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Stage6 BBCode v1.3

Started by karlbenson, October 28, 2007, 08:23:21 PM

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For SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0 Beta x

A modification for the use of [stage6][/stage6] bbcode to embed Stage6 videos into posts.

Its the ultimate friendly stage6 mod, supporting various link formats , safely and securely parsing the information for the piece of mind of forum admins.

o Adds a BBCode Button to Insert [stage6][/stage6] bbcode.
o Supports various formats
- Page url
- Direct Embed url
- ID only
o Specify sizes (Optional)
- eg [stage6=425,350][/stage6]
- Defaulting to default Stage6 sizes if not specified
- Size Protection to prevent embedding videos larger than 780px or less than 100px
o Safe from a security standpoint
- Properly validates/sanitizes/parses the video id before including it in the url
- Disables script access (allowScriptAccess="never")
o Alternative link and/or text provided for
- Invalid video id/links
- Printer friendly versions
- Disabled bbcoded
- Disabled flash
o Supports Languages
- English/English-utf8
- English_British/English_British-utf8
- Brazilian/Brazilian-utf8 (Thanks to Softcore)
- German/German-utf8
- Italian/Italian-utf8 (Thanks to Edi67)
- Portuguese/Portuguese-utf8 (Thanks to Softcore)
- Spanish/Spanish-utf8 (Thanks to EgAr)
- Spanish_es/Spanish_es-utf8 (Thanks to EgAr)
- Swedish/Swedish-utf8 (Thanks to Hobox)
- Turkish/Turkish-utf8 (Thanks to Cakal93)
I welcome translations for other languages. Please post the translated language strings in the Support Topic.


Any previous versions of this mod need to be uninstalled prior to installing this version.

Installation slightly varies depending on SMF version.

SMF 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 & SMF 2.0 Beta 1/1.1
Installing the mod will only fully install the mod on the SMF Default Core Theme.
For all other themes which have a custom Post.template.php a manual edit will be required to add the BBCode Button.
(SMF 2.0 Beta 1 Only) You can choose to have the SMF Package Manager attempt* to perform the manual edit on all themes.

'flash' => array('code' => 'flash',
'stage6' => array('code' => 'stage6', 'before' => '[stage6]', 'after' => '[/stage6]', 'description' => $txt['stage6']),

You will also need to place a copy of the stage6.gif in each of your themes bbc image folders (eg Themes/{themename}/images/bbc)

If your using a language different than the ones supported this mod (listed above), then you will need to add the following to the Modifications.{language}.php for each theme (The language folder can be found eg Themes/{themename}/languages/)

ADD BEFORE (and translate as necessary the language strings)
$txt['stage6'] = 'Stage6';
$txt['stage6_invalid'] = '#Invalid Stage6 Link#';

SMF 2.0 Beta 2/2.1/3
New in SMF 2.0 Beta 2, the BBCode buttons have been moved from the templates and into the source files.
Therefore no manual edits will normally be required. Installing the mod will automatically install it on ALL themes.

However you will still need to place a copy of the stage6.gif in each of your themes bbc image folders (eg Themes/{themename}/images/bbc)

And if your using a language different than the ones supported this mod (listed above), then you will need to add the following to the Modifications.{language}.php for each theme (The language folder can be found eg Themes/{themename}/languages/)

ADD BEFORE (and translate as necessary the language strings)
$txt['stage6'] = 'Stage6';
$txt['stage6_invalid'] = '#Invalid Stage6 Link#';

Useful Links
SMF Package Parser
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Has this modification helped you? Support the developer by Donating

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.
(Please don't ask me to do the edits for you)

1.3 - 9th February 2008
o Optimized preg and rewrote regex
o Changed max size supported to 780px
o Now builds the object based on browser


For some reason this adds

$txt['stage6'] = 'Stage6'; $txt['stage6_invalid'] = '#Invalid Stage6 Link!#';

at the very top of all the pages... the mod works wonderfully otherwise


My fault, it looks like in Modifications.english.php that whatever mod added:


put a ?> at the end of the line, so when I installed this, it added

$txt['stage6'] = 'Stage6'; $txt['stage6_invalid'] = '#Invalid Stage6 Link!#';

after the ?>

All I had to do was delete the ?> that was on the wrong line


Just uploaded v1.2

1.2 - 20th November 2007
o Added Swedish/Swedish-utf8 Support (Thanks to Hobox)
o Added Turkish/Turkish-utf8 Support (Thanks to Cakal93)


I have reuploaded this mod and screenshots for it.

I am in the process of doing it for ALL my other mods aswell.  Please bear with me.


what is the deal with using mods like this and youtube etc to display videos, regarding the smf rules about illegal content etc.  I would like to install it but I have some concerns.

Stage6 and youtube etc do have 'legal' content but they also have a lot that isn't legal.  so what happens if a member uses this mod to display say an illegal copy of a TV show or movie, are we then in breach of SMF forum rules for illegal content?

I wonder about this when I see it on other places and wouldnt want to be in trouble

thanks for your help


SMF merely provides the software.
Except for removal of the copyright and redistribution of smf. You can pretty much do whatever you want to for you forum.

The forum owner is of course responsible for the content on your forum. However where videos are hosted by stage6 or youtube, usually copyright holders will go direct to those sites to try to get their content removed.


ah cool, thanks. 

So should I install this mod or your other mod 'auto embed video clips' or would I need both?


Personally I prefer my auto embed video clips mod.

You can use one or the other or both.


1.3 - 9th February 2008
o Optimized preg and rewrote regex
o Changed max size supported to 780px
o Now builds the object based on browser



Ya, just read that and thought of this mod... I guess that's one less mod you have to update for 2.0  ;)
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012



:P Fine then - one less that you have to make sure works with Beta 3 and above!
Steven Hoffman
Former Team Member, 2009-2012



I heard stage6 is done closing
Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Stage6 has closed down. So this mod is useless - removed 29/2/2008
