~ Another mod request ~

Started by Hotman, January 14, 2012, 06:20:47 PM

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I have found this useful mod but I dont know how to search about this specially...please give me a hand! I think that they are two mods seperately...  :)


Instead of just showing us a picture and hoping we're going to figure it out ourselves, please can you explain what it is you're trying to achieve?


I didnt said that everyone must help me. If you won't , it's simple dont do it ...  :-\


No, you asked for help. I'd love to help but I don't want to waste half an hour asking ever more pointless questions when you could take 5 minutes to explain what you're hoping to achieve.


I am searching about hiding the post , but it is something special, i searched before but without results... I didnt find what I am looking for


Finally, we're getting somewhere. So you want to hide a post. All the post, some of the post? What makes it possible for people to see the post? Do they have to reply, have a number of posts, have a certain reputation, what?


Quote from: arrowtotheknee on January 14, 2012, 06:46:07 PM
Finally, we're getting somewhere. So you want to hide a post. All the post, some of the post? What makes it possible for people to see the post? Do they have to reply, have a number of posts, have a certain reputation, what?

yes exactly ,
if i hide something then they must

login or reply or karma or posts     

"x" amount  ---> (karma/ posts )


You found a version that's YEARS old and won't be able to work without being rewritten from scratch.

Well, going to the mod page and typing 'hide post' and looking through the results would have found you http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=118 in the end which is the solution to your problem (yes, even though it says it's for 2.0 not 2.0.2 it will work just fine on 2.0.2, especially if you read http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/How_can_install_a_mod_that_doesn%27t_work_in_my_SMF_version )

However, there is something else to consider, which is the sort of reason I stop to ask such questions in the first place.

What are you hoping to achieve? That people will post more just to see your content? That you'll boost posting?

Oh, you might well achieve those things, but I guarantee you, you'll get bad posts instead of no posts, because that's how it works, how it always has worked and no doubt always will.

Let's break down those things and see what will happen.

* Have to be logged in to post.
All that it means is that users who are already members will just stay logged in forever, no foul to them, they don't even realise they have to do anything else. For users who aren't already members, most of them will just go elsewhere, because it's not like there isn't more of the same kind of content elsewhere on the internet. You search Google, you'll find it somewhere else, and the prospective member will be gone before you even realise they were there. (And search engines can't index it either.)

* Have to reply
Reply to a post you haven't seen... brilliant. How do you answer a question where you don't know what the question is? How do you comment on something you can't see? Answer: you don't. What always happens is that users write a bland, pointless one word or one sentence answer so they can see the content, and move on, they don't generally come back and actually *talk* about it.

You get more posts, but you get posts full of 'great' or 'great thanks for posting' type answers. Probably not what you're hoping for.

* Have to have a certain amount of karma/reputation
Forums that have karma requirements for anything almost always spawn a section whereby people just post begging for karma just so they can see this content. Unless you're specifically trying to encourage people to post like the comments on YouTube that are just begging to be upvoted (and not actual discussion), this is also a waste of time.

* Having post requirements to do things
What happens is that users go away and post meaningless rubbish posts (compared to their usual content) specifically to make the barrier go away.

Bottom line: everything you do to 'beat your customers with a stick' to 'encourage' them to do things will not encourage them to post good content, no matter what your forum is about.


Quote from: arrowtotheknee on January 14, 2012, 07:03:06 PM
You found a version that's YEARS old and won't be able to work without being rewritten from scratch.

Well, going to the mod page and typing 'hide post' and looking through the results would have found you http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=118 in the end which is the solution to your problem (yes, even though it says it's for 2.0 not 2.0.2 it will work just fine on 2.0.2, especially if you read http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/How_can_install_a_mod_that_doesn%27t_work_in_my_SMF_version )

However, there is something else to consider, which is the sort of reason I stop to ask such questions in the first place.

What are you hoping to achieve? That people will post more just to see your content? That you'll boost posting?

Oh, you might well achieve those things, but I guarantee you, you'll get bad posts instead of no posts, because that's how it works, how it always has worked and no doubt always will.

Let's break down those things and see what will happen.

* Have to be logged in to post.
All that it means is that users who are already members will just stay logged in forever, no foul to them, they don't even realise they have to do anything else. For users who aren't already members, most of them will just go elsewhere, because it's not like there isn't more of the same kind of content elsewhere on the internet. You search Google, you'll find it somewhere else, and the prospective member will be gone before you even realise they were there. (And search engines can't index it either.)

* Have to reply
Reply to a post you haven't seen... brilliant. How do you answer a question where you don't know what the question is? How do you comment on something you can't see? Answer: you don't. What always happens is that users write a bland, pointless one word or one sentence answer so they can see the content, and move on, they don't generally come back and actually *talk* about it.

You get more posts, but you get posts full of 'great' or 'great thanks for posting' type answers. Probably not what you're hoping for.

* Have to have a certain amount of karma/reputation
Forums that have karma requirements for anything almost always spawn a section whereby people just post begging for karma just so they can see this content. Unless you're specifically trying to encourage people to post like the comments on YouTube that are just begging to be upvoted (and not actual discussion), this is also a waste of time.

* Having post requirements to do things
What happens is that users go away and post meaningless rubbish posts (compared to their usual content) specifically to make the barrier go away.

Bottom line: everything you do to 'beat your customers with a stick' to 'encourage' them to do things will not encourage them to post good content, no matter what your forum is about.

thanks my friend I will choose this one  ;)


*shrug* Don't say I didn't warn you about the consequences for your community. I hope it works out for you, though I suspect you'll be no different to the countless other sites I've seen that tried it and subsequently failed.
