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Invitation System

Started by hadesflames, July 21, 2010, 10:50:15 PM

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Quote from: kingkingston on March 30, 2011, 09:32:57 PM
it is an alright mod but would be better if it allowed people to register if they haven't been invited

What do you mean? The entire point of this mod is to restrict membership to invitations only. Otherwise it wouldn't need to generate codes. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to just send invitations to have people register, you could just have your members do it themselves, without having a mod for it at all...


Quote from: hadesflames on June 03, 2011, 10:01:15 PM
Quote from: kingkingston on March 30, 2011, 09:32:57 PM
it is an alright mod but would be better if it allowed people to register if they haven't been invited

What do you mean? The entire point of this mod is to restrict membership to invitations only. Otherwise it wouldn't need to generate codes. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to just send invitations to have people register, you could just have your members do it themselves, without having a mod for it at all...
yes it only allows people to sign up if they have been invited to, what if a person stumbles across your website and wants to join but can't because they haven't been invited.


And that's the whole point, no?


There is a disable invitation mod option there too if you want open registrations...

And yes, that is the whole point, its for private forums.

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: kingkingston on June 09, 2011, 01:39:39 AM
Quote from: hadesflames on June 03, 2011, 10:01:15 PM
Quote from: kingkingston on March 30, 2011, 09:32:57 PM
it is an alright mod but would be better if it allowed people to register if they haven't been invited

What do you mean? The entire point of this mod is to restrict membership to invitations only. Otherwise it wouldn't need to generate codes. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to just send invitations to have people register, you could just have your members do it themselves, without having a mod for it at all...
yes it only allows people to sign up if they have been invited to, what if a person stumbles across your website and wants to join but can't because they haven't been invited.

That is exactly the point. If you have a forum that you want to restrict membership ONLY to those invited by the community, you would want this mod. A very good example of a potential user are those women who set up motherhood/pregnancy forums and don't want random people lurking around that are not mother/future mothers. With this mod, they know that the only people that can sign up are those whom they themselves have invited. Of course, this is only one example of a potential user.


Anyone else having compatibility-problems with SMF2.0 (final)?


Will you add it to the next update if i translate it to Turkish?
just give me the texts.

Is it compatible with 2.0 yet? Can i install and use it right away?


Quote from: PLAYBOY on June 19, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
Will you add it to the next update if i translate it to Turkish?
just give me the texts.

Sure just post the translations and I'll add 'em in.

Quote from: PLAYBOY on June 19, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
Is it compatible with 2.0 yet? Can i install and use it right away?

I have not yet tested it on 2.0 gold. Once I find the free time to do so (perhaps later on today if I finish studying early enough) I'll update it and post accordingly. Once you see that the mod page says it's compatible with 2.0 final, it will be.


Turkish Translation:

$txt['invite_system'] = 'Davet Sistemi';
$txt['invite_system_mod_settings'] = 'Ayarlari Degistir';
$txt['invite_system_mod_settings_desc'] = 'Davet sistemi icin ayalari degistir.';
$txt['invite_system_mod_settings_group'] = 'Uye gruplari ayarlarini degistir';
$txt['invite_system_mod_settings_group_desc'] = 'Kisisel uye grubu ayarlarini degistir.';
$txt['invite_system_mod_manage'] = 'Anahtarlari Yonet';
$txt['invite_system_mod_manage_desc'] = 'Butun davetiye anahtarlarini yonet';
$txt['invite_system_mod_generate'] = 'Davetiye Anahtari Yarat';
$txt['invite_system_mod_generate_desc'] = 'Yeni bir davetiye anahtari yarat.';
$txt['invite_system_mod_email'] = 'Email ayarlari';
$txt['invite_system_mod_email_desc'] = 'Email ayarlarini yonet.';

$txt['invite_blank'] = 'Davetiye anahtari bolumunu bos biraktiniz';
$txt['invite_wrong'] = 'Girdiginiz davetiye anahtari yanlis';

$txt['invite'] = 'Davetler';
$txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:';
$txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet';
$txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat';
$txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';

