search box is sensitive to "accents", please help

Started by fapencio, April 24, 2015, 02:14:17 PM

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Do the accented characters work here on
do they work on another Spanish language system?

If so, then I fear your issues are related to the numerous errors that I noticed and that your best solution would be to make a clean installation of SMF and apply your hacks and modifications one ata time until you find out which one is causing the failure

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Actually as it is the SMF copyright is illegible and appears to be caught in a script. If the page is zoomed and moused over it runs the cursor continuously. Zooming has no effect on size of the copyright so effectively it appears unreadable.

It is a requirement of this forum to have it present and readable if you seek support from the team.


well, it is the general consensus...

but anyway... as I saidm the site has so many overlapping and conflicting javascripts loaded that I am surprised that ANYTHING works on the site at all...   it looks like code was thrown at it with a paintball gun...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I didnt think it was going to load so left it for a few mins. Its really bad and your right over starting from scratch and rework it with more caution so the issues can be corrected. I hope fapencio can see it from this point of view.


Quote from: Kindred on May 06, 2015, 11:12:03 AM
Do the accented characters work here on

considering that this forum does not use the default search feature testing here would not be a valid test.
