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PHP 4.4.0 Compatibility

Started by Ben_S, July 13, 2005, 07:50:22 AM

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Simple Machines is happy to release a compatibility update to Simple Machines Forum 1.0.5. This release addresses a backward compatibility issue with the new release of PHP, 4.4.0, which causes SMF to stop working entirely.

You can easily upgrade in one of the following ways:

  • Use the package manager in your administration center - one click, and you're done.
  • Download the update archive file, and upload all of the files from it.
  • Download the modification file, attached to this message, and modify the files manually according to it.
  • Download the Subs.php file attached to this mesage, and upload it to your Sources directory (if you have no modifications installed.)
  • Find the following in Sources/Subs.php:

    = &mysql_query

    And remove the & (ampersand.)  How do I modify files?

You should install this update as soon as possible if you wish to install it via the package manager, as your forum will become inaccessible if your host upgrades to PHP 4.4.0 without this change, and you will not be able to access the package manager.

If you are using SMF 1.1 Beta 3 Public, you do not need to make any changes.  That version is already compatible with PHP 4.4.0.
Liverpool FC Forum with 14 million+ posts.



Quote from: shock on July 13, 2005, 10:26:08 PM
I take it this is good...

If your host upgraded PHP to 4.4.0, then yes, it's good :).

-Dan The Man




Im using 1.1 Beta 3, but if your host is on 4.3.X would this cause a problem?


This doesn't affect SMF 1.1 Beta 3 Public.  I would recommend the change for anyone using a lower version than that of SMF, because you never know when your host might upgrade.

This change makes it work on both older and newer versions.



Ah thanks, just wondered if my 1.0.5 test break if I done it.

Daniel D.

Quote from: Trekkie101 on July 14, 2005, 03:48:37 AM
Im using 1.1 Beta 3, but if your host is on 4.3.X would this cause a problem?
Please read the first post...


I did, sorry for not being clear. It was 8.48am when I posted.

what I should of said

Im using 1.1 Beta 3 and although it doesnt affect me, will it break 1.0.5 if my host is still running PHP 4.3.X and I execute the changes.

and I got my answer :) (no)

sorry again.


Upgrading now..

I just noticed the new packages header. Very cool :D
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


Hi went like a dream thanks. ;D

Also noticed the change  to the package manager header, very nice 8) 8)


My SMF 2.1 Beta test site;


works great!!!!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


I am a wee bit confused here. My server is running PHP 5.0.2 would the 4.4.0 upgrade have benefit?

Killer Possum

I'm not 100% sure, but you may want to upload the file just incase.


Quote from: Ped on July 15, 2005, 07:02:43 PM
I am a wee bit confused here. My server is running PHP 5.0.2 would the 4.4.0 upgrade have benefit?

No, but PHP 5.0.4 is the latest 5.0x release.
Liverpool FC Forum with 14 million+ posts.


Quote from: Ben_S on July 15, 2005, 07:06:53 PM

No, but PHP 5.0.4 is the latest 5.0x release.

I am a mere "hobbyist reseller"  ;) & the more I learn the more apparent my lack of knowledge is. The version PHP 5 server upgrade came with some problems and BB2 type forums didnt fare too well with it, but SMF stood up well. I was just a little surprised to see that there "may" have been a potential problem.

Thanks for clearing that up  :D



upgraded 3 forums from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 and then installed the patch with no probs ... thanks as usual to the team for being on top of things :)


Nice... and I was starting to get baffled with the fact that my forums would not log me out, not let me into the admin, or much of anything else due to session issues... Turns out, I updated to PHP 4.4.0 earlier this week and didn't notice this thread yet ;)
I know everything, I can't remember it all.


Hi Ben,

in your first post, you talked about attached file and make some modifications..

i just installed the patch trough the package manager with one click.. without making other modifications.. i hope that that's enough..??


Indeed nice header in the admin panel  :P
