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Forum Name in Browser Title

Started by Matthew K., February 18, 2010, 06:12:00 AM

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Matthew K.

Thanks for the feedback!

Eventually, not sure when but I do plan on updating all of my mods for 2.0 that should be.


We are eagerly waiting as I cannot install this on my forum. :D
I use 2.0


Note for everybody who's using smf 2.0.1. and planning to install this forum title mod:
You have to emulate to 2.0 RC4 to use this mod, since it is not updated yet.

Instructions on how you can emulate your SMF forum (it's very easy to do), please check:



The index.dutch.php file you gave me is the solution for the double forum name at the forum's homepage.
But when I use the file, Forumindex is on the left side of the forum name instead of behind the forum name.
(My settings in the admin panel are correct; all other titles on the forum are correctly set, only the homepage is not correct yet).

So let me explain:

1. First, the title of the homepage was: Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum - Forumindex - Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum

2. After your change of index.dutch.php it was Forumindex - Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum. Thank you.

What I want, if possible, is only at the homepage a setting like this: Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum - Forumindex
and on all other pages: Board Name - Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum

If not possible, can I remove "Forumindex" from the homepage's title?
Can you let me know if this is possible? Thanks.

Link to the forum is Geld Verdienen Op Internet Forum

Matthew K.

I'll re-write this mod for SMF 2.0.1 for you soon.

The next version will be "2.0" is what I am planning...

  • (!) SMF 2.0+ Compatibility Only.
  • (!) Source edits only, NO templates. Will work in all themes out of the box.
  • (+) Portal Compatibility for SimplePortal, and TinyPortal

Matthew K.

Forum Name in Browser Title 2.0 Released!

Quote from: ReadmeForum Name in Browser Title

Author: Labradoodle-360
Latest Version: 2.0
Compatible With SMF: 2.0.99
Dedicated To: LIM and my family


Forum Name in Browser Title allows you to put your forum name in the browser title (compatible with all Portals and all themes).

Here are the settings...

  • Forum Name in Browser Title Position: [Disabled | Before Page Title | After Page Title]
  • Separation Character - Allows you to define a character to separate the page title, from your forum name.

Written using Source edits only, so this modification will work on ALL themes.

Formerly known as "Forum Name as Prefix for Forum Title"


Package Manager should work in most cases. If you need to make any edits, the full list can be obtained from the Parse function on the right.

Useful links
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Link to Mod | Support Labradoodle-360's Development


Thanks a lot for the update pal!

I will give some feedback tomorrow as soon as I try it..

Matthew K.

No problem, let me know what you think.


Hi, Thanks for the mod

I just found this problem ,

<title>Hello Everyone !!!!&nbsp-&nbspMy Forum</title>

and this gets picked up by google as well, so you can imagine this is not pretty at all.

Please Help :)

Matthew K.

Oh wow, can you say bug? Thanks for catching it. I was half asleep when I wrote that part.

Here's the fix...
Code (Find) Select

$separation_char = '&nbsp';
if (!empty($modSettings['page_title_separation_char']))
$separation_char .= trim(un_htmlspecialchars($modSettings['page_title_separation_char']));
$separation_char = '-';
$separation_char .= '&nbsp';

Code (Replace) Select

$separation_char = '&nbsp;';
if (!empty($modSettings['page_title_separation_char']))
$separation_char .= trim(un_htmlspecialchars($modSettings['page_title_separation_char']));
$separation_char = '-';
$separation_char .= '&nbsp;';

Matthew K.

Forum Name in Browser Title 2.0.1 (Bugfix thanks to sAce) released
Quote from: ReadmeForum Name in Browser Title

Author: Labradoodle-360
Latest Version: 2.0.1
Compatible With SMF: 2.0.99
Dedicated To: LIM and my family


Forum Name in Browser Title allows you to put your forum name in the browser title (compatible with all Portals and all themes).

Here are the settings...

  • Forum Name in Browser Title Position: [Disabled | Before Page Title | After Page Title]
  • Separation Character - Allows you to define a character to separate the page title, from your forum name.

Written using Source edits only, so this modification will work on ALL themes.

Formerly known as "Forum Name as Prefix for Forum Title"

Bugfix reported by sAce, fixed in 2.0.1


Package Manager should work in most cases. If you need to make any edits, the full list can be obtained from the Parse function on the right.

Useful links
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Link to Mod | Support Labradoodle-360's Development


Matthew K.


Hmm.. you sure fixed that one, but it didnt solve my problem. still exists.


Can u make it compatible with 2.0.2

Matthew K.


well i think some of the files dont work
because i think it said tht we strongly recommend not to install because of something
sorry i dont remember

Matthew K.

You'll need more details than that for me to be able to help you.



Works fine with 2.0.2 and Simple Portal 2.3.4 but I get a lot of errors in the log:


Forum Name in Browser Title: Before page title
Separate Page Title With: -

Also use meta tags mod but nothing in there relating to browser title....

May be more than these....

Undefined offset: 1

Line 41: return $context['page_title_html_safe'] = $pieces[0] . $separation_char . $pieces[1];

Undefined index: forum_name_html_safe
==>103:    ', $txt['login_below'], ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=register">', $txt['register_an_account'], '</a> ', sprintf($txt['login_with_forum'], $context['forum_name_html_safe']), '
