[SOLVED] Re: 1.1.x > 2.0.2 upgrade problems

Started by hiddenlimits, February 18, 2013, 03:41:46 PM

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I am trying to upgrade from version 1.1.18 to 2.0.4 and I am having similar issues from post #33 in this thread http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=478934.msg3375745#msg3375745 and on.

I captured the AJAX responses within upgrade.php using Firebug and the first error was "Duplicate key name 'IP'", and I resolved that by removing the smf_log_errors.IP index. Then I got a "Duplicate key name 'ID_MEMBER'" and I resolved that by removing the smf_themes.ID_MEMBER primary key. Then I got the "Table 'smf_personal_messages' already exists" error and that's where the thread pretty much stops.

Self Hosted
MySQL version 5.5
PHP 5.4
Upgrading from the browser

Any ideas on how best to upgrade the DB? I am currently running the upgrade on a test environment that mimics the production one and can set up another environment if needed.


Welcome to the ol' forum, hiddenlimits!

I split your post from the other topic, because that one had been marked as being solved. So, nobody was likely to read it. I also edited your post, to show a link to the posts you mentioned.


Thanks! I wasn't sure where to post. I was just put in charge of our forum so I'll probably be around here more.


Good to have you around, matey!

Can you do everyone a favour and give us as much information, here, that you can get your hands on, with this?

It looks a bit... well... horrible, to me. :(


Haha I know, at least the last one was solved so there is hope! The last guy ended up sending it off to emanuele to fix though, so I don't know what sort of sorcery was done.

It looks like we have some anti-spam/bot mods added, but nothing too major. If you can think of anything else to add I can.


Bugger. My experience of self-hosting is a tiny bit above zero, I'm afraid. I keep meaning to set one up, but it's finding the time. :(

Is everything "Ownership" set correctly?

As you're working in a test environment, what happens, if you delete the 'smf_personal_messages' table?

(This is "trial and error" time, for me. So, forgive me if I type utter bollox, woncha?) ;)


No worries. Ownership should be correct and is set to our webserver user.

If I do that I get:
Can't find file: './database_name/smf_instant_messages.frm'


I ended up going through the upgrade sql files and commenting out the lines that were throwing errors, which there were quite a few, but I finally made it through and it looks like it worked. It's almost as if the script was run through before because most of the errors were about duplicate keys, nonexistent columns, etc. when it tried to run though the script again.

I'll test the functionality in the morning and follow-up with a comment.


Yea, not sure what caused the problem, could have been something on our end. Everything seems to check out though! Thanks for the help, I'm sure I'll be around more often as I get to know SMF.

btw, setting up a self-hosting box is free and easy. Just watch a youtube video or two on how to install an Ubuntu LAMP Server onto VirtualBox.  You can work through the installation process in the background while you work on something else, then once it is ready you just start the virtual server and access it via your browser whenever you want to test something out.


I'm kinda edging towards something. But, it's getting the time to take the plunge, at the moment.

I'm kept quite busy, here. ;)


Quote from: hiddenlimits on February 19, 2013, 12:03:33 PM
Yea, not sure what caused the problem, could have been something on our end. Everything seems to check out though! Thanks for the help, I'm sure I'll be around more often as I get to know SMF.

I ended up using the solution in this thread:

