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Started by stgaudio, December 24, 2014, 05:39:29 PM

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hi guys,

new to all this,

just started [nonactive]

and massive spam on the forum, please help with how to eliminate this?



Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Under "Configuration -> Security and Moderation -> Anti-Spam"
Scroll down to "Configure Verification Methods" and set the option "Number of verification questions user must answer" to 1 or more.

Then scroll further down to "Verification Questions" and for the first question think of something nice with a hard answer only a human would normally know.
An example, i use something simular on my forum, is the question "How much is Ten + 10 plus 10?" with the answer "30". This fools away most registration bots i have noticed.

Good luck!


Quote from: dekoffieboer on December 25, 2014, 12:07:29 AM
Under "Configuration -> Security and Moderation -> Anti-Spam"
Scroll down to "Configure Verification Methods" and set the option "Number of verification questions user must answer" to 1 or more.

Then scroll further down to "Verification Questions" and for the first question think of something nice with a hard answer only a human would normally know.
An example, i use something simular on my forum, is the question "How much is Ten + 10 plus 10?" with the answer "30". This fools away most registration bots i have noticed.

Good luck!

Good suggestion, however the only thing that I would suggest is making the question targeted to your community's theme. Generic addition questions and dictionary lookup questions tend to be answerable by bots in a matter of time. However, if your verification question has something to do with your organization or community theme that is less generically "lookupable" it should keep the bots away for longer.

Good luck with your new forum. Let us know if you have any other questions.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


Bruce the Shark

Well i am using words for my captcha and i think its much safer and much more fun to think about, like these below.

1: milk comes from which animal ___
2: Bill finished work and went ____ for dinner
3: A male sheep is called a ___
4: what day is it between Sunday and Tuesday _______
5: Is our Sun a star ( yes or No ) ___

i think its better, but that's just me


those are not a CAPTCHA, those are the questions with answers. those are too easy as google will easily have answers to those in the first hit.


Most sign ups, even the clean IP and Email / usernames, still spam, because now they are using humans and bots.

I turn off my registration and use a contact page with form fields for their information and why would they like to join my community!

it also utilizes the captcha,

No bothering with deleting the 50 emails at a time, on my Emails client and don't need to keep checking and deleting and sorting the Spam stopper entries.

I had 5 to 6000 users, that have not been active,so had to delete those also.

I hate lurkers and spammers, but if they have something to contribute, or buy, or get they can, fill in the contact info and I chose who. if it's free they need not sign up, if you have many ads, they need not sign up! the other stuff they need not sign up any way, what counts the impression and hits not members!

The contact page mod is available here in the Mod section and this Idea, I got from Bloc!

You never get rid of all spam, but less is much better, and flooding is a real pain!

No more spam so far! 3 sites!



stgaudio, did any of the tips above help?  I have marked this as solved as you have yet to reply to any of the posts in 3 weeks.  if you still need help please update us with what else you have tried.
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life
