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mlist column won't sort

Started by Sir Osis of Liver, May 17, 2018, 08:12:53 PM

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Sir Osis of Liver

Per this topic, I've added a new column in memberlist for custom profile field (City).  Displays correctly, but when I click to sort, I get this -

Unknown column 'mem.cust_city' in 'order clause'
File: /home/thekrash/public_html/smf20/Sources/Memberlist.php
Line: 395

The column is added to $context['columns'] in Memberlist.php here -

/// add custom field
'cust_city' => array(
'label' => 'City'

and it's added to $sort_methods here -

/// add custom field
'cust_city' => array(
'down' => 'mem.cust_city DESC',
'up' => 'mem.cust_city ASC'

When I dump $context['columns'], the link/action are correct -

[cust_city] => Array ( [label] => City [href] =>;sort=cust_city;start=0 [link] => City [selected] => )

What am I missing?
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


I've no access to any program sources to check this just now, but I assume mem.cust_city (in the query) is expecting to find field "cust_city" within the smf_members table? If so, I don't think it'll be in there. Pretty sure the custom fields are in the smf_themes table, so you might have to change your query to smf_themes.cust_city and do a bit of jiggling.

If I were at home I'd check this before posting but as it's in front of me... well, meh


I believe that shambles is correct.

the sort is done at the mySQL query level, I believe...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Sir Osis of Liver

Yes, custom fields are in _themes table.  Where is the query?  Looks like custom fields are loaded into $context array in Load.php.  Changing table prefix in Memberlist.php doesn't work with any combination of letters from 'themes'.  Will have another go at it tonight.
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


here you go Memberlist.php


 * Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
 * @package SMF
 * @author Simple Machines
 * @copyright 2011 Simple Machines
 * @license BSD
 * @version 2.0.12

if (!defined('SMF'))
die('Hacking attempt...');

/* This file contains the functions for displaying and searching in the
members list.  It does so with these functions:

void MemberList()
- shows a list of registered members.
- if a subaction is not specified, lists all registered members.
- allows searching for members with the 'search' sub action.
- calls MLAll or MLSearch depending on the sub action.
- uses the Memberlist template with the main sub template.
- requires the view_mlist permission.
- is accessed via ?action=mlist.

void MLAll()
- used to display all members on a page by page basis with sorting.
- called from MemberList().
- can be passed a sort parameter, to order the display of members.
- calls printMemberListRows to retrieve the results of the query.

void MLSearch()
- used to search for members or display search results.
- called by MemberList().
- if variable 'search' is empty displays search dialog box, using the
  search sub template.
- calls printMemberListRows to retrieve the results of the query.

void printMemberListRows(resource request)
- retrieves results of the request passed to it
- puts results of request into the context for the sub template.

// Show a listing of the registered members.
function Memberlist()
global $scripturl$txt$modSettings$context$settings$modSettings$smcFunc;

// Make sure they can view the memberlist.


$context['listing_by'] = !empty($_GET['sa']) ? $_GET['sa'] : 'all';

// $subActions array format:
// 'subaction' => array('label', 'function', 'is_selected')
$subActions = array(
'all' => array($txt['view_all_members'], 'MLAll'$context['listing_by'] == 'all'),
'search' => array($txt['mlist_search'], 'MLSearch'$context['listing_by'] == 'search'),

// Set up the sort links.
$context['sort_links'] = array();
foreach ($subActions as $act => $text)
$context['sort_links'][] = array(
'label' => $text[0],
'action' => $act,
'selected' => $text[2],

$context['num_members'] = $modSettings['totalMembers'];

// Let's see if we have any custom fields to show.
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
SELECT col_name, field_name, field_desc, field_type, bbc
FROM {db_prefix}custom_fields
WHERE active = {int:active}
AND show_display = {int:show}
AND private < {int:private_level}'
'active' => 1,
'show' => 1,
'private_level' => 2,
$context['custom_profile_fields'] = array();
while ($row $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$curField 'cust_' $row['col_name'];

