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Ad Management mod

Started by Team, January 30, 2006, 08:41:19 PM

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Quote from: KaiserDivus on July 01, 2007, 09:41:55 PM

Change it to plain english and you will see the mod''s settings under Configuration in your Admin Panel


Thanks man that worked :)


Quote from: KaiserDivus on July 01, 2007, 09:51:26 PM
Thanks man that worked :)

You are welcome, glad I could be of help


Quote from: ITA003 on July 01, 2007, 06:14:34 PM
How do you configure google adsense?

In attach  my config about Google Adsense. The first is the content section and second are the position of Google Adsense in Forum.

The permission are in Admin -> Permission and for every group do you want to see the ads you mu check Enable Ads, but if you already see you ads maybe are already checked.


ITA003 Thanks for fast reply, but it still doest show :(
I added the permissions, actually all were on except for guests.

btw here is my google adsense code if anyone could just try it to c if it works...

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-9866793967548805";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
google_ad_format = "728x90_as";
google_ad_type = "text_image";
google_ad_channel = "";
<script type="text/javascript"


Check if your Google Adsense account are enable at


This is what i got when i logged in in the "Reports / Overview" page, i didn't have these statistics before

QuotePage impressions      Clicks      Page CTR      Page eCPM [?]      Earnings
AdSense for Content    30    0    0.00%    $0.00    $0.00
view all AdSense for Content channels »

AdSense for Search    - No data available -
Referrals    - No data available -
Total Earnings       $0.00

Plus i saw in the Users Online "Google AdSense spider "...
So it looks like it works but... I CANT SEE ADS!!!  :(


I see the Google Ads in your site see my attach...  :o


 :o :o :o
Might be Kaspersky's Ad blocker...
Or maybe... Firefox has its own ad protection system...
Ill check it out and let you folk know ;)


Well... Obviously.. It was just a matter of time... needed to wait for the adsense spiders to do their work... It works now...


My screenshot is with Firefox


Have a look at ''disable ads for the administrator'', is it checked or unchecked? Or if you have Kaspersky Internet Security, disable ''Anti-banner''


well... now it wont show again, and i think its not because of caspersky, i already switched it on and off + the anti-banner is off...
so... I changed the banner design in the adsense pannel, so it might  be that for every change it needs time to apply....

p.s. how can i disable ads on my forum that concern "sheep" cause when i saw the ads for a short time its all about sheep stuff, and my forum is just called smart sheep doesn't really do much with sheeps...
Thanks, again ;)


one more question, how can i as admin (and only i) put a referal in my signature like this one...

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-9866793967548805";
google_ad_output = "textlink";
google_ad_format = "ref_text";
google_cpa_choice = "CAAQhaT2_gEaCI52gVKP95-sKLGsuIEBMAA";
google_ad_channel = "";
<script type="text/javascript" src="">



Try to put it between html tags


it wont fit :(
max 300 characters...
How do i change this? And can this be set only for me?
thx for reply ;)


Yes, by default only the admin can use html


but how can i increase characters?


Everytime I post an ad, it shows up twice both in the "Edit Ad section" and on my website [nofollow]. I found several posts on this same issue but could not locate an answer. It enters the same ad twice side by side on it's own and when I remove any one of them both of them are removed at the same time. I tried different ways. I am using default theme and not clicking twice. Same Ads are showing up twice. Please help. Thanks.

MitraZ - Your Everyday Need [nofollow]
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Can anyone help me with a database problem regarding this mod?  I installed it on 1.1.3 before I guess I realized it was ready.  The mod is actually installed, but I get errors and some problems.

1. When I upload loadads.php into my sources directory, all of my existing posts in my forum vanish!  I created the smf_ads table and ad_settings table manually with the columns as instructed in one of the manual posts post here or on the site.
2. Even though I made sure to add the "Category" column, I still get an error that says undefined index when I load the loadads.php file and try to enter an ad in the admin panel.

I believe this to be a DB problem as loadads.php is affecting whatever table or column in my database that houses my forum posts.  Either that, or there is something wrong with loadads.php.

Can anyone help?  Or advise what I can do?  Is this something that can easily be fixed, or do I need to completely uninstall the mod and delete my new database tables?  I just hate to have to do all the work all over again once the new updates are made for 1.1.3.  Thanks.


Hi, I'm using famouspadexx and cannot make the changes to index.template.php properly, can you post the code changes for that theme please?
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