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Started by Suki, April 07, 2010, 06:47:12 PM

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somebody knows how i can allow any users or guest to see the "addthis"?
Sorry For My Bad English, I Dont Speak Good, But I Try

Matthew K.

Quote from: Uchiha on August 20, 2010, 05:10:00 PM
somebody knows how i can allow any users or guest to see the "addthis"?
Quote from: Labradoodle-360AddThis Mod is permission based, so you can control who can share.
Check your forums permissions.



Very nice mode, thanks.

I would like to have this custom button: its possible? How?
And Its possible to move the button right to the title, in same line?



just to let you know,

the "xa-" prefix with the addthis username doest deliver reports,

i had to remove the xa, please have a look

Matthew K.

What do you mean by doesn't deliver reports?


the shares and the bookmarks are not being displayed in the analytics graphs /reports


I installed this on a very popular site, but had to uninstall it when DROVES of users using IE mainly complained it slowed my site to a crawl.  A DNS issue I presume.
Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)

Matthew K.

As I was the one who wrote the current version, I will let you know that a new version that will be less stressing is in the plan.

Such as toggling for templates rather than being on practically every template.


hi, first at all thx to the autor for this great mod.

i want to ask you how can i add the "facebook like button" into or near this addthis button, is this possible?

Matthew K.

Glad you like it.

As per AddThis -

You can show Facebook inside the AddThis Dropdown, or next to it. Also take a look at the API for AddThis:

Hope that helps...


but there is no way to use the facebook like button with this mod, maybe using the "Customize AddThis" box?, how can i use that box? can i change the background of the "addthis" button in order to change the light theme to dark theme?, if this is possible, can you show me an example?

Ramón Cutanda


These are the spanish_es and spanish_es-utf8 versions:

