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Tidy Child Boards

Started by Arantor, December 09, 2009, 04:00:36 AM

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When i install mod all is perfect, but when i activate and click "Home" page can't load. I don't know where is a error log


Yes, I understand that part - but there's about a million reasons why it might not work and I don't know which one it is to be able to help you. It's like going to the doctor and saying "I'm sick" and expecting the doctor to have the answer without any other information.

Ask your host about the error log, they should be able to point you in the right place.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I have a function issue.
Installed and can be removed with no errors, creating childboard no errors.
However under features the settings for the mod are not there, I uninstalled and installed three times no errors but they don't show up.   smf 2.0.15
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


You are looking under 'Features and Options' and then the 'Layout' tab, right?
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Quote from: Steve on February 01, 2018, 05:19:10 PM
You are looking under 'Features and Options' and then the 'Layout' tab, right?

Awww man, putting on dunce cap, I just read literately where it says the adjustments are.

Can you help me find my cars keys they were in my left hand the last I saw them, never mind they were the right hand.
You'd think I would by now know to poke around a bit I know Ive done this before. gees  Thanks Steve.  :-)

Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


No worries. We've all done this type of thing. :)
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.
