Faster parsesmileys

Started by Joshua Dickerson, October 14, 2009, 06:02:30 PM

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Joshua Dickerson

Someone noticed that ") or >) or <) would break the smileys. Easy but hacky solution created. If anyone wants to take this over and update the mod package, feel free to.

// Parse smileys in the passed message.
function parse_smileys(&$message)
global $modSettings, $txt, $user_info, $context, $smcFunc;
static $smileyarray = array();

// No smiley set at all?!
if ($user_info['smiley_set'] == 'none' || trim($message) == '')

// If the smiley array hasn't been set, do it now.
if (empty($smileyarray))
// Small fix because entities are getting messed up
$smileyarray = array(
'&quot;' => '&quot;',
'&apos;' => '&apos;', // &apos; shouldn't happen, but just in case
'&#039;' => '&#039;',
'&lt;' => '&lt;',
'&gt;' => '&gt;',
'&amp;' => '&amp;',

// Use the default smileys if it is disabled. (better for "portability" of smileys.)
if (empty($modSettings['smiley_enable']))
$smileysfrom = array('>:D', ':D', '::)', '>:(', ':))', ':)', ';)', ';D', ':(', ':o', '8)', ':P', '???', ':-[', ':-X', ':-*', ':\'(', ':-\\', '^-^', 'O0', 'C:-)', '0:)');
$smileysto = array('evil.gif', 'cheesy.gif', 'rolleyes.gif', 'angry.gif', 'laugh.gif', 'smiley.gif', 'wink.gif', 'grin.gif', 'sad.gif', 'shocked.gif', 'cool.gif', 'tongue.gif', 'huh.gif', 'embarrassed.gif', 'lipsrsealed.gif', 'kiss.gif', 'cry.gif', 'undecided.gif', 'azn.gif', 'afro.gif', 'police.gif', 'angel.gif');
$smileysdescs = array('', $txt['icon_cheesy'], $txt['icon_rolleyes'], $txt['icon_angry'], '', $txt['icon_smiley'], $txt['icon_wink'], $txt['icon_grin'], $txt['icon_sad'], $txt['icon_shocked'], $txt['icon_cool'], $txt['icon_tongue'], $txt['icon_huh'], $txt['icon_embarrassed'], $txt['icon_lips'], $txt['icon_kiss'], $txt['icon_cry'], $txt['icon_undecided'], '', '', '', '');
// Load the smileys in reverse order by length so they don't get parsed wrong.
if (($temp = cache_get_data('parsing_smileys', 480)) == null)
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT code, filename, description
FROM {db_prefix}smileys',
$smileysfrom = array();
$smileysto = array();
$smileysdescs = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
$smileysfrom[] = $row['code'];
$smileysto[] = $row['filename'];
$smileysdescs[] = $row['description'];

cache_put_data('parsing_smileys', array($smileysfrom, $smileysto, $smileysdescs), 480);
list ($smileysfrom, $smileysto, $smileysdescs) = $temp;

foreach ($smileysfrom as $i => $from)
$smileyCode = '<img src="' . $modSettings['smileys_url'] . '/' . $user_info['smiley_set'] . '/' . $smileysto[$i] . '" alt="' . htmlentities($from) . '" title="' . htmlentities($smileysdescs[$i]) . '" class="smiley" />';

$smileyarray[$from] = $smileyCode;
if ($from != ($specialChars = htmlspecialchars($from, ENT_QUOTES)))
$smileyarray[$specialChars] = $smileyCode;

// Replace away!
$message = strtr($message, $smileyarray);

Edit: Stupid numerical entity (&#039;)

BTW, if you have anything that is getting incorrectly translated to a smiley, just add it to that list. If you make it the same key and value, like I did, it just effectively skips it.
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