added or subtracted karma
it is in the portal block, rather than at the bottom of the forum

I very much hope that this future will come very soon

Sorry for my english


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Good Post/Bad Post mod has been updated!
QuoteVersion 2.0.3 - September 30 2010

  • Fixed: Guests couldn't view voters lists even if allowed to.
  • Fixed: Some strings left out of the language files.
  • Added: Allow counting only positive votes towards user Respect.

I remind to anyone willing to translate this mod, that there's a zip file attached to the starting post containing the files with the strings needing translations. You can open them with any text editor.
Also, the French and Russian translations are halfway done, they only lack the v2.0 translations. The same goes for the Turkish translation, and this one has been partially submitted by Alpay (click to go to the post). It still needs the latest translations.


I just want to say that this is a great mod! It works fantastic and I quickly disabled karma because all you need is this mod, very nice!


Russian translation.


Thank you very much Bugo. :)
I'll wait a little before including this in the release, just to see if the Turkish translation (or any other) is also suddendly completed.


How to do the separate show of positive and negative voices ?

look at

Sorry for my english


Request: I'd love the option to have the good post/bad post buttons affect Karma instead of having it's own Respect system.


Quote from: OutofOrder on September 29, 2010, 10:17:07 PM
Good Post/Bad Post mod has been updated!
Version 2.0.3 - September 30 2010

  • Fixed: Guests couldn't view voters lists even if allowed to.
  • Fixed: Some strings left out of the language files.
  • Added: Allow counting only positive votes towards user Respect.

Woo hoo!  I can't wait to update, this is great!  Thanks!

(originally I manually installed this, don't remember why, but I suppose I have to manually uninstall and then re-install?)
