How to change the Bulletin board code message?..

Started by danster, March 22, 2015, 02:36:44 PM

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Please anyone know about how to change the massage of Bulletin board code?. i mean when enable
bulletin board code if unsellect some thing for not allow to view for guest as example url or image
for guest show the massage in post which include urls or images like this

Sorry, you are not allowed to see this part of the text. Please login or register.

I'm asking there is any possible way to change that massage text

if can please let me know how it can be do...

thank you...


"Sorry, you are not allowed to see this part of the text. Please login or register." isn't a text string that's in a vanilla SMF install, so I'm assuming you're using some kind of modificationto generate that message? It's just a matter of heading into ../Themes/default/languages/.. and finding the file that contains that text string. It's likely Modifications.english.php
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


hello mcblaber..,

Thank you very much for quick respond.. your opinion is very useful and
works perfectly thanks again...

Best regards..!


Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member