    <file name="$themedir/languages/Help.spanish_es-utf8.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$helptxt['enable_addthis'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Marca esta casilla para activar AddThis, el servicio para Marcar y Compartir nº1.<br /><br />Para que este mod funcione corretamente debes introducir tu nombre de usuario o ID de AddThis..</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_un'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Si tu código es</div><code><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<a class="addthis_button" href=";username=xa-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"><img src="" width="125" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
</code><div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> Tu ID sería "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". <br />Para usar sus analíticas debes registrar primero un nombre de usuario.</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_button_type'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Seleccionando el Tipo de Botón podrás cambiar el aspecto de tus botones para Compartir, con dos estilos precargados y la opción de añadir los tuyos.<br /><br />Si seleccionas usar los tuyos DEBES introducir una URL personalizada en el siguiente campo.</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_button_type_custom_url'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">La URL de Botón Personalizada te permite usar una imagen como botón para Compartir. Debes seleccionar "Usar mi imagen" en el menú desplegable de aquí arriba para que funcione..</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_customize'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Personalizar AddThis te permite añadir tu propios JavaScript para lograr un aspecto personalizado del menú AddThis y así como su funcionamiento. Para ello, debes consultar la Documentación de la API de AddThis.<br /><br />A tener en cuenta que NO debes introducir <code><script type="text/javascript">javascript</script></code> SOLAMENTE introduces el Javascript o interferirá con tu foro.<br /><br />Enlace a la Documentación: <a href="" target="_blank" title="AddThis APIs">AddThis APIs</a></div>';
    <file name="$themedir/languages/ManagePermissions.spanish_es-utf8.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_addthis'] = 'Permisos para AddThis';
$txt['permissiongroup_addthis'] = 'Permisos para AddThis';
$txt['permissionname_share'] = 'Compartir Contenidos';
$txt['permissionhelp_share'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Si se marca esta opción  los usuarios podrán compartir los contenidos.</div>';
    <file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.spanish_es-utf8.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$txt['addthis'] = 'AddThis';
$txt['addthis_title'] = 'Ajustes para AddThis';
$txt['addthis_desc'] = 'Editar ajustes de AddThis';
// Inputs
$txt['enable_addthis'] = 'Activar AddThis';
$txt['addthis_un'] = 'Usuario o ID de AddThis';
$txt['addthis_button_type'] = 'Selecciona el tipo de Botón';
$txt['addthis_button_type_custom_url'] = 'URL para Botones Personalizados';
$txt['addthis_customize'] = 'Personalizar AddThis';
// Dropdown Options
$txt['addthis_regular'] = 'Normal';
$txt['addthis_small'] = 'Pequeños';
$txt['addthis_custom'] = 'Usar los míos';
    <file name="$themedir/languages/Help.spanish_es.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$helptxt['enable_addthis'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Marca esta casilla para activar AddThis, el servicio para Marcar y Compartir n&ordm;1.<br /><br />Para que este mod funcione corretamente debes introducir tu nombre de usuario o ID de AddThis..</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_un'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Si tu c&oacute;digo es</div><code><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<a class="addthis_button" href=";username=xa-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"><img src="" width="125" height="16" alt="Bookmark and Share" style="border:0"/></a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
</code><div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> Tu ID ser&iacute;a "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". <br />Para usar sus anal&iacute;ticas debes registrar primero un nombre de usuario.</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_button_type'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Seleccionando el Tipo de Bot&oacute;n podr&aacute;s cambiar el aspecto de tus botones para Compartir, con dos estilos precargados y la opci&oacute;n de a&ntilde;adir los tuyos.<br /><br />Si seleccionas usar los tuyos DEBES introducir una URL personalizada en el siguiente campo.</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_button_type_custom_url'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">La URL de Bot&oacute;n Personalizada te permite usar una imagen como bot&oacute;n para COmpartir. Debes seleccionar "Usar mi imagen" en el men&uacute; desplegable de aqu&iacute; arriba para que funcione..</div>';
$helptxt['addthis_customize'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Personalizar AddThis te permite a&ntilde;adir tu propios JavaScript para lograr un aspecto personalizado del men&uacute; AddThis y as&iacute; como su funcionamiento. Para ello, debes consultar la Documentaci&oacute;n de la API de AddThis.<br /><br />A tener en cuenta que NO debes introducir <code><script type="text/javascript">javascript</script></code> SOLAMENTE introduces el Javascript o interferir&aacute; con tu foro.<br /><br />Enlace a la Documentaci&oacute;n: <a href="" target="_blank" title="AddThis APIs">AddThis APIs</a></div>';
    <file name="$themedir/languages/ManagePermissions.spanish_es.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_addthis'] = 'Permisos para AddThis';
$txt['permissiongroup_addthis'] = 'Permisos para AddThis';
$txt['permissionname_share'] = 'Compartir Contenidos';
$txt['permissionhelp_share'] = '<div align="center" style="text-align: center;">Si se marca esta opci&oacute;n  los usuarios podr&aacute;n compartir los contenidos.</div>';
    <file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.spanish_es.php" error="skip">
            <search position="end"></search>
// Labradoodle-360's AddThis Mod.
$txt['addthis'] = 'AddThis';
$txt['addthis_title'] = 'Ajustes para AddThis';
$txt['addthis_desc'] = 'Editar ajustes de AddThis';
// Inputs
$txt['enable_addthis'] = 'Activar AddThis';
$txt['addthis_un'] = 'Usuario o ID de AddThis';
$txt['addthis_button_type'] = 'Selecciona el tipo de Bot&oacute;n';
$txt['addthis_button_type_custom_url'] = 'URL para Botones Personalizados';
$txt['addthis_customize'] = 'Personalizar AddThis';
// Dropdown Options
$txt['addthis_regular'] = 'Normal';
$txt['addthis_small'] = 'Peque&ntilde;os';
$txt['addthis_custom'] = 'Usar los m&iacute;os';



Can I use it on SMF 2.0 RC4?

I like this mod..
"Don't fix it if it ain't broken, don't break it if you can't fix it."


Would be great to have an RC4 update for this mod. I like the link to AddThis and their analytical services that I think other social networking mods lack.

Matthew K.

It should work with RC4, or be easily installable manually. As of now, it's not in my plans to update this mod.


Ah, shame. :(

How does one force an RC3 update to install on RC4 (getting round the wrong version message)?

Matthew K.

Admin > Packages > Advanced > Version Emulate: SMF 2.0 RC3.

Note that I said it should work, if I made an edit in ManagePermissions I think I did, it won't work without a manual install.


Thanks, I may try updating it if that's ok?

Matthew K.


Installed on RC5 with a few errors, but it works where I need it to work. :D Errors were on Help, Memberlist, and one other area - I forget which one.
I fold for team 52482. Do you Fold@Home?
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