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Show Multiple Badges (AKA Stars)

Started by Thantos, April 04, 2005, 10:03:46 PM

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Yes please make the 1.0.5 version avaliable :)


Quote from: MikeMill on December 18, 2005, 10:52:27 AM
azuregenesis if you could can you please mail me the 1.0.5 version so I may add it.  Thanks

of course :) i really should check back here more often xD


You should azuregenesis! :) I can't  wait to try the 1.0.5 version!


yay! seems like the 1.05 version is up :)


can you please tell me if this will be compatible with 1.1 rc1 or rc2 as I use it A LOT on 1.1 beta 3 public and dont want to lose it when/if I upgrade.

Its our favourite feature lol

thanks :)


I am running 1.1 RC2 and this mod is working fine on my board :)

Thanks for an awesome mod!


Quote from: ladyshanae on February 10, 2006, 07:14:21 PM
I am running 1.1 RC2 and this mod is working fine on my board :)

Thanks for an awesome mod!

YAY!  that is excellent news, thanks for posting, I am just upgrading now :D


Quote from: ladyshanae on February 10, 2006, 07:14:21 PM
I am running 1.1 RC2 and this mod is working fine on my board :)

Thanks for an awesome mod!

I've tried to set up the install, but it's complaining about load.php, managemembers.php and managemebers.template.php.

Is that normal?

Should I go ahead and install?


Thantos, I've had a look at the RC1.2 code for the new default template, but in the managemembers.php  I can't find references to the stars.  Any suggestions on how I can update it?


Is it possible to have the 'stars' line up instead of having a break between each star.  I don't want each 'star' to be on a new line.  I want them all on the same line (or at least as man as will fit).

I think I know the part of the code I need to later, but I'm still very much a beginner with php . . . so knowing how to edit it would be wonderful.


Edit:  I've worked it out :)  If someone else would like to do it, here is how.

QuoteIn Load.php FIND:

  $starstrings = array();
  foreach($allstars AS $star)
        $starstrings[] = str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($star[1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $star[1] : '') . '" alt="*" border="0" />', empty($star[0]) ? 0 : $star[0]);
  return implode("<br/>", $starstrings);

REPLACE  return implode("<br/>", $starstrings);


return implode($starstrings);

Thanks again for an awesome mod!


Alright I am stumped, my provider is running php locally in safe mode. Yay to that.

Using SMF 1.0.5.
So I open up Install.xml and follow the instructions there
In my first try I made the mistake of adding the code just before the one I searched for when the search string stated "before" etc, resulting in a semibroken Forum.
You could post new Topics but trying to open a thread gave a mysql DB error. Unspecified. Very helpful.

Now I returned my forum to its original state and dug through the smf-forum and this thread and found this:
If position is "before" that means you add whats in <add> after the code you searched for.
If position is "after" that means you add whats in <add> before the code you searched for.
If position is "end" that means you add whats in <add> right before ?>

Redid the editing and guess what? Unspecified DB Error. *sigh* I have no other mods up and running, would someone please be so kind and offer the four modified 1.0.5 files for download?

True Knight

Any chance in making this work for SMF1.1 RC2?



dl the smf 1.1 version and that should work. If it says corrupted or something like that when you try to install. Open the file. Change inside the package_info.xml to 1.1rc2 in the install and uninstall tags.



Just for the info:
Tested it on 1.1 RC2-1 with package installen and works very fine!

Thx for this mod!


I've managed to install all the files (though the uninstall points to members files, not membergroups as in install file) and yet it's not displaying the additional badges. I've ticked all the membergroups I want to see, but still nothing.

Am I missing something simple?

I'm running SMF 1.1 RC2.

Suggestions anybody?

PS Thanks in advance.


I've gotten this error when i tried to uninstall the mods.

What should i do ?  :'( :'( :'(

Uninstall Actions "Show Multiple Badges (Aka Stars)":
Installing this package will perform the following actions:
   Type    Action    Description
1.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Load.php    Test successful
2.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/ManageMembers.php    Test failed
3.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/ManageMembers.template.php    Test failed
4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php    Test successful
5.    Execute Code    remove_settings.php


If you've got that result with the latest version, it might be to do with the fact that ManageMembers and the template are named wrongly.  I believe it should be ManageMembergroups.template.php and ManageMembergroups.php

I had a similar problem.  I manually removed the info from the files.


Quote from: quasar on May 28, 2006, 05:00:11 AM
If you've got that result with the latest version, it might be to do with the fact that ManageMembers and the template are named wrongly.  I believe it should be ManageMembergroups.template.php and ManageMembergroups.php

I had a similar problem.  I manually removed the info from the files.

i c. meaning thats i uninstall the current mod then manually uninstall it from the test failed file ?

i just need to remove

//start batch

//end batch

thing right ?
