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February 2014 Update

Started by Arantor, February 02, 2014, 06:10:32 PM

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I may have missed it in another one of your update post, but will admins be able to edit topic and replies without the "Edited by..." being posted at the bottom of the post afterwards?

I have a mod that lets me do this now and have used the feature ever since I started with SMF years ago.


That is something we're still not entirely sure about adding.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Sir Cumber-Patcher on February 03, 2014, 12:01:54 AM
QuoteWith DHTML and particularly AJAX I'm not sure there is any technology left that can reliably block pop-ups. Or things that look like pop-ups but aren't.

Considering what AJAX is...

I write AJAX, I understand the techniques. It's a major part of my latest website. (Custom content delivery system.) That was my point, is that AJAX can emulate a pop-up without being a pop-up. Actually I don't even know how to do ordinary pop-ups. Never liked them, never needed them.

Let me explain again the situation. I am a stealth admin. Part of my deal (by my own request) is that only the other admins know I'm an admin. If a merge is attributed to me it will let the cat out of the bag. Totally not acceptable due to the situation on this forum. If there is attribution then deleting the forward is the only simple alternative. (I could reattribute it via phpMyAdmin but that's just too much trouble. I could create another admin account but that's just too much trouble. Heck, with PMA I could attribute the move to you!) ;)

Please excuse my not knowing whether this a road-map or whatever. In fact after your explanation I'm uncertain if your OP pertains to 2.0.8 or 2.1. I recently returned to activity at SMF after a 3+ year hiatus and things have changed, I'm not familiar with the routine yet.

Anyway I like it no matter what release it's going into... except for the attribution.


Quote from: ApplianceJunk on February 03, 2014, 12:05:17 AM
I may have missed it in another one of your update post, but will admins be able to edit topic and replies without the "Edited by..." being posted at the bottom of the post afterwards?

I have a mod that lets me do this now and have used the feature ever since I started with SMF years ago.

Not a problem. I have a private mod that does this. Or did I release it? Shoosh, too many mods, to few hours in a day. In any case, just keep using your mod. if it quits working PM me and I'll submit my own mod.

I'm pretty sure I never released my mod. I didn't think it was a good idea, too subject to abuse. There's all kinds of mods that are just not fit to release because they would be subject to abuse and give SMF a bad name.


QuoteLet me explain again the situation. I am a stealth admin.

Great, so now you're talking down to me like I'm a child that doesn't understand. I will endeavour to reply in kind.

I already understood your concerns, I already took into account all of that when designing it - but the reality is, I implemented it exactly in line with the move topic functionality. Consistency really is a wonderful thing.

How you choose to run your site is irrelevant to me. If you do not like the functions as they are implemented, change them. You keep telling us how wonderful a modder you are (such that you keep reiterating that you have 25 published mods), you can change it to suit you. The reality is that the current situation will work better than what is currently done, for the majority of users. I am not building a system to suit a minority. It's a two line change to the code to change it. I'm sure with your mad leet skills you can manage that.

QuotePlease excuse my not knowing whether this a road-map or whatever

Taking some time to read the previous monthly topics would probably have helped.

QuoteIn fact after your explanation I'm uncertain if your OP pertains to 2.0.8 or 2.1

I'm sorry, which part of it was in any way ambiguous? 2.0.8 will be bug fixes only, just like 2.0.7, 2.0.6, 2.0.5, 2.0.4, 2.0.3, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 1.1.19, 1.1.18, 1.1.17, 1.1.16, 1.1.15, 1.1.14, 1.1.13, 1.1.12, 1.1.11, 1.1.10, 1.1.9, 1.1.8, 1.1.7, 1.1.6, 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.0.23, 1.0.22, 1.0.21, 1.0.20, 1.0.19, 1.0.18, 1.0.17, 1.0.16, 1.0.15, 1.0.14, 1.0.13, 1.0.12, 1.0.11, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2 and 1.0.1 were. Policy is that x.y.z to x.y.z+1 (like 2.0.7 to 2.0.8) is bug fix only. This has been the policy since SMF was first released in 2004. This is how it has always been, that the major release is the major release and that anything after is bug and/or security fixes.

