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[Solved] Upgrade from 2.0 Beta > 1-1-12

Started by JohnSpera, January 11, 2011, 12:17:31 PM

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Error received was Upgrading holidays and calendar unsuccessful. The only option was "Try Again", and it did not work.

Could this be caused by converting from 2.0 to 1-1-12?



how did you convert from 2.0 to 1.1.12? there is no official method to downgrade from 2.0 to anything.


Well I guess that is my problem.

Some years ago I selected 2.0 for one of my groups. I did not realize the issues that I have encountered using it.

I think I will need to do a fresh install of 1-1-12. Some of our members will then need to re-register. I may be able to select the threads from the old data base and then update the current 1-1-12 database with this information.

Does this conversion plan sound feasible?



there is no real way to salvage the current 2.0 database and EASILY convert it back to 1.1.12. what issues are you having with 2.0 that is making you consider this change?


I was experiencing excessive spider troll activity and my web hosting company shut down my entire site because of it.

I realize converting that particular data base structure will involve selecting the file from a backup and re-writing it appropriately. I am working on a C program to do that at this time. And yes, it will not be easy for me.

I just installed 1-1-12 using another data base on my server. The installation went fine however I am having a problem registering my first user account. It claims that I have an invalid email address and rejects the registration. May I ask what this particular issue could be?

I am on a different computer, the user name and email address are valid and different than my administrative account. Any suggestions?



no idea what your registration issue may be, but i would suggest you take a look at the anti-spam mods and such to control the issues you have and see if they help. the other option is to look for a new host without the same strict requirements that your current host has which could cause future issues for you again.


Thank you for these suggestions. I will evaluate each of them.


Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Downgrading is not supported by the team.

Quote from: JohnSpera on January 11, 2011, 02:40:39 PM
I was experiencing excessive spider troll activity and my web hosting company shut down my entire site because of it.
Exactly what is spider troll activity, and how did your host explain suspending you?
This all sounds very much like you have just selected a very bad host... ::)
"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

How you can help SMF


Well that is one way to look at it.

I have since my original post, upgraded SMF 2.0  beta to SMF 2.0 RC4.

Since you asked why I would want to downgrade to a stable product from RC4, it is based on Your Warnings and my experience with those security issues.

Download SMF 2.0 RC4
Note: As this is in development, we do not recommend running SMF 2.0 RC4 on a production site.

So that, and my experience suggests that my desire to move to a stable [production status] product is no too hard for me to understand.

Now if you can modify RC4 enough so that it could be used for a production site, I would be happy.



rc4 is stable enough to be used but issues could come up, but if you are already using 2.0 branch i would not attempt a downgrade for security alone.


I will do accept that recommendation and will mark this issue as solved.