$txt['scheduled_task_invitePrune'] = 'Aktif olmayan anahtarlari sil';
$txt['scheduled_task_desc_invitePrune'] = '7 gunden fazla aktive olmamiz davetiyeleri siler';
$txt['scheduled_task_keyExpire'] = 'Davetiyelerin gecerlilik suresi';
$txt['scheduled_task_desc_keyExpire'] = 'Belli bir sure kullanilmayan davetiyeleri gecersiz kil';
$txt['scheduled_task_keyRenew'] = 'Davetiyelerin yenilenme zamani';
$txt['scheduled_task_desc_keyRenew'] = 'Uyelerin yaratabildigi davetiyeler yeniler..';

$txt['invite_settings_title'] = 'Davet Sistemi Ayarlari';
$txt['invite_enabled'] = 'Davet sistemini aktive et';
$txt['invite_email'] = 'Email ile daveti aktive et';
$txt['invite_email_member'] = 'Anahtari gonder';
$txt['roll_over'] = 'Davetlerin bir sonraki aya gecebilmesine izin ver?';
$txt['key_renew'] = 'Uyelerin daha cok davet anahtarina sahip olabilmesi icin gereken dun sayisi (0 = asla yenileme)';
$txt['key_expire'] = 'Anahtarin kac gun gecerli kalacagi (0 = asla gecersiz olmaz)';
$txt['invite_groups'] = 'HEr grup icin davet sayisi:<br />-1 = limitsiz.';
$txt['invite_reg_page'] = 'Davet numarasi:';
$txt['invite_error'] = 'Hata';
$txt['invite_email_subject'] = 'Email\'inin Konusu';
$txt['invite_email_message'] = 'Email\'inin icerigi<br />
Degisken icerik:<br />
{invitee} = Alici\'nin Adi<br />
{inviter} = Gondern\'nin Adi<br />
{forum} = Forum\'un Adi<br />
{message} = Gonderen\'in aliciya mesaji**<br />
{link} = Kayit sayfasinin linki**<br />
{key} = Davetiye numarasi**<br />
**Konu icerisinde kullanilamaz';
$txt['invite_email_title'] = 'Email ile bir davet gonder';
$txt['invite_email_invalid'] = 'Girdiginiz email adresi gecersiz.';
$txt['invite_email_empty'] = 'Gerekli alani bos biraktiniz. Tekrar deneyin.';
$txt['invite_email_sent'] = 'Kisiye davetiye numarasi basari ile gonderilmistir.';
$txt['invite_email_not_sent'] = 'Davetiyenizi gondermede bir sorun olustu. Admini konuda haberdar ediniz.';
$txt['invite_email_recipient_name'] = 'Alici\'nin Adi';
$txt['invite_email_recipient'] = 'Alici\'nin Emaili';
$txt['invite_email_recipient_message'] = 'Aliciya Mesaj';
$txt['invite_new_key_head'] = 'Yeni Davetiye Anahtrariniz';
$txt['invite_new_key'] = 'Yeni Davetiye Numaraniz:<br /><br />';
$txt['invite_no_key'] = 'Suan icin daha fazla davetiye yaratamazsiniz.<br />Konu ile ilgili Admini haberdar edebilir kendisinden detayli bilgi edinebilirsiniz.';
$txt['invite_system_no_keys'] = 'Henuz davet anahtari yok.';
$txt['invite_system_key_id'] = 'Davet anahtari numarasi';
$txt['invite_system_member_name'] = 'Yaraticinin Ismi';
$txt['invite_system_key'] = 'Anahtar';
$txt['invite_system_status'] = 'Statu';
$txt['invite_system_remove'] = 'Secilenleri Sil';
$txt['invite_system_remove_all'] = 'Hepsini Sil';
$txt['invite_system_change'] = 'Statuyu Degistir';
$txt['invite_system_remove_confirm'] = 'Secili Anahtarlari Silmek Uzeresiniz';
$txt['invite_system_remove_all_confirm'] = 'Butun Anahtarlari Silmek Uzeresiniz';
$txt['invite_system_change_confirm'] = 'Secili anahtarlarin statusunu degistirmek uzeresiniz';
$txt['active'] = 'Aktif';
$txt['nactive'] = 'Aktif Degil';
$txt['save'] = 'Kaydet';
$txt['send'] = 'Gonder';

It was way longer than i thought :)

I am waiting for the update so i can install it. Thank you.



