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smf and Microsoft Edge

Started by sheryltoo, August 04, 2015, 03:18:35 PM

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I just upgraded my computer to Windows 10 and it came with a new browser, Microsoft Edge. I can't use any BBCs or smileys when I'm on this browser. Edge does let you open a site on IE and when I do that, I'm still able to use the BBCs and smileys. I was going to ask for some help at a Microsoft site but I'm able to use BBCs there so I'm thinking the problem has something to do with the smf software and perhaps not working right with Edge.


are you using the WYSIWYG editor or the normal one?


Its known issue that IE11 is not working with WYSIWYG editor of SMF 2.0, its also normal for EDGE as well.


because -- as everyone except Microsoft knows.... their browser is a piece of junk that won't even meet that standards set by the W3 committees.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on August 04, 2015, 04:26:31 PM
because -- as everyone except Microsoft knows.... their browser is a piece of junk that won't even meet that standards set by the W3 committees.

Except Edge is not IE. It's not even the same engine. It's actually a decent browser, however it still needs some kinks ironed out. Like any new software, it's not going to be 100% upon first release.

For reference and benchmarks:
Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012


yup... I can confirm that the idiots at Microsquish have done it again... breaking things that work for everyone else because they assume that everyone will follow THEIR standard

FYI -- for anyone who thinks I am being hard on microsquish (because, as someone else said to me, the wysiwyg editor is broken in ALL modern browsers)

hmmm..... it might be javascript related...  I suspect that edge disabled javascript by default and microquish thought it was "dangerous" enough to hide the setting...

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


From what I read, Edge is better than IE, but is not good enough to be at the level of Firefox or Chrome, so, Microsoft is doing some things well, but as you expect, it will not do all the things well, always have to break the standards to set their own rules that nobody should follow.


Quote from: Antes on August 04, 2015, 03:47:36 PM
Its known issue that IE11 is not working with WYSIWYG editor of SMF 2.0, its also normal for EDGE as well.

I am running windows 10 and explorer 11, SMF 2.0.10. I do not appear to have any issues with the WYSIWYG editor when using 11.
I only appear to have issues with the smiley set and BBC's when I am using Edge.
Looking forward to following this topic.


Quote from: Illori on August 04, 2015, 03:20:27 PM
are you using the WYSIWYG editor or the normal one?

I don't know what you mean by the "normal one." I'm using the WYSIWYG editor that came with smf and it worked fine in IE. Still works in IE but not on Edge.


Yes, I already confirmed that it is an issue.... -- but the issue seems to be related to some setting in Edge (possibly regarding javascript - if I could ever find any setting in edge that related to that)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I've already had complaints about this...  None of the flags in Edge have any effect, including all the developer ones I've managed to find.



yup... Microsoft definitely broke something....

EVERY other browser continues to work, including IE11 -- so I am not sure what they broke or how we can 'fix" it.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Edge's console gives the following javascript error when attempting to click on a smiley:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'insertSmiley' of undefined or null reference
eval code (3) (1,1)


Chas Large

Tried turning on Javascript in the hidden settings** in Edge but to no avail.

**Open a new tab and enter 'about:flags'; in the address box and hit enter to access.
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it seems that, in their infinite quest to be more stupid, Microsoft decided to try to out-do Chrome and has modified and "tweaked" their javascript processor.

Like most microsoft efforts, this apparently means that their javascript processor has broken standards and will need special treatment to be handled. Unfortunately, I have not yet found any clear description of what they DID or how to work around their idiocy.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Biology Forums

They've actually done a good job with their new browser and operating system - this is coming from a Chrome addict.



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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Biology Forums

I still use Chrome, BUT, I've replaced Firefox with Edge as my secondary browser.

Chas Large

Firefox 40 is now much faster and beats both Chrome and Edge hands down IMO.
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Biology Forums

Quote from: Chas Large on August 13, 2015, 04:58:02 AM
Firefox 40 is now much faster and beats both Chrome and Edge hands down IMO.

Yes, it's really good too.


Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.


Sadly I don't think so yet, if you want try to contact Microsoft (or use the Windows Feedback app) and let them know that there are still some serious JavaScript issues going on with Edge (not sure if they will care about IE anymore really).


this most likely is not an issue that M$ will ever consider fixing it. the websites need to fix their own code.


Quote from: Illori on August 19, 2015, 05:21:06 PM
this most likely is not an issue that M$ will ever consider fixing it. the websites need to fix their own code.

Pretty much this. That's how Microsoft has always operated, and it won't change anytime soon. You code for the browser, not rely on the browser to accept the code.
Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012


Quote from: Kindred on August 12, 2015, 04:33:50 PM
it seems that, in their infinite quest to be more stupid, Microsoft decided to try to out-do Chrome and has modified and "tweaked" their javascript processor.