// Collect the column info and some extra.
$context['custom_profile_fields']['columns'][$curField] = array(
'label' => $row['field_name'],
'type' => $row['field_type'],
'bbc' => !empty($row['bbc']),

// Build up sort queries.
if ($row['field_type'] != 'check')
$context['custom_profile_fields']['sort'][$curField] = array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(t' $curField '.value) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(t' $curField '.value, 1=1) DESC, t' $curField '.value DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(t' $curField '.value) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(t' $curField '.value, 1=1) ASC, t' $curField '.value ASC'
$context['custom_profile_fields']['sort'][$curField] = array(
'down' => 't' $curField '.value DESC',
'up' => 't' $curField '.value ASC'

// Did they make a magical selection?
if (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && $_REQUEST['sort'] == $curField)
$context['custom_profile_fields']['join'] = 'LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}themes AS t' $curField ' ON (t' $curField '.variable = {string:t' $curField '} AND t' $curField '.id_theme = 1 AND t' $curField '.id_member = mem.id_member)';
$context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters']['t' $curField] = $row['col_name'];

// Set up the columns...
$context['columns'] = array(
'is_online' => array(
'label' => $txt['status'],
'width' => '60',
'class' => 'first_th',
'real_name' => array(
'label' => $txt['username']
'email_address' => array(
'label' => $txt['email'],
'width' => '25'
'website_url' => array(
'label' => $txt['website'],
'width' => '70',
'link_with' => 'website',
'icq' => array(
'label' => $txt['icq'],
'width' => '30'
'aim' => array(
'label' => $txt['aim'],
'width' => '30'
'yim' => array(
'label' => $txt['yim'],
'width' => '30'
'msn' => array(
'label' => $txt['msn'],
'width' => '30'
'id_group' => array(
'label' => $txt['position']
'registered' => array(
'label' => $txt['date_registered']
'posts' => array(
'label' => $txt['posts'],
'width' => '115',
'colspan' => '2',
'default_sort_rev' => true,
// Add custom field columns, if there are any...
if (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['columns']))
$context['columns'] += $context['custom_profile_fields']['columns'];

$context['colspan'] = 0;
$context['disabled_fields'] = isset($modSettings['disabled_profile_fields']) ? array_flip(explode(','$modSettings['disabled_profile_fields'])) : array();
foreach ($context['columns'] as $key => $column)
if (isset($context['disabled_fields'][$key]) || (isset($column['link_with']) && isset($context['disabled_fields'][$column['link_with']])))

$context['colspan'] += isset($column['colspan']) ? $column['colspan'] : 1;

// Aesthetic stuff.
$context['columns'][key($context['columns'])]['class'] = 'last_th';

$context['linktree'][] = array(
'url' => $scripturl '?action=mlist',
'name' => $txt['members_list']

$context['can_send_pm'] = allowedTo('pm_send');

// Jump to the sub action.
if (isset($subActions[$context['listing_by']]))

// List all members, page by page.
function MLAll()
global $txt$scripturl$user_info;
global $modSettings$context$smcFunc;

// The chunk size for the cached index.
$cache_step_size 500;

// Only use caching if:
// 1. there are at least 2k members,
// 2. the default sorting method (real_name) is being used,
// 3. the page shown is high enough to make a DB filesort unprofitable.
$use_cache $modSettings['totalMembers'] > 2000 && (!isset($_REQUEST['sort']) || $_REQUEST['sort'] === 'real_name') && isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['start'] > $cache_step_size;

if ($use_cache)
// Maybe there's something cached already.
if (!empty($modSettings['memberlist_cache']))
$memberlist_cache safe_unserialize($modSettings['memberlist_cache']);

// The chunk size for the cached index.
$cache_step_size 500;

