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SA Facebook Integration

Started by Team, February 12, 2010, 01:36:11 PM

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Quote from: sneijder23 on January 02, 2014, 03:07:05 AM
It appears the same...
I uninstalled the mod default avatar but still the same error
In my source code this line appears, I can edit it to display a default image to record and fix the problem?

Quote<img class="avatar" src="'' [nofollow]" alt="" /><br />

Change to:

Quote<img class="avatar" src=" [nofollow]" alt="default avatar" /><br />

That won't do any good, it's where that source code is generated you need to fix. I suspect the integrate_pre_include call from the default avatar mod is still being called, and that for some reason the contained function's conditions are never met so it returns '' for the default avatar name, hence your problem. The core code is checking for an empty string, but it's not technically empty.

if the file "Sources/DefaultAvatar.php" still exists, try changing the line $avatar_url = ''; to $avatar_url="default_avatar.png";

If that sorts it, then I think you can safely reinstall the remainder of the mod again and have both.


I have just installed the module and find it theoritically excellent, but ...

when I try to publish or to like a category, I have a bahaviour which I don't know if it is the expected one, but that is not what I was expected ...

When clicking to like, it says You like "subscribe" 'in french vous aimez "inscrivez-vous" ?
Is that a problem of my facebook app or a problem of configuration ?

When clicking to publish, I have no image integrated ... is that the expected behaviour ?

Thanks in advance.


Quote from: le.mag.cinema on January 03, 2014, 10:40:47 AM
I have just installed the module and find it theoritically excellent, but ...

when I try to publish or to like a category, I have a bahaviour which I don't know if it is the expected one, but that is not what I was expected ...

When clicking to like, it says You like "subscribe" 'in french vous aimez "inscrivez-vous" ?
Is that a problem of my facebook app or a problem of configuration ?

When clicking to publish, I have no image integrated ... is that the expected behaviour ?

Thanks in advance.

in fact, to be more precise :
When clicking to like, it says You like "identify yourself" 'in french vous aimez "identifiez vous" ?


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Hello, I installed this mod SA_Facebook_Integration but when I try to connect I have this message No connection found to facebook
I created a facebook application (configuration see attachment), I put the id code on the mod.
thank you for your help


Bug report  :o

In the file FacebookHooks.php, you will find -
if($insmf == false){

echo'<script src="'.$modSettings['fb_admin_intern1'].'/all.js#appId='.$modSettings['fb_app_id'].'&amp;xfbml=1"></script>';

However, the echoed script tag may cause you problems. The reason being, the fb_call_js_sdk function has already embedded the necessary code to load the all.js file asynchronously - including reference to your channel file which solves various cross domain issues on various browsers. Since if the called hook is used within smf, that code is already added, and the 'if($insmf == false)' condition calls fb_call_js_sdk if it isn't, the script tag is added unnecessarily in all cases. You can therefore replace ALL instances of the above with -

if($insmf == false){

Depending on browser behaviour, it will either throw up an error warning each time the hook is called per page, since the all.js is already loaded, or load and process the first unnecessary script tag without necessarily referencing the channel file. It's simply not needed.


Whatever I try I can't publish to a page. Can only publish to my personal wall.

How do I fix that?

(Could really benefit from an up to date, step by step guide to creating the facebook app. The example on the first page of this thread is nothing like the latest FB developer pages)


ive said this many times in this thread now dont over complecate things wich is what the setup guide does in first post does its old and just bs all you need is a url  in the box save and done

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
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Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Well if you explained what box to put the url in? There's a lot of choice out there and right now, this doesn't publish to my page (only to my own timeline).


Admin area -> Facebook Integration -> Publisher

you need to put the page id in the relevant box, then set 'publish to facebook' to page rather than profile


Quote from: bilbo32 on January 12, 2014, 09:31:10 AM
Admin area -> Facebook Integration -> Publisher

you need to put the page id in the relevant box, then set 'publish to facebook' to page rather than profile

Thanks bilbo32. I have already done that but it still only publishes to my own timeline.

That page ID is the number and not a url right? eg 31844653 and not


It's just the page ID, yes. But I think I saw reference many pages back about some people requiring to set it to their profile, save, then back to page again before it worked. Not sure if it was properly resolved or not, worth a try.

Also, I would expect due to facebook permissions, the your profile ID would need to be an admin of the facebook page, otherwise people could hook any facebook app up to any facebook page. So your app and page would need to have the logged in fb user who is admin of your forum too, request the permissions on the publish page. FB would only authorize and give the necessary tokens to someone with sufficient privilege.


Thanks again. I tried switching, saving, switching back but it still doesn't work for me.

And yes, I am a page admin/owner.

I may try cleaning all traces from the database and reinstalling. If that don't work I'll give up lol


Quote from: madfitz on January 12, 2014, 03:10:11 AM
Well if you explained what box to put the url in? There's a lot of choice out there and right now, this doesn't publish to my page (only to my own timeline).

settings add platform choose website and there you go

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Same result - publishing to timeline only.

Uninstalled. Thanks for your "help".


When i install this mod, i can't access my forum anymore.
De mod won't redirect to the admin page en when i try myself to click on a link, i get a download with index.php

smf version 2.06 and no mods.

What am i doing wrong?

For now i have uninstalled the mod.

Sorry for my english..



Could anyone help me how to get around these errors please?

8: Undefined index: fb_admin_grant
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file File: /web/htdocs2/gamestickersnet/home/www/Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
Line: 649

8: Undefined index: fb_postto
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file File: /web/htdocs2/gamestickersnet/home/www/Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
Line: 597

Many thanks!


I solved this problem by deleting all the files in the facebookauth folder, all the files in the /source/facebook folder, then downloading the package and installing again.

Quote from: osckar on April 03, 2012, 01:46:37 PM

I'm using this mod with SMF 2.0.2 and I get this error when a user tries to register or an already registered user clicks on the Facebook configuration in profile:

QuoteAn error has occured

OAuthException: (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: me&fields=id,name,username

Any help is appreciated.



I am getting an error similar to maarawoe, as follows:
Quote8: Undefined index: fb_postpostt
File: /public_html/forum/Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php
Line: 653

Any ideas? It has been happening almost since I installed the mod but as it didn't seem to affect it working I have left it, but would like to clear it up. I am currently on the latest version of both SMF and the mod but has appeared in all versions I have used.


I have installed the version 2.0RC4 and I want to update to the latest version. I tried to uninstall the old version but it says it doesn't have an installer. Does that mean that I have to manually undone the changes?
Or what is the official way of updating to the latest version of this mod?
Thank you
Today, if you're not confused it means you're not thinking clear!
