Auto Tweet Embed

Started by vbgamer45, January 11, 2015, 03:21:09 PM

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no idea would have to see the code.
They could be caching old tweets. Or hitting an endpoint/location that doesn't require logins yet.
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I'm still able to embed new tweets by using google search and then copying the status link that is provided in the dotted context menu of the google search result card.

You cannot view this attachment.
You cannot view this attachment.

This is of course a cumbersome way, especially when it comes to finding most recent content but at least it works so far.

By the way, we were able to "solve" our tweet cache issue by using a proxy inside the tweet-cache.php file.
It produces some error every once in a while, but it doesn't seem that critical.


Is there going to an update to address the domain change from to


Possibly to support both domains
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on August 20, 2023, 02:40:17 PMUpdate

+Support links

I upgraded from 3 to this new one (started prior to the "?" fix).   The tweets with "?" (which is now all tweets) still don't register (there is no error message, but the link remains untouched).  Is there something I need to do to allow the improved version to convert the links with the "?"?   I didn't remove the table entry for any of the upgrades.  Would that have caused an issue?


Anyone else seeing double tweets?  Everyone time someone on my forum posts now the tweet shows up twice.  I tried removing and re-installing to no avail.

I'm also seeing the following under admin -> Error Log when people embed tweets.  The log info doesn't show up every time and as far as I can tell it doesn't affect anything visually.  Edit - I went into the thread showing these errors and a bunch came up under my name.  So these errors aren't showing up based on who made the tweet, but logged in users who are trying to read the page of the thread with the tweet. 


Posted an update hopefully helps with the query string tweets

If you are seeing double embeds I would check that the code is not added twice to Sources/Load.php
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Just removed the previous version and installed 4.0.2 - so far not seeing the query string logs.  As a bonus, it looks like the double embeds got fixed as well.  Will report back if anything changes, thanks a ton!


I regularly had these bugs when I uninstalled and re-installed older AutoTweet mods. For some reason it wasn't correctly removing its entries in the source php files which caused redundancies (double entries) after re-installation.


That very well could have been the issue with mine as I did uninstall and reinstall a couple times.  I also didn't check off "Remove all data associated with this modification" until the last time when it worked. 


Quote from: vbgamer45 on September 01, 2023, 05:34:05 PMPosted an update hopefully helps with the query string tweets

If you are seeing double embeds I would check that the code is not added twice to Sources/Load.php

Removing all data seems to have fixed the "?" issue that I had, but Tweets from the "" domain are still coming back with Tweet error (does not exist)


Can you provide an example?
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Copy this file to your root directory of your forum and see if it helps
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I had the same error as @mightygiants (posted the same URL) and putting in that new tweet-cache.php fixed it for me. 


That said I have a similar error attached with the URL below.  If I click on the URL I can load the page in Twitter fine.  If I remove everything after the ? it just shows the URL with nothing embedded, but no error.  Clicking on the link does work though in that case. 


!Handle better, api workaround.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on September 03, 2023, 06:33:52 PM4.0.3
!Handle better, api workaround.

Thank you, that fixed it!


Quote from: GantryZ on September 03, 2023, 06:30:34 PMThat said I have a similar error attached with the URL below.  If I click on the URL I can load the page in Twitter fine.  If I remove everything after the ? it just shows the URL with nothing embedded, but no error.  Clicking on the link does work though in that case. 

4.0.3 fixed this issue for me as well, thanks again!
