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Automatic Newsletter for SMF2

Started by HoverClub, March 31, 2012, 12:54:12 PM

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Cat McFarlane

Quote from: HoverClub on September 04, 2013, 03:12:59 AM
Check Admin->Maintenance->Scheduled Tasks->Task Log for Newsletter entries. 
Check Admin->Maintenance->Mail->Enable Mail Queue is set
Check Admin->Maintenance->Mail->Browse Queue and check there aren't more than a handful of messages in the queue.

Thanks so much, HoverClub  :) I've checked the settings and attached pictures. There have been issues with mail not getting through. Only announcements/inbuilt news get through via email it seems, although briefly I was getting general emails through eg new member waiting approval, posts etc. Am with namecheap. Spent a lot of time in chat about mail, but only briefly was I getting general emails through, however hard they tried to fix the email issue.


Sorry but if your email system isn't working properly then this mod isn't going to magically fix that.  Get email fixed and this mod will work perfectly (hint: set Mail Type to PHP default - it isn't going to work as SMTP unless you enter all of correct details below it).

Cat McFarlane

Quote from: HoverClub on September 10, 2013, 10:45:51 AM
Sorry but if your email system isn't working properly then this mod isn't going to magically fix that.  Get email fixed and this mod will work perfectly (hint: set Mail Type to PHP default - it isn't going to work as SMTP unless you enter all of correct details below it).

Thanks so much Hovercraft. Yes, had started to realise it must be the mail issues, as the mod otherwise installed and is working great. Spoke with namecheap for about 2 weeks about mail, and still didn't fix, despite big efforts from them, so I'll get into chat with them again, to ask more about php as default. I know it was set on that at one point, but from reading around it seems using a gmail email causes issues with forwarding, although it did suddenly work briefly on smtp settings. I got from that that it can actually work, but have no idea why it started or stopped working. What really puzzles me is that announcements I send out manually get through to email no problem. :o 
Thanks  :)


I would suggest that if your current host can't fix a (relatively) simple mail issue then maybe you should be looking to host elsewhere?

Cat McFarlane

Quote from: HoverClub on September 12, 2013, 01:28:59 PM
I would suggest that if your current host can't fix a (relatively) simple mail issue then maybe you should be looking to host elsewhere?

Not sure what to do about that, as I don't know anywhere better than namecheap ... first domain/hosting/forum, so a bit new to all this, lol


Try reading THIS.  IMHO you get what you pay for most of the time.  In my experience, small hosting companies generally give better service when things get "difficult".

Cat McFarlane

Quote from: HoverClub on September 12, 2013, 01:38:36 PM
Try reading THIS.  IMHO you get what you pay for most of the time.  In my experience, small hosting companies generally give better service when things get "difficult".

Thank you very much for the link. Will have a good read. Much appreciate.  :)


Thanks nice mod
when Update dont forget portugues files

<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.portuguese_pt.php" error="skip">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_title'] = 'Newsletter ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_subscribe'] = 'subscrever';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_subscribed'] = ' As pessoas est&atilde;o subscritas';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_unsubscribe'] = 'Desinscrever';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_preview'] = 'Visualiza&ccedil;&atilde;o newsletter';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_email'] = 'Endere&ccedil;o de email: ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_week'] = '  Semanal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_fort'] = '  Quinzenal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_month'] = '  Mensal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_noemail'] = 'Sinto muito, mas esse endere&ccedil;o de e-mail n&atilde;o foi encontrado na lista de inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o. Por favor, tente novamente. ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_bademail'] = 'Sinto muito, mas isso n&atilde;o parece ser um endere&ccedil;o de e-mail v&aacute;lido. Por favor, tente novamente. ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_donesub'] = 'Voc&ecirc; se inscreveu com sucesso para o ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_doneunsub'] = 'Voc&ecirc; deixar&aacute; de receber o ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_done'] = 'de volta';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_next'] = '  - due on ';

$txt['newsltr_subscribe'] = 'Subscreva a newsletter: <br /><span class="smalltext">Voc&ecirc; pode alterar suas op&ccedil;&otilde;es de inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o em qualquer momento na p&aacute;gina principal do f&oacute;rum.</span>';

