Tidy Child Boards

Started by Arantor, December 09, 2009, 04:00:36 AM

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installed perfectly fine on RC2.... really one my favorites mod :D
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Does anyone know how to make the child boards like this

Make them appear under the main things

High resolution image here

hxxp:i50.tinypic.com/28juu81.png [nonactive]



That looks like a moderately heavy rewrite of the mod's html positioning, plus the html poitioning for the standard template core files.

In the standard mod, the child boards are simply rearranged from a continuous CSV list, into ordered columns using the same table cell.

In the screen shot you've posted, they've been moved out of the column cell where the title (and child board names) usually live, and moved into an entire new table row.

It would need some experimenting with a second instance of the default theme Curve in order to test it, but it can be done - on the surface it's just a straight rearrangement of the table layout loop to put the table, row, and cell tags in the right places, but I suspect there might be a few "curve balls" in trying to do it.

I have 20:20 vision - I can see anything bigger than 20" x 20"


You'd actually be totally rewriting the mod to achieve that. The way it's done is specifically written to remove it from being in the regular list of children boards to minimise template changes.

In the standard mod, the child boards are simply rearranged from a continuous CSV list, into ordered columns using the same table cell.

They're arranged in separate lists for each column, though.

It would need some experimenting with a second instance of the default theme Curve in order to test it, but it can be done - on the surface it's just a straight rearrangement of the table layout loop to put the table, row, and cell tags in the right places, but I suspect there might be a few "curve balls" in trying to do it.

Possibly. It's been a while since I wrote this, and I won't be writing this change, sorry.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Thank you for updating this mod. 

You are a valuable asset to this community.


Thanks :)

Actually, this one required about 2 minutes work to update :)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hello again,

Quick question.  Is it possible to make an edit (CSS?) to force the text on the child board listing (only) to be a little smaller?  I would like the child board titles to be a bit smaller than the Parent's description text.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Add a rule to the CSS file it adds (Themes/default/tidyboards.css) of:

.tidy_child ul li
  font-size: 90%;
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


That worked perfectly.  Thank you very much for the quick and helpful reply.   :)


Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hey Arantor.

I am using this mod but i want some custom edit.

I want to underline the boards and bold them..

i am on three columns.


Mind telling me what version you're on? (both SMF and mod)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on March 10, 2010, 03:25:15 PM
Mind telling me what version you're on? (both SMF and mod)

i downloaded and installed it today.
so its 1.3 version.

i m on smf 2.0 RC3


So you want to bold and underline the links in all the menu items? With or without new items in them? (I seem to recall already providing an option to bold child boards if they have new posts)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Yes, but i need them permanently bolded and underlined.

new post or not.
i saw the options about new post and its cool but i need them permanently bold.
the new post icon should remain though..


Add a rule to the CSS file it adds (Themes/default/tidyboards.css) of:

.tidy_child ul li a
  font-weight: bold;
  text-decoration: underline;
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



Something isn't right,  my rss feed icon is out of place,  and the board desciptions are big/  everything seems confused.
Please help?  Ideas?



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Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