// Only update the cache if something changed or no cache existed yet.
if (empty($memberlist_cache) || empty($modSettings['memberlist_updated']) || $memberlist_cache['last_update'] < $modSettings['memberlist_updated'])
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
SELECT real_name
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE is_activated = {int:is_activated}
ORDER BY real_name'
'is_activated' => 1,

$memberlist_cache = array(
'last_update' => time(),
'num_members' => $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request),
'index' => array(),

for ($i 0$n $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request); $i $n$i += $cache_step_size)
list($memberlist_cache['index'][$i]) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
$smcFunc['db_data_seek']($request$memberlist_cache['num_members'] - 1);
list ($memberlist_cache['index'][$i]) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

// Now we've got the it.
updateSettings(array('memberlist_cache' => serialize($memberlist_cache)));

$context['num_members'] = $memberlist_cache['num_members'];

// Without cache we need an extra query to get the amount of members.
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE is_activated = {int:is_activated}'
'is_activated' => 1,
list ($context['num_members']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

// Set defaults for sort (real_name) and start. (0)
if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort']) || !isset($context['columns'][$_REQUEST['sort']]))
$_REQUEST['sort'] = 'real_name';

if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']))
if (preg_match('~^[^\'\\\\/]~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' ''), $smcFunc['strtolower']($_REQUEST['start']), $match) === 0)

$_REQUEST['start'] = $match[0];

$request $smcFunc['db_query']('substring''
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE LOWER(SUBSTRING(real_name, 1, 1)) < {string:first_letter}
AND is_activated = {int:is_activated}'
'is_activated' => 1,
'first_letter' => $_REQUEST['start'],
list ($_REQUEST['start']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

$context['letter_links'] = '';
for ($i 97$i 123$i++)
$context['letter_links'] .= '<a href="' $scripturl '?action=mlist;sa=all;start=' chr($i) . '#letter' chr($i) . '">' strtoupper(chr($i)) . '</a> ';

// Sort out the column information.
foreach ($context['columns'] as $col => $column_details)
$context['columns'][$col]['href'] = $scripturl '?action=mlist;sort=' $col ';start=0';

if ((!isset($_REQUEST['desc']) && $col == $_REQUEST['sort']) || ($col != $_REQUEST['sort'] && !empty($column_details['default_sort_rev'])))
$context['columns'][$col]['href'] .= ';desc';

$context['columns'][$col]['link'] = '<a href="' $context['columns'][$col]['href'] . '" rel="nofollow">' $context['columns'][$col]['label'] . '</a>';
$context['columns'][$col]['selected'] = $_REQUEST['sort'] == $col;

$context['sort_by'] = $_REQUEST['sort'];
$context['sort_direction'] = !isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? 'up' 'down';

// Construct the page index.
$context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl '?action=mlist;sort=' $_REQUEST['sort'] . (isset($_REQUEST['desc']) ? ';desc' ''), $_REQUEST['start'], $context['num_members'], $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']);

// Send the data to the template.
$context['start'] = $_REQUEST['start'] + 1;
$context['end'] = min($_REQUEST['start'] + $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'], $context['num_members']);

$context['can_moderate_forum'] = allowedTo('moderate_forum');
$context['page_title'] = sprintf($txt['viewing_members'], $context['start'], $context['end']);
$context['linktree'][] = array(
'url' => $scripturl '?action=mlist;sort=' $_REQUEST['sort'] . ';start=' $_REQUEST['start'],
'name' => &$context['page_title'],
'extra_after' => ' (' sprintf($txt['of_total_members'], $context['num_members']) . ')'

