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My bridge doesn't work fine.

Started by Alcor, November 09, 2005, 02:53:57 AM

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I installed smf 1.0.5 and mambo 4.5.2 with bridge 3.19a-stable.

I followed the steps of installation and worked fine. When I login or logout in mambo the bridge redirects me to mambo and when I login or logout in smf redirects me to mambo too, as I wished. After, I installed modules in my mambo and the bridge let working, if I login or logout always redirects me to smf. So that it works, sometimes, I have unpublish and publish some  modules and works well by a brief time.

Can somebody help me?



Do you have a URL?  Do you know which modules seem to be causing the problems?


Thanks for the answer, orstio.

Yes, my web url is: (is about lovebirds :P).

No, I don't know the modules are causing problems. Normally I unpublish and publish these modules: mod_latescpg and mod_copprand, because I've seen the bridge redirects good.



Yes, there are some incompatibilities with some of the Gallery/Coppermine display modules like Random image, for example.


Then... what is the solution? I uninstall this mod? I know webpages where the bridge works fine and these webs have installed the random image's module. :(


Try putting the modules in a different order.  It depends on which one is loaded first.


Orstio, I proved this. I changed the order of the modules and redirection doesn't work. I unpublished and after published the modules and the bridge not redirects :'(

Can be another module that is causing the errors?

Thanks for your aid,Orstio.