$txt['newsltr_news'] = 'Incluir o item mais recente fader notícias:<br /><span class= "smalltext">A exibi&ccedil;&atilde;o fader notícia n&atilde;o tem que estar habilitado para incluir notícias.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_events'] = 'Incluir eventos do calend&aacute;rio:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Calendar deve estar habilitado - o n&uacute;mero de eventos incluídos é definido pelo <i>Max dias de anteced&ecirc;ncia no índice do f&oacute;rum </i> nas configura&ccedil;&otilde;es do Calend&aacute;rio de Admin.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_topic_count'] = 'N&uacute;mero de t&oacute;pico títulos/links para incluir (max. 50):<br /><span class= "smalltext">Sdefinido para 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quiser temas a serem incluídos no boletim.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_video_count'] = 'N&uacute;mero de vídeos para incluir (max: 20):<br /><span class= "smalltext">&Uacute;ltimos links de vídeo do YouTube - definido como 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quiser incluir vídeos.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_picture_count'] = 'Nuacute;mero de galeria de fotos para incluir (max: 20):<br /><span class= "smalltext">&Uacute;ltimas imagens da Galeria SMF - definido como 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quer fotos para ser incluído.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_cats'] = 'N&atilde;o incluem fotos dessas categorias Galeria:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rias categorias.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_position'] = 'Coloque assinar/cancelar bot&otilde;es abaixo da lista do quadro:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Se claro, ent&atilde;o, os bot&otilde;es subscribe/unsubscribe aparecer&aacute; acima da lista do quadro.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_register_subscribe'] = 'Mostrar Newsletter subscrever op&ccedil;&atilde;o durante a inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o <br /><span class="smalltext">Se definidoos utilizadores ser&atilde;o capazes de subscrever a newsletter durante o registo no f&oacute;rum.</span>';

$txt['newsltr_stats'] = 'Include forum statistics:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Inclui o total de poste, t&oacute;pico e membro conta.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_allow_guest'] = 'Permitir que os convidados para subscrever';
$txt['newsltr_use_perms'] = 'Usar permiss&otilde;es para clientes:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Se definido, o boletim ir&aacute; incluir apenas títulos de t&oacute;picos e vídeos que o h&oacute;spede tem permiss&atilde;o para ler - se deixou claro, ent&atilde;o, ele pode incluir links para t&oacute;picos que um convidado pode n&atilde;o ser capaz de ver totalmente.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_boards'] = 'N&atilde;o incluir t&oacute;picos de estes Quadros:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rios quadros.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_vboards'] = 'N&atilde;o incluir vídeos deste quadro:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rias quadros.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_includeall'] = 'Inclua todas as';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_delmail'] = 'Eliminar um destinat&aacute;rio da lista de discuss&atilde;o.';

// email text
$txt['newsltr_email_header'] = 'Newsletter do %s';
$txt['newsltr_email_unsub'] = '<div class="smalltext">Para sair deste newsletter, por favor <a href="'. $scripturl . '?action=NewsSubscribe;unsubscribe;email=%s">clique aqui</a><>';
$txt['newsltr_email_news'] = '&Uacute;ltimas Notícias:';
$txt['newsltr_email_posts'] = '&Uacute;ltimos Postes:';
$txt['newsltr_email_events'] = 'Pr&oacute;ximos Eventos:';
$txt['newsltr_email_pictures'] = 'Ultimas imagens:';
$txt['newsltr_email_videos'] = '&Uacute;ltimos Vídeos:';
$txt['newsltr_email_style'] = '#content{padding-left: 20px; margin: 0 auto; font: 78%/130% "Verdana","Arial","Helvetica",sans-serif; color: #444444; empty-cells: show;} #header {text-align:center;} table { width:100%;border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;border-right: 1px solid #fff; padding: 3px; } thead { background: #a7b9cd; color: #ffffff; } .subject { background-color: #F0F4F7;color: #000000;} .smalltext { font-size: 0.9em;} .icon { text-align: center; background-color: #E7EAEF; } .date { background-color: #F0F4F7; color:green;} td { padding: 3px;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff;} h2 { margin: 4px; text-align:center;} .picture {text-align:center;padding:5px;background-color:#dedAdF;} .video {text-align:center;width:135px;padding:5px;background-color:#dedAdF;} .vimage {box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); -moz-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); -webkit-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);}  .pimage {box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); -moz-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); -webkit-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);}';


<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.portuguese_pt-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_title'] = 'Newsletter ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_subscribe'] = 'subscrever';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_subscribed'] = ' As pessoas est&atilde;o subscritas';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_unsubscribe'] = 'Desinscrever';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_preview'] = 'Visualiza&ccedil;&atilde;o newsletter';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_email'] = 'Endere&ccedil;o de email: ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_week'] = '  Semanal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_fort'] = '  Quinzenal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_month'] = '  Mensal';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_noemail'] = 'Sinto muito, mas esse endere&ccedil;o de e-mail n&atilde;o foi encontrado na lista de inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o. Por favor, tente novamente. ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_bademail'] = 'Sinto muito, mas isso n&atilde;o parece ser um endere&ccedil;o de e-mail v&aacute;lido. Por favor, tente novamente. ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_donesub'] = 'Voc&ecirc; se inscreveu com sucesso para o ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_doneunsub'] = 'Voc&ecirc; deixar&aacute; de receber o ';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_done'] = 'de volta';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_next'] = '  - due on ';