// List out the different sorting methods...
$sort_methods = array(
'is_online' => array(
'down' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) ASC, real_name ASC' 'CASE WHEN mem.show_online THEN IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) ELSE 1 END ASC, real_name ASC',
'up' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) DESC, real_name DESC' 'CASE WHEN mem.show_online THEN IFNULL(lo.log_time, 1) ELSE 1 END DESC, real_name DESC'
'real_name' => array(
'down' => 'mem.real_name DESC',
'up' => 'mem.real_name ASC'
'email_address' => array(
'down' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'mem.email_address DESC' 'mem.hide_email DESC, mem.email_address DESC',
'up' => allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'mem.email_address ASC' 'mem.hide_email ASC, mem.email_address ASC'
'website_url' => array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.website_url) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.website_url, 1=1) DESC, mem.website_url DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.website_url) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.website_url, 1=1) ASC, mem.website_url ASC'
'icq' => array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.icq) > 0 ASC, mem.icq = 0 DESC, mem.icq DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.icq) > 0 DESC, mem.icq = 0 ASC, mem.icq ASC'
'aim' => array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.aim) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.aim, 1=1) DESC, mem.aim DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.aim) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.aim, 1=1) ASC, mem.aim ASC'
'yim' => array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.yim) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.yim, 1=1) DESC, mem.yim DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.yim) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.yim, 1=1) ASC, mem.yim ASC'
'msn' => array(
'down' => 'LENGTH(mem.msn) > 0 ASC, IFNULL(mem.msn, 1=1) DESC, mem.msn DESC',
'up' => 'LENGTH(mem.msn) > 0 DESC, IFNULL(mem.msn, 1=1) ASC, mem.msn ASC'
'registered' => array(
'down' => 'mem.date_registered DESC',
'up' => 'mem.date_registered ASC'
'id_group' => array(
'down' => 'IFNULL(mg.group_name, 1=1) DESC, mg.group_name DESC',
'up' => 'IFNULL(mg.group_name, 1=1) ASC, mg.group_name ASC'
'posts' => array(
'down' => 'mem.posts DESC',
'up' => 'mem.posts ASC'
// Any sort methods to add?
if (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['sort']))
$sort_methods += $context['custom_profile_fields']['sort'];

$limit $_REQUEST['start'];
$query_parameters = array(
'regular_id_group' => 0,
'is_activated' => 1,
'sort' => $sort_methods[$_REQUEST['sort']][$context['sort_direction']],

// Using cache allows to narrow down the list to be retrieved.
if ($use_cache && $_REQUEST['sort'] === 'real_name' && !isset($_REQUEST['desc']))
$first_offset $_REQUEST['start'] - ($_REQUEST['start'] % $cache_step_size);
$second_offset ceil(($_REQUEST['start'] + $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']) / $cache_step_size) * $cache_step_size;

$where 'mem.real_name BETWEEN {string:real_name_low} AND {string:real_name_high}';
$query_parameters['real_name_low'] = $memberlist_cache['index'][$first_offset];
$query_parameters['real_name_high'] = $memberlist_cache['index'][$second_offset];
$limit -= $first_offset;

// Reverse sorting is a bit more complicated...
elseif ($use_cache && $_REQUEST['sort'] === 'real_name')
$first_offset floor(($memberlist_cache['num_members'] - $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'] - $_REQUEST['start']) / $cache_step_size) * $cache_step_size;
if ($first_offset 0)
$first_offset 0;
$second_offset ceil(($memberlist_cache['num_members'] - $_REQUEST['start']) / $cache_step_size) * $cache_step_size;

$where 'mem.real_name BETWEEN {string:real_name_low} AND {string:real_name_high}';
$query_parameters['real_name_low'] = $memberlist_cache['index'][$first_offset];
$query_parameters['real_name_high'] = $memberlist_cache['index'][$second_offset];
$limit $second_offset - ($memberlist_cache['num_members'] - $_REQUEST['start']) - ($second_offset $memberlist_cache['num_members'] ? $cache_step_size - ($memberlist_cache['num_members'] % $cache_step_size) : 0);

// Add custom fields paramters too.
if (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters']))
$query_parameters += $context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters'];

