Affiliates Category

Started by zarzonis, August 12, 2011, 04:14:30 AM

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Hi guys. I am the admin of a music forum for guitarists mostly and i want to exchange banners with some other music forums so i want to create i category on the bottom of my website after the forum stats that says Affiliates Sites and there put the Affiliates banners


by default you can not put a board/category there.


It isnt necessary to be a board category. I want only something that says Affiliates forums and exactly after that to put the banners. Right now im using ad management mod but i can only put one banner at the bottom


might be easier for you to manually add the code in the templates, you are not going to find a way to add a category or anything similar to the bottom of the board, that i know of.


I found this about simpleportal but i dont know how to do it exactly


if you think simpleportal supports what you want post in their forum or support thread for further help.
