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R2 RC3 crash

Started by exracer, November 05, 2010, 08:35:50 PM

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had a great forum ,but tried the TP mod and she crashed....tried the repair patch without success I copied all the files of the server onto hard drive and installed R2 RC4 and it works great,,,,my question is there anyways for find and transfer the members and post to the new forum?


You can upgrade the forum you have online, if you still have it on the server as well.
Please upload the upgrade package files (all files inside the SMF 2.0 RC4 upgrade archive) to your server, and run upgrade.php.

Before, however, do make sure to take a backup of your database!
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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


yes I tried that too,,,,,but the forum was really bad and corupted.....aftre 2 weeks of trying to fix..I just deleted and started new and it work great........have the old forum files on a disk.....just wondered if memebers and post? could be transfered to my new online forum?...


How exactly did you try?

I ask because by uploading the entire upgrade package you get exactly new files, 99% of the files are those fresh ones from the installation package. So it's refreshed. The entire forum. Mods and any custom edits are overwritten. I advice to upgrade what you have...

Otherwise, you need to run upgrade anyway, it's the only way to upgrade the database (a part of the process, the RC3 database won't work with RC4 unless it's upgraded first), but it's all more time-consuming:
- to restore the database into the new forum,
- then fix the settings saved in it for the new forum,
- then upload the upgrade.php and sql files from the exact same upgrade package mentioned before,
- and run it - because the database needs upgraded anyway.
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


anyone know where the actual members list is stored on the server?.......I lost about 200 members when my board crashed and would like to see if I can find the list? this possible?..thank you


The members information is mostly stored in the smf_members table, in the SMF database. (the table should actually be named [your_database_prefix_]members).

Did you have a database backup at the time of the crash?

How did your board crash?
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


yes I had most back up.....board was great for a long time...many mods..etc.....but when I tried to install the Tiny portal started installing great then locked up.....after that tons of files corrupt and many missing?.....tried the repair patch ..and even a reinstallto try and  save what I had,,,,but ended up deleteing all files off server and starting over.....sadly I lost all members and posts.... :o


You can restore the backup you had.

Did you remove only the files from the server? Because then, you should still have the database. Take a look in your host's panel, at a section "Databases", and see what databases you may have. Please let us know if you find them.

Then, did you happen to back up the files too? If yes, do you have a file Settings.php in the old backup? It would help.
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


well it seems hopeless.......seems it was installed on SQLite database? and no backups there......thanks again for the help.....have a great day


very few things are really hopeless.

However, if you don't tell us everything we need to know, we won't be able to understand enough the situation, to advice properly.

Did you have a forum installed on SQLite?
You said it was backed up, how exactly was it backed up? What exactly was backed up? Do you have the SQLite database?
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


it was on SQLite and I didnt realize that.....I just saved the actual forum files and cant find any database for SQLite.........thanks again


Well on SQLite it's most likely it would have saved the database as a *.db file in the forum directory.

Quote from: exracer on November 06, 2010, 05:07:49 PM
yes I had most back up.....

How exactly did you make this backup?
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


I just downloaded all the files in the forum folder before i deleted it on the cpanel........have complete forum and it has a smf.db file in there ?.....and a smf_16f3cc716e file?...would they contain the members? or even the posts? from the forum..thank you


Yes, they should. Those are SQLite databases.

One more time, please: how many files *.db are there? Please list their names.
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github


hope this help?.......these are the only  db files are in the forum folder?



there are a bunch in the sources folder though?


Did you reinstall SMF in the exact folder where the old SMF board was?

If yes,
Please make sure you have a copy of your current Settings.php file.

Then, open it in a code editor (like Notepad++ if you're on windows), and replace:
Code (find) Select

$db_type = 'mysql';

Code (replace) Select

$db_type = 'sqlite';

Code (find) Select

$db_name = 'your_mysql_database name';
Code (replace) Select

$db_name = '/your/path/to/smf_6d6b827f87.db';

Then, save and re-upload this Settings.php file in your forum directory.

Then, please upload smf_6d6b827f87.db from your backup copy, in SMF directory on the server.

Then, refresh the page in the forum.
Can you please let us know what happens? What members and posts do you have now?
To-do lists are for deferral. The more things you write down the later they're done... until you have 100s of lists of things you don't do.

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Also known as Norv on D* | Norv N. on G+ | Norv on Github