// Select the members from the database.
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
SELECT mem.id_member
FROM {db_prefix}members AS mem' 
. ($_REQUEST['sort'] === 'is_online' '
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_online AS lo ON (lo.id_member = mem.id_member)' 
'') . ($_REQUEST['sort'] === 'id_group' '
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.id_group = CASE WHEN mem.id_group = {int:regular_id_group} THEN mem.id_post_group ELSE mem.id_group END)' 
'') . '
. (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['join']) ? $context['custom_profile_fields']['join'] : '') . '
WHERE mem.is_activated = {int:is_activated}' 
. (empty($where) ? '' '
AND ' 
$where) . '
ORDER BY {raw:sort}
$limit ', ' $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'],

// Add anchors at the start of each letter.
if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == 'real_name')
$last_letter '';
foreach ($context['members'] as $i => $dummy)
$this_letter $smcFunc['strtolower']($smcFunc['substr']($context['members'][$i]['name'], 01));

if ($this_letter != $last_letter && preg_match('~[a-z]~'$this_letter) === 1)
$context['members'][$i]['sort_letter'] = htmlspecialchars($this_letter);
$last_letter $this_letter;

// Search for members...
function MLSearch()
global $txt$scripturl$context$user_info$modSettings$smcFunc;

$context['page_title'] = $txt['mlist_search'];
$context['can_moderate_forum'] = allowedTo('moderate_forum');

// Can they search custom fields?
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
SELECT col_name, field_name, field_desc
FROM {db_prefix}custom_fields
WHERE active = {int:active}
. (allowedTo('admin_forum') ? '' ' AND private < {int:private_level}') . '
AND can_search = {int:can_search}
AND (field_type = {string:field_type_text} OR field_type = {string:field_type_textarea})'
'active' => 1,
'can_search' => 1,
'private_level' => 2,
'field_type_text' => 'text',
'field_type_textarea' => 'textarea',
$context['custom_search_fields'] = array();
while ($row $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$context['custom_search_fields'][$row['col_name']] = array(
'colname' => $row['col_name'],
'name' => $row['field_name'],
'desc' => $row['field_desc'],

// They're searching..
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && isset($_REQUEST['fields']))
$_POST['search'] = trim(isset($_GET['search']) ? $_GET['search'] : $_POST['search']);

if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
// Escape things just in case...
if (isset($_GET['fields']))
$_POST['fields'] = explode(','addslashes($_GET['fields']));
$temp implode(','$_POST['fields']);
$_POST['fields'] = explode(','addslashes($temp));
$_POST['fields'] = isset($_GET['fields']) ? explode(','$_GET['fields']) : $_POST['fields'];

$context['old_search'] = $_REQUEST['search'];
$context['old_search_value'] = urlencode($_REQUEST['search']);

// No fields?  Use default...
if (empty($_POST['fields']))
$_POST['fields'] = array('name');

$query_parameters = array(
'regular_id_group' => 0,
'is_activated' => 1,
'blank_string' => '',
'search' => '%' strtr($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['search'], ENT_QUOTES), array('_' => '\\_''%' => '\\%''*' => '%')) . '%',

$search_fields = array();

// Search for a name?
if (in_array('name'$_POST['fields']))
$fields = array('member_name''real_name');
$search_fields[] = 'name';
$fields = array();
// Search for messengers...
if (in_array('messenger'$_POST['fields']) && (!$user_info['is_guest'] || empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts'])))
$fields += array(=> 'msn''aim''icq''yim');
$search_fields[] = 'messenger';
// Search for websites.
if (in_array('website'$_POST['fields']))
$fields += array(=> 'website_title''website_url');
$search_fields[] = 'website';
// Search for groups.
if (in_array('group'$_POST['fields']))
$fields += array(=> 'IFNULL(group_name, {string:blank_string})');
$search_fields[] = 'group';
// Search for an email address?
if (in_array('email'$_POST['fields']))
$fields += array(=> allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'email_address' '(hide_email = 0 AND email_address');
$search_fields[] = 'email';
$condition allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? '' ')';
$condition '';