$txt['newsltr_subscribe'] = 'Subscreva a newsletter: <br /><span class="smalltext">Voc&ecirc; pode alterar suas op&ccedil;&otilde;es de inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o em qualquer momento na p&aacute;gina principal do f&oacute;rum.</span>';

$txt['newsltr_news'] = 'Incluir o item mais recente fader notícias:<br /><span class= "smalltext">A exibi&ccedil;&atilde;o fader notícia n&atilde;o tem que estar habilitado para incluir notícias.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_events'] = 'Incluir eventos do calend&aacute;rio:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Calendar deve estar habilitado - o n&uacute;mero de eventos incluídos é definido pelo <i>Max dias de anteced&ecirc;ncia no índice do f&oacute;rum </i> nas configura&ccedil;&otilde;es do Calend&aacute;rio de Admin.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_topic_count'] = 'N&uacute;mero de t&oacute;pico títulos/links para incluir (max. 50):<br /><span class= "smalltext">Sdefinido para 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quiser temas a serem incluídos no boletim.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_video_count'] = 'N&uacute;mero de vídeos para incluir (max: 20):<br /><span class= "smalltext">&Uacute;ltimos links de vídeo do YouTube - definido como 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quiser incluir vídeos.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_picture_count'] = 'Nuacute;mero de galeria de fotos para incluir (max: 20):<br /><span class= "smalltext">&Uacute;ltimas imagens da Galeria SMF - definido como 0 ou deixe em branco se voc&ecirc; n&atilde;o quer fotos para ser incluído.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_cats'] = 'N&atilde;o incluem fotos dessas categorias Galeria:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rias categorias.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_position'] = 'Coloque assinar/cancelar bot&otilde;es abaixo da lista do quadro:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Se claro, ent&atilde;o, os bot&otilde;es subscribe/unsubscribe aparecer&aacute; acima da lista do quadro.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_register_subscribe'] = 'Mostrar Newsletter subscrever op&ccedil;&atilde;o durante a inscri&ccedil;&atilde;o <br /><span class="smalltext">Se definidoos utilizadores ser&atilde;o capazes de subscrever a newsletter durante o registo no f&oacute;rum.</span>';

$txt['newsltr_stats'] = 'Include forum statistics:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Inclui o total de poste, t&oacute;pico e membro conta.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_allow_guest'] = 'Permitir que os convidados para subscrever';
$txt['newsltr_use_perms'] = 'Usar permiss&otilde;es para clientes:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Se definido, o boletim ir&aacute; incluir apenas títulos de t&oacute;picos e vídeos que o h&oacute;spede tem permiss&atilde;o para ler - se deixou claro, ent&atilde;o, ele pode incluir links para t&oacute;picos que um convidado pode n&atilde;o ser capaz de ver totalmente.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_boards'] = 'N&atilde;o incluir t&oacute;picos de estes Quadros:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rios quadros.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_exclude_vboards'] = 'N&atilde;o incluir vídeos deste quadro:<br /><span class= "smalltext">Use Ctrl ou Shift para selecionar v&aacute;rias quadros.</span>';
$txt['newsltr_includeall'] = 'Inclua todas as';
$txt['newsubscribe_mod_delmail'] = 'Eliminar um destinat&aacute;rio da lista de discuss&atilde;o.';

// email text
$txt['newsltr_email_header'] = 'Newsletter do %s';
$txt['newsltr_email_unsub'] = '<div class="smalltext">Para sair deste newsletter, por favor <a href="'. $scripturl . '?action=NewsSubscribe;unsubscribe;email=%s">clique aqui</a><>';
$txt['newsltr_email_news'] = '&Uacute;ltimas Notícias:';
$txt['newsltr_email_posts'] = '&Uacute;ltimos Postes:';
$txt['newsltr_email_events'] = 'Pr&oacute;ximos Eventos:';
$txt['newsltr_email_pictures'] = 'Ultimas imagens:';
$txt['newsltr_email_videos'] = '&Uacute;ltimos Vídeos:';
$txt['newsltr_email_style'] = '#content{padding-left: 20px; margin: 0 auto; font: 78%/130% "Verdana","Arial","Helvetica",sans-serif; color: #444444; empty-cells: show;} #header {text-align:center;} table { width:100%;border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;border-right: 1px solid #fff; padding: 3px; } thead { background: #a7b9cd; color: #ffffff; } .subject { background-color: #F0F4F7;color: #000000;} .smalltext { font-size: 0.9em;} .icon { text-align: center; background-color: #E7EAEF; } .date { background-color: #F0F4F7; color:green;} td { padding: 3px;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; border-right: 1px solid #fff;} h2 { margin: 4px; text-align:center;} .picture {text-align:center;padding:5px;background-color:#dedAdF;} .video {text-align:center;width:135px;padding:5px;background-color:#dedAdF;} .vimage {box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); -moz-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); -webkit-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);}  .pimage {box-shadow: 2px 2px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); -moz-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); -webkit-box-shadow: 2 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);}';



FANTASTIC MOD!!  Something I needed and didn't know it till I found it!

