need help with query

Started by Tony Reid, May 17, 2005, 05:09:31 AM

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Tony Reid

Im trying to set all my members to the following notify type..

UPDATE members set notifyTypes= '3' WHERE ID_MEMBER > '1';

But its only returning 1 row updated when I have nearly 9000.

Its just a variation on a query I used before for hiding emails...

UPDATE members set hideEmail = '1' WHERE ID_MEMBER>'1';

But I cant see why its not working?

Any help appreciated.

Tony Reid


UPDATE members
SET notifyTypes= 3;

Will do it for everyone.  Note that it will only tell you about CHANGED rows.  If a column is already set to 3, it won't count that as a change.


Tony Reid

That worked great :)

Thank you.

Tony Reid