$customJoin = array();
$customCount 10;
// Any custom fields to search for - these being tricky?
foreach ($_POST['fields'] as $field)
$curField substr($field5);
if (substr($field05) == 'cust_' && isset($context['custom_search_fields'][$curField]))
$customJoin[] = 'LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}themes AS t' $curField ' ON (t' $curField '.variable = {string:t' $curField '} AND t' $curField '.id_theme = 1 AND t' $curField '.id_member = mem.id_member)';
$query_parameters['t' $curField] = $curField;
$fields += array($customCount++ => 'IFNULL(t' $curField '.value, {string:blank_string})');
$search_fields[] = $field;

// No search fields? That means you're trying to hack things
if (empty($search_fields))

$query $_POST['search'] == '' '= {string:blank_string}' 'LIKE {string:search}';

$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
FROM {db_prefix}members AS mem
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.id_group = CASE WHEN mem.id_group = {int:regular_id_group} THEN mem.id_post_group ELSE mem.id_group END)' 
(empty($customJoin) ? '' implode('
$customJoin)) . '
implode' ' $query ' OR '$fields) . ' ' $query $condition ')
AND mem.is_activated = {int:is_activated}'
list ($numResults) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

$context['page_index'] = constructPageIndex($scripturl '?action=mlist;sa=search;search=' $_POST['search'] . ';fields=' implode(','$search_fields), $_REQUEST['start'], $numResults$modSettings['defaultMaxMembers']);

// Find the members from the database.
// !!!SLOW This query is slow.
$request $smcFunc['db_query']('''
SELECT mem.id_member
FROM {db_prefix}members AS mem
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_online AS lo ON (lo.id_member = mem.id_member)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.id_group = CASE WHEN mem.id_group = {int:regular_id_group} THEN mem.id_post_group ELSE mem.id_group END)' 
(empty($customJoin) ? '' implode('
$customJoin)) . '
implode' ' $query ' OR '$fields) . ' ' $query $condition ')
AND mem.is_activated = {int:is_activated}
$_REQUEST['start'] . ', ' $modSettings['defaultMaxMembers'],
// These are all the possible fields.
$context['search_fields'] = array(
'name' => $txt['mlist_search_name'],
'email' => $txt['mlist_search_email'],
'messenger' => $txt['mlist_search_messenger'],
'website' => $txt['mlist_search_website'],
'group' => $txt['mlist_search_group'],

foreach ($context['custom_search_fields'] as $field)
$context['search_fields']['cust_' $field['colname']] = sprintf($txt['mlist_search_by'], $field['name']);

// What do we search for by default?
$context['search_defaults'] = array('name''email');

$context['sub_template'] = 'search';
$context['old_search'] = isset($_GET['search']) ? $_GET['search'] : (isset($_POST['search']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['search']) : '');

$context['linktree'][] = array(
'url' => $scripturl '?action=mlist;sa=search',
'name' => &$context['page_title']

global $scripturl$txt$user_info$modSettings;
global $context$settings$memberContext$smcFunc;

// Get the most posts.
$result $smcFunc['db_query']('''
FROM {db_prefix}members'
list ($MOST_POSTS) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);

// Avoid division by zero...
if ($MOST_POSTS == 0)

$members = array();
while ($row $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$members[] = $row['id_member'];

// Load all the members for display.

$context['members'] = array();
foreach ($members as $member)
if (!loadMemberContext($member))

$context['members'][$member] = $memberContext[$member];
$context['members'][$member]['post_percent'] = round(($context['members'][$member]['real_posts'] * 100) / $MOST_POSTS);
$context['members'][$member]['registered_date'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d'$context['members'][$member]['registered_timestamp']);
// Anything to fix for custom fields?
if (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['columns']))
foreach ($context['custom_profile_fields']['columns'] as $key => $column)
$curField substr($key5);

// Give him a blank and pass to next.
if (!isset($context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField]))
$context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField] = '';

// Some cosmetics...
if ($column['bbc'])
$context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField] = strip_tags(parse_bbc($context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField]));
elseif ($column['type'] == 'check')
$context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField] = $context['members'][$member]['options'][$curField] == $txt['no'] : $txt['yes'];



"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry: Worry never fixes anything."

