Ad Management mod

Started by Team, January 30, 2006, 08:41:19 PM

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Sorry to be a pain Bigguy.  Would you mind having a little look at mine

best regards - Glenn


@ glennk: You will have to do the edits for that file manually.


Ok thankyou,

Does that mean I install the mod through the installer and then do the edits for that file on its own ?


How to install this mod in ReDark theme ? I am using smf 1.1.9.


Found the permissions! Thanks. Now all that is left is figuring out how to get the OpenX in...


Yes. :)

Quote from: glennk on June 24, 2009, 03:14:35 AM
Ok thankyou,

Does that mean I install the mod through the installer and then do the edits for that file on its own ?


A new thought...

is it possible to call upon another webpage in the Ad mod code bit?


You would have to experiment but I don't see why not.


I made an iframe as an adcode



I have a question. I am running 2.0RC1.1 and have nneonneo's AJAX ShoutBox V1.22. This particular shoutbox appears in the 'welcome user' area. When I install the Ad Mod, it squishes the shout box to the left and makes a blank area to the right. I tried editing the mod and removed all parts of code partaining to the 'welcome user' area but it still shows up like that. In SMF 1.1.x it never did this. Does anyone else have this issue and/or know how to remove all (ad mod) edits to the welcome user area of the header?


How to put OpenX code in the AdMod....

contrary to what I did... do NOT put the code as PHP, but as HTML.... problem solved :)


Good mod - it looks to be - but it is displaying all the ads twice.
As soon as I create one - it is listed twice in the list.
And it shows twice on the pages.

I think there is a line that is looping twice somehow. How do I correct?



Quote from: japan_6 on June 22, 2009, 12:26:18 PM
Can anyone help me with Ad Management Mod?
I have problem with my language, I am using Macedonian UTF-8 on my forum and when I set my language (Macedonian) I didn't see the Ad Manager in the Admin Panel.

Can anyone tell me how to translate to Macedonian UTF-8 language ?
I have done the translation but now I didn't see any ads , anyone knows what is the problem ??
I enable ads view for all guests,members,mods .... but ads are not showing :(


Very good mod, I appreciate it!

Is there a way to setup separate ad layout formats for different membergroups?

I want all guest to have maximum mods, and members to only have one at the top of each board.

Any suggestions?


Look at your permission settings for each group. :)


Quote from: japan_6 on June 25, 2009, 09:19:47 PM
Quote from: japan_6 on June 22, 2009, 12:26:18 PM
Can anyone help me with Ad Management Mod?
I have problem with my language, I am using Macedonian UTF-8 on my forum and when I set my language (Macedonian) I didn't see the Ad Manager in the Admin Panel.

Can anyone tell me how to translate to Macedonian UTF-8 language ?
I have done the translation but now I didn't see any ads , anyone knows what is the problem ??
I enable ads view for all guests,members,mods .... but ads are not showing :(


I have the list of files

   1.  readme.txt (2031 bytes)
   2. Ads.php (12681 bytes)
   3. Ads.english.php (11789 bytes)
   4. Ads.english-utf8.php (11789 bytes)
   5. Ads.template.php (25664 bytes)
   6. install.php (2378 bytes)
   7. install.xml (12138 bytes)
   8. LoadAds.php (8937 bytes)
   9. package-info.xml (1145 bytes)

I'm getting double ads due to installing one ad version on top of another. Which one of these files do I need to edit or should I just uninstall and delete these files and start over?





I just installed a brand new Forum version: SMF 1.1.9
Has the Core theme
I installed EzPortal.
I installed Ad Managment 2.3 

No errors at all.

But in administration under Configuration there is no link for Ad management.
I thought I had read it would be found there after the install.

What did I do wrong? Is there another option in admin I need to enable or disable or anything. What did I miss doing?

Thank you for any help on this


Quote from: Yahmez on June 24, 2009, 05:49:10 PM
I have a question. I am running 2.0RC1.1 and have nneonneo's AJAX ShoutBox V1.22. This particular shoutbox appears in the 'welcome user' area. When I install the Ad Mod, it squishes the shout box to the left and makes a blank area to the right. I tried editing the mod and removed all parts of code partaining to the 'welcome user' area but it still shows up like that. In SMF 1.1.x it never did this. Does anyone else have this issue and/or know how to remove all (ad mod) edits to the welcome user area of the header?
I really hate to bump...
Could I get this moved to coding please?


Quote from: michellelondon88 on June 27, 2009, 01:44:38 AM
any chance this could be made to display certain banners in certain boards or does it do that?
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Yes you can pick which banners display where in the forum.
