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SA Facebook Integration

Started by Team, February 12, 2010, 01:36:11 PM

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Quote from: Dianosis on March 11, 2013, 09:06:44 PM
Quote from: Dianosis on March 11, 2013, 08:20:28 PM
Quote from: SA™ on March 10, 2013, 06:06:40 PM
Quote from: Dianosis on March 09, 2013, 11:12:25 AM
Thanks for the response on Problem 2, I know my user ID, any suggestions on how to find the Group ID?

Any suggestions on the Problem 1 error? Thanks!

for the first error got a link to your site?

Thanks for the info on the wallflux site! I entered the correct ID's and I no longer get an error message for Problem 1, the post goes through as normal on the forum but still does not post on my Group page on FB.

Here is the info requested for Problem 2:

Update on problem 1, Under the the publisher settings, Publish to facebook? If I set this to PROFILE, it posts to my profile page perfectly! If I set this to PAGE. It posts nothing, anywhere except the forum as usual.... The problem seems to with posting to a Group page.... ideas?

Here is the info requested for Problem 2:

go to account settings, click apps in the left column, if your app is not set to public then you need to change it, click edit, where it says Visibility of app and posts: make sure that is set to public.  I had the same problem but when I changed this setting it began working.


Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it looks like the app has the permissions it's needs. See the attached screenshot...

Not sure if SA has had a chance to try an log into my forum yet or not and see the issue. But certainly if u have any other ideas I welcome them. Thanks again!


I've been using this mod for some time and I would like to update it to its latest version.
Nonetheless, I can't find an update installation. Thus, it seems that the only mean to update it is to uninstall the previous version and install the latest after that.

Will I loose my settings if I do this? And how about users who are registered on my forum using Facebook, will they be able to login after I uninstall SMF SA and install its latest version?


yes, the only way to upgrade most mods is to uninstall and the install the new version

you will not lose your settings.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I really love this mod, but it's causing thousands of entries in my error-log :(

Quote2: htmlentities() [<a href='function.htmlentities'>function.htmlentities</a>]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1[/size]
File: /is/htdocs/.../.../.../Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
[size=78%]Line: 157

The member who is causing this log-entries isn't using "English" as language. Is there a way to solve the problem I've?
Version SMF 2.0.8
SimplePortal 2.3.5


I get an erro, when I try to register my account. After to go to my app on facebook, when it come back to the forum I get an error message
"No connection to Facebook found"
"No se encontro conexion a Facebook"

What can it be?, thank you.


reply to Dianosis,

the behavior for me appears to be intermittent, I got it to publish then it just stopped.  I had to regrant permissions in the integration publisher tab before it would begin working again.

hopefully SA will log in shortly and figure out what the issue is. 


just want to ask.. The connect to facebook is successful.. so this mean the user has been added to database.. I check also the database the user is there.. my problem is.. what will be their password if they will login not via facebook? They tried to use the same password in facebook but its not working I tried that also it keep saying wrong password... Do I need to setup any settings to correct this?


Quote from: erzon on March 19, 2013, 12:32:48 PM
just want to ask.. The connect to facebook is successful.. so this mean the user has been added to database.. I check also the database the user is there.. my problem is.. what will be their password if they will login not via facebook? They tried to use the same password in facebook but its not working I tried that also it keep saying wrong password... Do I need to setup any settings to correct this?

easy anser to that one is to not use the auto register method :P

or search thi thread your find some code that allwes you to pm the pass to the uer when registering

Quote from: boxedmein on March 17, 2013, 09:18:55 AM
reply to Dianosis,

the behavior for me appears to be intermittent, I got it to publish then it just stopped.  I had to regrant permissions in the integration publisher tab before it would begin working again.

hopefully SA will log in shortly and figure out what the issue is. 

this most likly cos facebook changed there api since this was coded

Quote from: Manu.G on March 16, 2013, 03:44:24 PM
I really love this mod, but it's causing thousands of entries in my error-log :(

Quote2: htmlentities() [<a href='function.htmlentities'>function.htmlentities</a>]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1[/size]
File: /is/htdocs/.../.../.../Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
[size=78%]Line: 157

The member who is causing this log-entries isn't using "English" as language. Is there a way to solve the problem I've?

yeah ive known about this for a while now not sure on how to solve it tho not to good with cross languages

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
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Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


I have done everything correctly, but publisher did not posting new topics on my facebook page?
please help


i installed FB, G+ and twitter connect mods.
each are showing their buttons (facebook like, tweet and G+) one below the other and all 3 are shown between top menu and topic.
is there anyway to make them appear one next to other and save some space ?

right now, one below other are making topic go down further and lot of white space is wasted on right next to buttons


No connection to facebook found

(see Attachments)
smf v.2.0.2


please help me


Change Registration Method : Auto is Working
Manual not work  :P

I have the facebook plug in working! VERY NICE MOD!

But I have one more question:
I have a forum, called bimmerboard, I have a facebook page called bimmerboard vzw.
I have my personal account linked to my personal facebook account. When I like or press the publish button, something is liked or published on my personal page. What I would like to have is that when I like/publish something, it's posted on my facebook page bimmerboard vzw, and not on my personal page. Is that possible?

Best regards!



to [nonactive]

if you go to the publisher in the facebook integration section of your forum, there is a drop down box next to "Publish to Page?" to choose between profile and page.  The profile is your personal page.  The Page in your case would be bimmerboard vzw, but the plugin seems to be broken if you choose to publish to your Page.  It will work initially but fails at some point and you'll have to regrant facebook permissions.

I stopped using the publish to Page because it was more trouble than it was worth to keep regranting the facebook permissions multiple times a day. 

note to the developer - In my testing so far, if you publish to your profile, the plugin works without fail.  The publish to page will work when you grant permissions initially, but fails shortly thereafter.  You can regrant permissions, yes, but you have to do that over and over again multiple times a day. 


Quote from: SA™ on March 19, 2013, 03:47:52 PM
Quote from: Manu.G on March 16, 2013, 03:44:24 PM
I really love this mod, but it's causing thousands of entries in my error-log :(

Quote2: htmlentities() [<a href='function.htmlentities'>function.htmlentities</a>]: charset `ISO-8859-2' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1
File: /is/htdocs/.../.../.../Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
Line: 157

The member who is causing this log-entries isn't using "English" as language. Is there a way to solve the problem I've?

yeah ive known about this for a while now not sure on how to solve it tho not to good with cross languages

I hope it will be possible to find a solution for it, because I get thousands of pages with this error in my error-log  :(
Version SMF 2.0.8
SimplePortal 2.3.5


There's only one way to actually solve it: convert to UTF-8. You're using a language not supported by a key function in its current setup, and moving to UTF-8 is the only way to make it consistently, repeatably work properly.

The registration through facebook suddenly stopped working. It used to work, but now it doesn't anymore.

When clicking the facebook logo when willing to register I get:
HTTP-fout 500 (Internal Server Error):

When I'm logged in in facebook, I can still connect (so the accounts which have been Synced still work, but it's impossible to register new ones).




I am the unlucky one who is running the forum on pgsql instead of mysql...
I am currently facing an issue with two functions used in one update which are mysql specific hence not woking...
UPDATE {db_prefix}boards
    SET {raw:board_feild} = IF(FIND_IN_SET(id_board, {string:board_ids}), 1, 0)',
    'board_ids' => join(',', $board_id),
    'board_feild' => $board_feild[$i],

Could anyone please help me to rewrite the pattern IF(FIND_IN_SET(id_board, {string:board_ids}), 1, 0) so the pgsql understands whats going on there?

Thanks! - I will really appreciate any help as I am lost...