I installed it and it seems to be working well.  However, I'm getting tons of errors in the log:

Type of error: Undefined
8: Undefined index: newsltr_allow_guest
File: /home4/bobrekus/public_html/Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php
Line: 106 

This is line 106 of BoardIndex.template.php
(!$context['user']['is_guest'] OR ($context['user']['is_guest'] AND $modSettings['newsltr_allow_guest']))

Your help is much appreciated!


Check the "allow guest to subscribe" option is available in the Mod settings.  Other than that I've no idea (maybe uninstall and re-install?) as it's a mod setting in the database so must be present!?!


Hi Hoverclub,

This is a great mod, thank you for your efforts.  :)

It installed fine and I can see where members and guests can subscribe. If I put the SUBSCRIBE at the bottom of the forum it is fine, but if I uncheck the box and put it at the top of the forum it loads 3 times. 

The other glitch I've found is when I ask it generate a preview of the newsletter I goes to a dead link. Can you advise anything I should look to rectify or change to fix this? I'm thinking the newsletter will probably still work as described, but just can't preview it?

Thank you for any advice you can offer.

Kind Regards,



3 times means you've probably ignored the uninstall warning twice (or maybe not selected the correct theme(s))?  Edit the BoardIndex.template.php file in all your themes and remove two of this:
if (!empty($modSettings['newsltr_position']))
echo $news_ltr .

If the preview doesn't  work then disable compression in Admin->Configuration->Server Settings.


Quote from: HoverClub on October 18, 2013, 10:15:33 AM
3 times means you've probably ignored the uninstall warning twice (or maybe not selected the correct theme(s))?  Edit the BoardIndex.tempalte.php file in all your themes and remove two of this:
if (!empty($modSettings['newsltr_position']))
echo $news_ltr .

That fixed that problem, thank you.  8)

If the preview doesn't  work then disable compression in Admin->Configuration->Server Settings.

Doing that half broke my forum... I ended up with a whole stack of code at the top of the page above the forum header. I was able to turn the compression back on, which restored it......

Kind Regards,



Turning off compression shouldn't have any noticeable affect - I'd look a bit closer as there may be other issues (nothing to do with this mod).  If the preview isn't showing then the newsletter won't show either.


Thanks Hoverclub.  ;) Yes, it looked like I had a couple of code issues, thanks to smfhacks it's been resolved & appears to be setup correctly now.

I think this is an absolutely fanstastic mod.  8)

A couple of questions?
- Is there a way admin can see the list of subscribed email addresses and/or members subscribed?
- In the preview it looks to grab youtube videos just fine, I'm wondering if the newsletter can also grab vimeo videos that have been inserted into topics?
- And finally, do you think there could be a way to have stand alone subscribe page that you can link to from say farcebook, or another website?

Many thanks.


1. Not currently.

2. Could be done but not in the near future (YT has 50 times the traffic of Vimeo so not a high priority I'm afraid  :().

3. You could easily make one by using SSI.php and the subscribe portal block code supplied with this mod (see package) - or just link to the page that has the subscribe option on it already.


Quote from: HoverClub on October 31, 2013, 08:21:55 AM
1. Not currently.

2. Could be done but not in the near future (YT has 50 times the traffic of Vimeo so not a high priority I'm afraid  :().

3. You could easily make one by using SSI.php and the subscribe portal block code supplied with this mod (see package) - or just link to the page that has the subscribe option on it already.

Thank You HoverClub.

1- would be useful in future versions.
2- Understand & agree. I have (for some reason) an increasing amount of members using vimeo.... (rolls eyes). Don't know why...???
3 - That's a bit over my head so will leave it as it is.

Thanks for a fantastic mod & for your support. 

Kind Regards,



I have 3 questions if ou dont mind:

I really suck at CSS, HTML and stuff like that but I guess I did a good job

My questions are:

1º - Is it possible to center the news and the statistics?
2º - Where can I change the links color, that blue makes my eyes burn :P
3º - Is it possible to move the statistics to the bottom after the movies?

Thank you very much


You need to know how to use CSS - the mod just uses the basic SMF theme stylesheet.  Keep practising  ;)

And you can't change the order of the sections without editing the mod PHP files.


ah, so I need to change in the SMF Curve theme in order to change in the Newsletter?

already found it ;D

also, another think I just notice, the logo only appear when Im using the SMF Default Theme, my Theme doenst have the logo option under theme definitions, is there a way to use the theme in the Curve 2.0 theme?

thank you very much for ur help