In case this extra explanation wasn't clear: THIS IS FOR 2.1. THIS IS ALL FOR 2.1. 2.0.x GETS NO NEW FEATURES LIKE IT HAS NOT HAD IN OVER 2 YEARS.

QuoteI recently returned to activity at SMF after a 3+ year hiatus and things have changed, I'm not familiar with the routine yet.

You mean the same routine that it's been for 10 years.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Cumber, I tried to address our inability to be mutually cordial via PM but you have me blocked. Please suggest a method for me to communicate with you privately without airing dirty laundry in public.


Quote from: Sir Cumber-Patcher on February 02, 2014, 06:10:32 PM

* The function to email users from the forum is being phased out. That's what PMs are for ;)

Does that mean the email icon next to the pm icon will be going away and people won't be able to send emails to members anymore? For those of us on shared hosting where the amount of pm notifications are limited per day, I actually prefer when people send emails instead of having to use pm's. I'm guessing that there are also plenty of members on different sites that prefer emails because perhaps they think that admins can get access to their pm's.


br360, it's the same, actually. Those mails are also sent through SMF ;)

Use the built-in mail queue and that should fix thing for you.
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


QuoteCumber, I tried to address our inability to be mutually cordial via PM but you have me blocked. Please suggest a method for me to communicate with you privately without airing dirty laundry in public.

No. You have made it perfectly clear that even a 'truce' suggested by you can't even be upheld by you. As per your own personal text "I tried being reasonable and I didn't like it". It shows.

QuoteDoes that mean the email icon next to the pm icon will be going away and people won't be able to send emails to members anymore? For those of us on shared hosting where the amount of pm notifications are limited per day, I actually prefer when people send emails instead of having to use pm's. I'm guessing that there are also plenty of members on different sites that prefer emails because perhaps they think that admins can get access to their pm's.

Actually, PMs can quite easily use *less* emails over time than using emails will because people can actually opt out of emails for PMs. But if people want to use emails, they can use PMs to exchange email addresses and then take it entirely off the forum. Reality is that anyone who is bothered by privacy as you're getting at should be worried about the possibility that the email function is tapped too. While it isn't in the core distribution, it's not exactly hard to modify so that forum emails get logged.

But exactly as margarett says: whether SMF sends an email because an email is sent, or whether it sends it for a PM, it's *stilll sending an email* and still comes out of your quota.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Thanks for the update and hard work!

Will be checking the changes soon!

:) :)



Quote from: Sir Cumber-Patcher on February 02, 2014, 10:55:44 PM
I assure you this is nothing like the mod you are using, it's built from scratch to work within the functionality of 2.1 ;)

Thank you !  One less mod for my forum.  That's a good thing.


I have installed SMF 2.1 for testing. I pointed the URL to the proper folder, adjusted "Settings.php" in the "other" folder yet I only get a blank page when I browse to the index.php of the forum. Any ideas of what could be wrong?


This thread is not for support, please open a new thread in the 2.x Support area with full details, though that sounds a lot like you haven't actually installed it properly.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Sir Cumber-Patcher on February 03, 2014, 08:03:29 AMNo. You have made it perfectly clear that even a 'truce' suggested by you can't even be upheld by you. As per your own personal text "I tried being reasonable and I didn't like it". It shows.

My avatar is Clint Eastwood. The quote is from one of his movies. I like Clint Eastwood as an actor/director and I admire his movies. Thus the avatar, thus the quote.

Look, Cumber, I have indicated my willingness to see if you and I can work out a peace by a man to man discussion, and you seem to be not up for it. You seem to have a closed mind. You are the one who is not being reasonable. You are the one who is not willing to discuss working out our differences.