Installation process was good but after installation i cant see the INVITE tab. Its just blank and when you go to invite page it gives this error.
Unknown column 'member_id' in 'where clause'
Dosya: /home/site/public_html/forum/Sources/Invite.php
Satır: 332

When i try to see it in default theme i get message/error on top of the page

//Invitation System Mod $txt['invite'] = 'Davetler'; $txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:'; $txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet'; $txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat'; $txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';    <<<<< Thas Turkish BTW.

Plus i see many blank buttons/spaces in admin panel invite section.

Can you please fix the issues/bugs?
I got many wierd errors.


QuoteI got many wierd errors.
And you only posted one. Are they all the same?


1- i cant see the INVITE tab. Its just blank
2- when you go to invite page it gives this error.
Unknown column 'member_id' in 'where clause'
Dosya: /home/site/public_html/forum/Sources/Invite.php
Satır: 332

3- When i try to see it in default theme i get message/error on top of the page

//Invitation System Mod $txt['invite'] = 'Davetler'; $txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:'; $txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet'; $txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat'; $txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';    <<<<< Thas Turkish BTW.

4- Plus i see many blank buttons/spaces in admin panel invite section.

Can you please fix the issues/bugs?
I got 4 wierd errors :)

Fred Biles

I had these errors when I went to install the mod on SMF 2.0

Under Manage Keys

Database error

Unknown column 'inv.invite_id' in 'field list'
File: /dir/subdir/subsubdir/Sources/Invite.php
Line: 862

Under Generate Invitation Key

Database error

Unknown column 'inv.key' in 'field list'
File: /dir/subdir/subdir/Sources/Invite.php
Line: 922

I had to uninstall it.

I found, using my ftp program that CHMODing my Sources folder to 777 and then reinstalling the mod got rid of the errors. After a recent upgrade to SMF 2.0, most of my other folders were already CHMODed to 777 but not the Sources folder. That did the trick and everything works fine.

One improvement suggestion for the mod. When an admin sets the number of invites they have (for each membergroup), it would be nice to tell them how many they have left during the process.

Also, when a member clicks on the Invite button, then chooses to generate an invite key, they may then see the tab for sending an invite key though email, they may then click on that thinking they are sending the same key when instead they are generating another key. Under the email tab, it if they had already generated a key first, it would be nice if it just used that key.

Thanks for this great mod!


Thanks, this works fine for me on SMF 2.0 final.

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Something is wrong with the Turkish translation. It puts this line on top of every page

//Invitation System Mod $txt['invite'] = 'Davetler'; $txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:'; $txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet'; $txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat'; $txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';

Can somebody help me please? I think there is a bug in the mod in turkish translation.


Quote from: PLAYBOY on June 26, 2011, 09:04:41 PM
Something is wrong with the Turkish translation. It puts this line on top of every page

//Invitation System Mod $txt['invite'] = 'Davetler'; $txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:'; $txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet'; $txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat'; $txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';

Can somebody help me please? I think there is a bug in the mod in turkish translation.

The bug would likely be with the translation file itself, compare the English and Turkish language files and you should find the bad code.

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


ok i found the bug. This code

//Invitation System Mod
$txt['invite'] = 'Davetler';
$txt['invite_key'] = 'Davetiye anahtari:';
$txt['invite_manage'] = 'Davet anahtarlarini yonet';
$txt['invite_generate'] = 'Davet anahtari yarat';
$txt['invite_email_send'] = 'Davetiyeyi email ile gonder';

doesnt get added before the


But it adds it After

So that creates an error and puts the txt off the code, On the screen.


I still get this error though on the invite page on any language...

Database Error
Unknown column 'member_id' in 'where clause'
File: /home/site/public_html/forum/Sources/Invite.php
Line: 332

Can somebody fix these errors/bugs please?

Fred Biles

Quote from: PLAYBOY on June 27, 2011, 01:00:52 PM
I still get this error though on the invite page on any language...

Database Error
Unknown column 'member_id' in 'where clause'
File: /home/site/public_html/forum/Sources/Invite.php
Line: 332

Can somebody fix these errors/bugs please?

Use chmod on the Sources folder and see if it is not 777. If not, unistall the Invitation system, chmod the Sources folder to 777, then reinstall the Invitation system. I had a number of errors and that fixed them for me.
