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Ad Management mod

Started by Team, January 30, 2006, 08:41:19 PM

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Hi. All I did was click on the docs file so I could see first if it looked like something I can do. It shows all the things you need to change in the php and all, I can do that. But the last stuff is this:

This file should not be able to execute standalone. You may have to run the following queries manually.

Query: [Select]
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$db_prefix}ads ( ADS_ID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, NAME tinytext NOT NULL, CONTENT text NOT NULL, BOARDS tinytext, POSTS tinytext, HITS mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', TYPE smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_index smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_board smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_threadindex smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_lastpost smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_thread smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_bottom smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_welcome smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_topofpage smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_towerright smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_towerleft smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_betweencategories smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', show_underchildren smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (ADS_ID) )
Query: [Select]
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$db_prefix}ads_settings ( variable tinytext NOT NULL, value text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (variable(30)) )
Query: [Select]
ALTER IGNORE TABLE {$db_prefix}ads ADD show_lastpost smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER show_threadindex
Query: [Select]
Query: [Select]
ALTER IGNORE TABLE {$db_prefix}ads ADD show_underchildren smallint(4) NOT NULL default '0'
Query: [Select]
INSERT IGNORE INTO {$db_prefix}settings (variable, value) VALUES ('ads_displayAdsAdmin', '0'), ('ads_updateReports', '0'), ('ads_quickDisable', '0'), ('ads_lookLikePosts', '1')

I have NO idea what that all means?? Usually you just change the php code and maybe permissions, but what is that??


MySQL. It is the code that runs the database. You'd literally run it via phpmyadmin on a command prompt.


Sigh,,, ok, well then it's more than I want to get into. Maybe there are other packages that let you put banners in the forum. Thank you for all your help, I do appreciate it!  :)


I have smf 1.1.4 + tiny portal 0.983 instaled, standar template, english language.
I got this message:
./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed

And I tried to find the manual install instruction for admod on 1.1.4 on this link
but it says 'Sorry, but this modification does not appear to be compatible with the selected version'
But it says that, its Compatible With: 1.0.5, 1.0.6, 1.0.7, 1.0.8, 1.0.9, 1.0.10, 1.1 RC2, 1.1 RC3, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4 .
Which one is true?
Should I continue with the installation or not?
What modification do I need for the index.template.php?

Installed package:
1. TinyPortal 0.983
2. Bookmarks 1.1
3. SMF Sitemap 1.2.1
4. Pretty URLs - Base 0.8.2
5. Social Bookmarks 1.1
6. Googlebot & Spiders Mod 2.0.3

I also attached my index.template.php file to review.
Hope to hear from you soon
Thank you for your kind support
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Well I talked to my host and they explained to me how to manually query the database through phpadmin. Soooo, I'm going to download it and see if I can install it. Thanks!


Hey how come my ads only shows for admins and not guests or regular users?



smf 1.1.4  default template.
I´ve set permissions for all groups.

Banners on my forum come blank... .


Still on some pages you can see the ads.

Need some help to fix it.
Or to determine the problem.

Thank you.


Hi everyone! I got this thing almost installed, I just have one code that seems to screw up. When I put this:

'; //Welcome Ads if (function_exists("show_welcomeAds")) { $ads = show_welcomeAds(); if(!empty($ads)) { echo '<td class="windowbg2">'; if($ads['type']==0) echo $ads['content']; else eval($ads['content']); echo '</td>'; } unset($ads); } echo '

Into my index.template I get that parser error on the page instead of my forum. I have everything else done, this is the only thing holding me up. Can anyone see something wrong in it??

THanks!!! :D


Well I spoke too soon. Every single query I did came back with an error, and I get errors when trying to see post. I took everything back out and will try some other time on a test forum. The one I have now is live.


Hi, again.

I was not just waiting for help, but checked all files that were changed after I installed ad mode.
I used SMF Package Parser and found some mismatch in there.

Here is what parser says about the last file to be change:

QuoteIn file $sourcedir/ManagePermissions.php
         'pm' => array(

Replace with:
         'ad_manage' => array(
            'ad_manageperm' => false,
         'pm' => array(

But there's no file - ManagePermissions.php in SMF1.1.4 default theme.

There is a file - ManagePermissions.template.php
and it doesn't have that part of code in it... .

Can somebody explane me pls. is this an issue or just my misunderstanding?

Thank you.


Its in the Sources Directory:

QuoteIn file $sourcedir/ManagePermissions.php


Quote from: Bigguy on April 21, 2008, 02:12:41 AM
Its in the Sources Directory:

QuoteIn file $sourcedir/ManagePermissions.php

Thank you for pointing.


I've tried a few times to install this on my template but I just can't figure it out. Everything works fine on the Default theme.

SMF 1.1.4 / TinyPortal 0.9.8 / Theme kelo-lt by panic

Does anyone want to help me making this work on my template? I would love to have this working on my forums.



Without reading the past 129 pages....I'm going to post this and hope it hasn't been beaten to death already.

I'm trying to download this mod from the package server from within the back end for admins on my SMF forum.

Now, I'm a newbie to SMF (vBulletin veteran) so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong?

Any help would be appreciated!


Quote from: vmajor on April 17, 2008, 05:38:06 AM
In fact I fixed the problem, the issue was lack of support for English UTF-8. I changed the language to English and now I can see the Ad Management.

I could kiss you for saying that!  I just spent 3 hours with the exact same problem and this fixed it!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Hi, i just finished installing the mod manually for a friend.
Its installed in default template.
I have no errors.
Everything shows and works.
the permissions are set to everybody so everybody should be able to see the ads as i selected the option...

everybody can see it but guest dont... !
How can that be?


Smart mod :D
then how do i place ad exactly inside post like this?

what file do i have to change?
thx in advance.


I have a question!
Where can I add an avatar in the ads post! because is empty, and there are no avatars?

If is it possible to display an avatar?

Thanks in advance


ok i was able to add this mod to my forum 1.1.4 theme rusted and ancient .. but the adds will not show .. do i have to change the theme code? and if soe what do i need to change .. please help really need this mod

