Just installed and can't seem to get it right.

Started by illuminati, November 07, 2005, 02:43:17 AM

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I just installed SMF 1.0.5, and the installation went smoothly...but when I go to the home page it only comes up as a "(" parenthesis and my host's ad's. Am I missing somthing? Are there additional files that I need to configure?
Here's the url: hxxp:www.illuminati.3lo.net/son-b.com/index.php [nonactive] Any feedback would be very appreciated. Thank you.


I don't see any errors on SMF,,, are you talking about your root folder? I don't see an index page there either. Can you explain more?


Well there doesn't seem to be any error messeges but there also isn't a forum.  Could you elaborate as to what you would like me to explain?


Could be a problem with those forced ads. Try asking your host to remove the forced ads and give you the code so you can implement them yourself. Also, aks him if gzip is supported.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Ok, thank you for the prompt reply, gzip is supported, but I'll ask about the ads and see if that's what's throwing a wrench in the works. If they won't allow me to insert the ad codes myself does anyone know a workaround for this problem?
