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RIPE whois not working on any SMF sites I'm admin on!

Started by Dave J, March 01, 2024, 03:43:24 AM

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Dave J

See attachment of what happens when looking up an IP with RIPE

Early last year I changed the Ripe search option for 'IPLOCATION (Europe, the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia)' the reason for this is because the results from Ripe were very minimal.

For those who want to change also here's how.

Backup first.



'ripe' => array(
                'name' => $txt['whois_ripe'],
                'url' => '' . $context['ip'],

replace with

            'iplocation' => array(
                'name' => $txt['whois_iplocation'],
                'url' => '' . $context['ip'],



$txt['whois_ripe'] = 'RIPE (Europe, the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia)';
replace with

$txt['whois_iplocation'] = 'IPLOCATION (Europe, the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia)';
One last thing is that you would not need any of the other IP options as IPlocation does worldwide.

As I previously said I've been using this for quite some time and the results are quite comprehensive.
If you want quizzes to add to the new SMF2.1 quiz mod go here . There are also walkthroughs in the forum to explain how to install them and other tips.