Click here to view my mods for SMF

Hey 👋 Did i helped... you like what i do. You can now buy me a coffee! ☕

Sir Osis of Liver

Uh oh.  (Sir Osis falls down the rabbit hole.)  Searched the database several times over several days for custom field values, and never saw _custom_fields table, been working with _themes table, which is what's used in Load.php to load fields into $context.  Why are custom fields in two different tables?

In any event, doesn't solve the problem.  Still don't know the correct label to use here -

'cust_city' => array(
'down' => 'mem.cust_city DESC',
'up' => 'mem.cust_city ASC'

Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on May 18, 2018, 10:38:19 PM
In any event, doesn't solve the problem.  Still don't know the correct label to use here -

'cust_city' => array(
'down' => 'mem.cust_city DESC',
'up' => 'mem.cust_city ASC'

cos that array does then the query on the members table ,and there are no cust_ fields, so you have to use a LEFT JOIN to {db_prefix}themes wich is on the code above i posted!

first this

// Did they make a magical selection?
if (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && $_REQUEST['sort'] == $curField)
$context['custom_profile_fields']['join'] = 'LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}themes AS t' . $curField . ' ON (t' . $curField . '.variable = {string:t' . $curField . '} AND t' . $curField . '.id_theme = 1 AND t' . $curField . '.id_member = mem.id_member)';
$context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters']['t' . $curField] = $row['col_name'];

then use it in the query

// Add custom fields paramters too.
if (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters']))
$query_parameters += $context['custom_profile_fields']['parameters'];

' . (!empty($context['custom_profile_fields']['join']) ? $context['custom_profile_fields']['join'] : '') . '

"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry: Worry never fixes anything."

Click here to view my mods for SMF

Hey 👋 Did i helped... you like what i do. You can now buy me a coffee! ☕


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on May 18, 2018, 10:38:19 PM
Uh oh.  (Sir Osis falls down the rabbit hole.)  Searched the database several times over several days for custom field values, and never saw _custom_fields table, been working with _themes table, which is what's used in Load.php to load fields into $context.  Why are custom fields in two different tables?

that table just has the names of the custom fields, it does not actually contain the users input.

Sir Osis of Liver

Sure it does, _themes contains 'variable', which is field name, and 'value', which is user input.

@Pipke - missed that, will give it a go.  I tried a LEFT JOIN earlier, but couldn't get it to work.  I have only a passing aquaintance with mysql.
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters

Sir Osis of Liver

Your file doesn't run, 500 error.  Same when I patch code changes into clean file.  Will have to tinker with it.
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on May 19, 2018, 07:19:36 PM
Your file doesn't run, 500 error.  Same when I patch code changes into clean file.  Will have to tinker with it.

that is strange cos its working on my live site with php 5.6 and php 7.1, and on my local test site, no issues at all.
"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry: Worry never fixes anything."

Click here to view my mods for SMF

Hey 👋 Did i helped... you like what i do. You can now buy me a coffee! ☕

Sir Osis of Liver

Just getting back to this, will try it again.  I'm running in php 5.6.36, MariaDB 10.0.16.  Why are you querying two different tables for same info?
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


table {db_prefix}themes has the value, then the table {db_prefix}custom_fields has the field_name and field_desc and many more stuff like how to output it.
"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry: Worry never fixes anything."

Click here to view my mods for SMF

Hey 👋 Did i helped... you like what i do. You can now buy me a coffee! ☕
