Anoymous hacking tip off

Started by Silvershark78, January 03, 2013, 05:32:04 PM

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If you don't have 100% trust in someone then they shouldn't have admin permissions. It is as simple as that. It doesn't matter how nice they are or how truthful they appear, if you don't know them and their integrity level then don't put the keys in their hand.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.



no you misunderstood a little. He is and always was a mod. The other girl was an admin. doesn't mean they didnt work together. Its hard to imagine that peeople that have grown with me in this hobby may have screwed me
Still have lots to learn

The Craw

That is of course assuming that they were behind it.


of course. and my log entries are set to delete after 30 days I believe, maybe 60. I forget. So that explains that
what is everyone's opinion on badbehavior mod? Does it cause problems or does it zap legitimate spam
Still have lots to learn


It does keep spam out but it should not be used as the sole measure. There were issues, some time ago, with it blocking paid subscription notices, but I don't recall if they were ever fixed or not.


I disabled paid subsciptions for now until this si sorted out
Still have lots to learn


Check with BB's author if he ever fixed it in the integration; BB would block the IPN notices from PayPal.