Let the record show that I tried.


Everything is looking awesome. I have since decided to upgrade my active forum to the latest nightly build every night. I have a script set up that automagically pulls the GitHub repo, and then overwrites the files. Of course, I also have the ability to revert to a previous pull should something break.

I'm really liking where things are headed, and have been semi-actively hunting bugs when I find them. Having an active forum to test on is awesome, as it allows things to be done by others that some just wouldn't think of. It also helps that my users are always trying to break my forums anyways XD.

Anyways, keep up the awesome work! Here's to 2.1 Final and soon 3.0!
Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012


Quote* Several 'configurable' options have been removed; if they are on by default and unlikely to ever be disabled, there's really no point them being optional. Specifically: 'simple search', the 'mark as read' button, the 'go up/down' buttons' and 'display items on the link tree as links', though there are also some options that the code was aware of but never used which have also been cleaned up.

Is this the configurable part which has been removed (always on so), or the options themselves <$1alt="" title="" onresizestart="return false;" id="smiley__$2" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;" /> ?(always off, kicked out??)

nb: edited with ******ed code inside....what is this bins lol...
On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit!Petit!)

Think about Search function before posting.
Pensez à la fonction Recherche avant de poster.


A few of the things might have been suggested or said before, but I list some of my idea's for SMF 2.1 here. Sorry if this post causes trouble.

  • Here is an idea, the ability to disable attachments. That you can hide it from everywhere on the forum.
  • Also, it could be a sweet feature where you can easily upload (and possibly remove) user badge icons in the admin panel.
  • And for the packages, maybe a new style of listing? Where you can list the packages alphabetically and such. I'm currently also using a nice mod that makes three tables. One for the packages that can be installed, one that are installed and one for those that can't be installed.
  • Quick moderation on quick reply. Nice mod, such be a feature in my opinion.
  • A feature where you can add a page to list off all your news items.
  • Bookmarks to topics?
  • Default message icon?
  • Ability for users to hide / ignore boards.
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

My Blog


  • Here is an idea, the ability to disable attachments. That you can hide it from everywhere on the forum.
You can disable permissions for users...

  • Also, it could be a sweet feature where you can easily upload (and possibly remove) user badge icons in the admin panel. < Needs some love ^^

  • And for the packages, maybe a new style of listing? Where you can list the packages alphabetically and such. I'm currently also using a nice mod that makes three tables. One for the packages that can be installed, one that are installed and one for those that can't be installed.
Not sure i pass it to our luvly developers ^^

  • Quick moderation on quick reply. Nice mod, such be a feature in my opinion.
Yea that looks useful ^^

  • A feature where you can add a page to list off all your news items.
Actually i suggested that before ^^

  • Bookmarks to topics?
Social Share is something we are currently discussing.

  • Default message icon?
isn't we have it already?
* Antes is confused :/

  • Ability for users to hide / ignore boards.
You can't hide the board but you can ignore the board.


About the attachments:

But it showed up in the profiles of my users. :/

And about the message icon.

Sorry for the derpy explanation. I meant that you could pick another icon as standard instead of changing the image file. Or do I look over a feature?
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

My Blog


Quote from: GravuTrad on February 05, 2014, 06:15:29 PM
Quote* Several 'configurable' options have been removed; if they are on by default and unlikely to ever be disabled, there's really no point them being optional. Specifically: 'simple search', the 'mark as read' button, the 'go up/down' buttons' and 'display items on the link tree as links', though there are also some options that the code was aware of but never used which have also been cleaned up.

Is this the configurable part which has been removed (always on so), or the options themselves <$1alt="" title="" onresizestart="return false;" id="smiley__$2" style="padding: 0 3px 0 3px;" /> ?(always off, kicked out??)

nb: edited with ******ed code inside....what is this bins lol...
On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit!Petit!)

Think about Search function before posting.
Pensez à la fonction Recherche avant de poster.