Like most microsoft efforts, this apparently means that their javascript processor has broken standards and will need special treatment to be handled. Unfortunately, I have not yet found any clear description of what they DID or how to work around their idiocy.
Its probably premature to blame MS until the exact cause is known.  How can we say the Edge breaks the defined standards when the cause isn't known?  Just because it works in XYZ browser (including the less than perfect IE), doesn't mean its not an SMF fault.

Although, as has been suggested by others, it matters not, Edge is likely to become the most popular desktop/laptop browser over the next few months, and it would be short sighted for SMF not to be working well with it :(


Quote from: IamTheBoy on August 20, 2015, 03:50:00 PMEdge is likely to become the most popular desktop/laptop browser over the next few months ...

Or it could fail miserably as other Microsoft products have in which case SMF would be wasting their time. Only time will tell. :P
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


But the first option is far, far more likely ;)
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QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Quote from: IamTheBoy on August 20, 2015, 03:50:00 PM
... Edge is likely to become the most popular desktop/laptop browser over the next few months, and it would be short sighted for SMF not to be working well with it :(

So, you are saying that things should be coded to work with something instead that something work as the standards expect? Because that is why there are a lot of sites that have all these <!--[if IE]> CODE FOR IE THAT NO OTHER BROWSER NEED TO SHOW THINGS WRIGHT GOES HERE <![endif]-->, to fix what that browser can't do and is a basic web standard.

Personally the things I code for my site, if IE can't show it well I just put a big over all sign to the user to get a real browser (a little rude but necessary) that can show what I code, I can't test what and why didn't work in IE and place a fix for it mostly because I'm not all the time in Windows codding things.

When IE/EDGE hit better score than Firefox without addons in the web tests, then I would take them into account as "real browsers".


Quote from: Gluz on August 20, 2015, 09:50:33 PM
So, you are saying that things should be coded to work with something instead that something work as the standards expect? Because that is why there are a lot of sites that have all these <!--[if IE]> CODE FOR IE THAT NO OTHER BROWSER NEED TO SHOW THINGS WRIGHT GOES HERE <![endif]-->, to fix what that browser can't do and is a basic web standard.
Well, currently, we don't know if Edge has broken the laid down standards ;).  What I do know from using Edge for the past few months is it renders just about everything (that doesn't rely on 3rd party plugins), with the biggest issue I've come across being this very one.  Of course it could be that FF and Chrome are handling it "wrong" from a standards PoV.

Do I like Edge? Hell, no. But its the default browser in the current version of the worlds most popular desktop OS, so like it or lump it, we have to understand it (which means using it :().

Quote from: Gluz on August 20, 2015, 09:50:33 PM
Personally the things I code for my site, if IE can't show it well I just put a big over all sign to the user to get a real browser (a little rude but necessary) that can show what I code, I can't test what and why didn't work in IE and place a fix for it mostly because I'm not all the time in Windows codding things.
That may be fine for your own personal site, but for any site trying to attract visitors, do you really think somebody like my mum is going to install some random piece of software to view it? It ain't gonna happen, pal ;)

Quote from: Gluz on August 20, 2015, 09:50:33 PM
When IE/EDGE hit better score than Firefox without addons in the web tests, then I would take them into account as "real browsers".
For most users, I wouldn't recommend FF based on security concerns. It was built, like IE in the early days, without security in mind.  MS were an easy, early target, so have already been through all that. FF are still on catch-up.

I wouldn't recommend Chrome to anyone running an open OS like Windows (or rooted Android). Its security is broken.

Although recommendations don't mean diddly squat. The vast majority of users will use what is provided by default. Appler users will stick with Safari, Android/Chromebook will stick with Chrome, Windows will stick with IE, or now Edge. You may see skewed results on websites catering for IT technical stuff though.

Myself, I use a variety of browsers, but then my day job is Internet infrastructure and servers. I look after a lot of large platforms, some doing over 500,000 transactions per second, and a lot of internet infrastructure.  All browsers have issues rendering some stuff (actually, Edge is rather good in this respect, if you don't need plugins) that this sort of infrastructure provides.


Quote from: IamTheBoy on August 21, 2015, 05:41:49 AM... the worlds most popular desktop OS ...

What data is this based on?
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


unfortunately, it is probably true -- because most PCs ship with Windows already loaded and 99% of the world has no idea how to change that -- and Apple (mac) just doesn't compete with PC on a global scale...

Unfortunately, OS2/Warp never made a big enough splash...  it beat all other operating systems of the time, hands-down.


