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Some updates on SMF 2.1

Started by emanuele, September 02, 2012, 04:39:44 PM

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Quote from: Arantor on April 25, 2013, 01:25:05 PM
Because Settings.php shouldn't be updated on a current deployment with the master copies. In theory you should be able to perform an install then sync the repo and (mostly) keep updated that way.
Gotcha. Makes sense.   I was wondering as to why since i am brand spanking new to github. lol


It's not just how it is in the Github repo, it's how it was done back in the old SVN days too.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Im not diggin' the text shadows. That's so 2010 lol


I've just installed 2.1 and have been playing with it this morning, so I thought I would share my initial thoughts.

I really like the floating sub-menus on the admin side bar.  I was also impressed that when I installed a mod, the install option on the Browse Packages list said "Install emulating 2.0".  Nice one  8)

You've used the same "last post" icon from fugue that I independently chose for ChalkCat!  Now I know I didn't copy my choice from 2.1 because I've only just seen it.  I obviously tweaked the colour to match my theme but here's mine   :laugh:

I did miss the little toggle for the sidebar, but I suppose once the preference is set in look and layout, users are unlikely to need to keep toggling it, so perhaps it's no great loss... it didn't take up much room though.

As for the autosaving drafts, they're not working for me either, but I haven't checked over on the Github bug report area yet.  I'm inclined to agree about the text shadows, but I guess that's something the themers can easily change.  They're certainly not ugly, just subject to personal taste  :)


Drafts auto saving nicely now thanks to Illori drawing my attention to this topic and the individual setting in profile > look & layout, which I had completely missed  :)

Yes I'm liking it  :D

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Quote from: ChalkCat on April 27, 2013, 09:47:49 AM
Drafts auto saving nicely now thanks to Illori drawing my attention to this topic and the individual setting in profile > look & layout, which I had completely missed  :)

Yes I'm liking it  :D

I think it is a setting a lot of users have or will miss or be aware of its existence.It's a great function but perhaps should be a universal setting rather than a user profile setting. I don't know of many users of many forums who bother to check what settings they can change in their profile once they have registered.
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I think the only change needed is that the setting should be enabled by default, with the setting in profiles giving users the option to disable it if they choose.  Otherwise I can see it being one of the most asked support questions of 2.1.


Oh I LOVE the smiley popup!!!!  :D :D :D

Is there any reason why my new 2.1 install appears to run more slowly than my live 2.0.4 forum running on the same server?  Or is it just the blue screen I get while I'm waiting that gives that impression?


What is going to be new in 2.1?

Probably you answered this before, if so, a suggestion is adding that info to the first post or something.
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I'd like to know what the full list of what's supposed to be in 2.1 is too.
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Thanks, but that wasn't quite what I asked. I know what the *current* differences are. I'd like to know what the intended full list of changes is supposed to be ;)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Maybe it's better that we don't know.  I jest to certain extent when I say that, but given the slightly controversial nature of some the changes (e.g. hover), perhaps it's better to be kept in the dark ;).
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Quote from: Arantor on May 02, 2013, 07:24:58 AM
Thanks, but that wasn't quite what I asked. I know what the *current* differences are. I'd like to know what the intended full list of changes is supposed to be ;)
Yep, that was (mostly) the intended, then the current list is a bit longer and lacks a couple of things that were planned (namely a mobile theme and better dealing with file permissions...oh and support for openID 2.0), plus the usual bug fixings.

To put it in context (i.e. those are just few things, are you sure it was just that for a release?) 2.1 was intended as a "quick release", to be ready (production wise, so including beta and RC stages) by the end of 2012, so 4/6 months development and 6/8 months of testing.

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Notices this today and its also on 2.0  When clicking Unread Posts and Updated Topics (with no replies or new topics)...

It shows: No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics. for both.

Shouldnt be No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics. and No unread replies found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread replies. ?

See the difference? 'topics' and 'replies'?


Bugs should go in Bug Reports. :P (BTW I think has been reported a while ago, try searching there.)

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Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
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2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


Quote from: emanuele on May 04, 2013, 10:33:21 AM
Bugs should go in Bug Reports. :P (BTW I think has been reported a while ago, try searching there.)
Oh right on! ;)


Where can we get support if needed.
I tried installing and everything went great up to step 3. When it comes to make the tables.
I get this error
QuoteTable 'skinsn_smf.smf_settings' doesn't exist
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If you encounter a bug feel free to report it in Bug Reports or at github.

In that specific case the bug has already been reported and this is the fix I proposed.

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The only problem I see with that is that I'm not sure $_POST['reg_mode'] is still available at that precise moment in time; if it's set for ForumSettings() to read it, IIRC it won't be passed through for DatabasePopulation() to handle it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