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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Being the most used or forced upon OS doesn't make it the most popular. When 8 came out all the new PC's were shipped with it and we all know how popular that OS was. I was all set to jump on 10 until I began reading about so many things one has to jump through hoops to do that are done as a matter of course in 7.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


"popular" is not indicative of being "liked"....

Popular, in this case means "the most widely used" ---    so, actually, yes... being forced upon everyone DOES make it the most popular OS.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I won't debate semantics ... I'll concede 'most widely used' if that's what is meant by popular in this context but I won't concede that it's by the majority's choice. :P
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.



Well. see -- as far as Microsquish is concerned - they don't care if people LIKE their product -- as long as their product is "the one" that is being used.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


But the bottom line is... Most people will use what's given to him.

Take my mom as an example example. Granted, she will never be administrator of an SMF forum. But she can perfectly be the user of one.

She has a Windows phone and a laptop with W8.1. She didn't choose, it's what's given to her with the equipment (and I'm 1000's of kms away so I can't help)
If she finds a forum in which she can't participate because the browser she uses doesn't work, will she blame MS? No, she'll just bail out. And like herself, how many others?

That's what I've been internally debating for ages: what's the point in bashing MS or other parties?! None!!! We loose, our admins loose. Not them.

But I'm seriously outnumbered so... ::)
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Quote from: Kindred on August 21, 2015, 08:26:23 AM

Well. see -- as far as Microsquish is concerned - they don't care if people LIKE their product -- as long as their product is "the one" that is being used.

False pre-judgement. old people! I loved Windows 8/8.1 that was an upgrade from W7... Then used W10 which was better. I bought Win Phone, using it for quite a time and what it doesn't have compared to Android / iOS system ? Some apps I never ever used so what ?

Data collected (feedback app) while developing W10 is nothing probably you ever imagine but with this hate against MS, I don't expect you to understand as well.


nope...  no one loses when I bash Microsoft for being what they are....  Just because I call them out for bad UI/UX decisions or for not really caring about standards, etc does not mean that their choices don't have to be accounted for.  I understand that their idiocy has to be dealt with on our side, because they are not going to change their UX habits or their development habits.  However, When I "bash" them like this, it expresses my disgust with those habits -- nothing more.
No one loses, because Microsoft could care less what I think.

And Antes, TRUE, ACTUAL judgement. I have Win10 installed on 4 machines (2 are still using Win7) - I have been using Windows since Win 3
There are a boatload of issues with Win10 (as there are with every Windows release - remember, the initial release of any windows product is nothing more than a wide beta)
As for feedback...   they take some and ignore most...   I know folks who work at Microsoft.   they (the company) seriously believe that they know better than the user on how things should be presented and what things should be hidden (which is my biggest gripe with them)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on August 21, 2015, 12:10:50 PM
nope...  no one loses when I bash Microsoft for being what they are....  Just because I call them out for bad UI/UX decisions or for not really caring about standards, etc does not mean that their choices don't have to be accounted for.  I understand that their idiocy has to be dealt with on our side, because they are not going to change their UX habits or their development habits.  However, When I "bash" them like this, it expresses my disgust with those habits -- nothing more.
No one loses, because Microsoft could care less what I think.

And Antes, TRUE, ACTUAL judgement. I have Win10 installed on 4 machines (2 are still using Win7) - I have been using Windows since Win 3
There are a boatload of issues with Win10 (as there are with every Windows release - remember, the initial release of any windows product is nothing more than a wide beta)
As for feedback...   they take some and ignore most...   I know folks who work at Microsoft.   they (the company) seriously believe that they know better than the user on how things should be presented and what things should be hidden (which is my biggest gripe with them)

Yea no wonder why they care less... When a Windows/Microsoft hater comes forward sentences starts exactly like this... I started to use Windows bla bla bla bla... funny yet false... Truth to be told, I'll less likely care what you think as well from now on. Blindly said words just has no importance.


Why do you assume that my words are "blindly said"

THAT, right there, is the very definition of a false prejudgement on your part.
I use windows...
I like windows, for the most part...
I have some fairly major issues with the Microsoft business and development decisions in several cases
I have some REALLY major issues with the Microsoft decisions to ignore standards (because they can)

Personally, I dislike the old Macs even more...
(the new MacOS isn't too bad)

But, back to the point...   none of my issue with Windows and Microsoft are "blindly said" I have very clearly stated, several times, what my issues with them are and WHY I have those issues with them... AND I have the experience, background and general knowledge to MAKE that judgement with clear vision.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


The team has found a possible fix for this issue, will test it some more and it will surely been included in the next 2.0 release.

Thank you for reporting it.
Disclaimer: unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal and does not represent any views or opinions held by Simple Machines.
