Music Database [version 2.x through 3.0 beta]

Started by Cccddd, March 09, 2004, 01:23:33 PM

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Yes I assume that and it would be sweet if I could listen to mp3's streamed to my PC but I'm not exactly sure how this is suppose to function Oldiesman. 



can anyone  share the musicadmin.gif  button here with me? thank you


Quote from: mennou on February 16, 2005, 02:36:12 PM
can anyone  share the musicadmin.gif  button here with me? thank you

All you need to do is rename the gif on the server.  It's what I did and it shows up.



is there any radio  mods available??


Quote from: mennou on February 16, 2005, 06:49:15 PM
is there any radio mods available??
what do you mean any radio mod???
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A mod that i can add my  radio  ...............
i want to add my radio on my smf radio.........


Anyone dare to venture a guess?



i got probs getting da package!

I installe dur Package serve, but all i get is this:

QuoteMultiple Choices
The document name you requested (/packages/index.php) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.

Available documents:

    * /packages/index.html?package-list&language=english&ref= [nofollow] (common basename)

Now when i click this URL i get this:

QuoteThis folder is setup for my package server for Simple Machines Forum software. You cannot access this folder directly. Instead, you must add this url to your package server list.


1. Goto [nofollow]
where [nofollow] is your domain, and smf_install_dir is your SMF installation directory.

2. click on [ Download New Packages ]

3. under where it says "Add Server"
in "Server Name:" type "Cheschire's Package Server"
in "URL:" type [nofollow]

4. My package server should now appear on the list under [ Download New Packages ]

Sooo my question is their a way to download this package manuelly?

I guess my custom bbs theme has somewhere a bug which blogs the package thingy, and yes i already tried manuelly [nofollow] and i run latest version (1.0.2)

Help is appriciated  cheers


Quote from: Jazhawk on February 16, 2005, 10:41:43 AM
Its a dumb question but I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to know. What does this mod actually do? Obviously mp3's and pictures can be uploaded and there is voting yada, yada, ya-yo but what about that? Can the mp3's be listened do like a music jukebox from the desktop? Downloaded to listen to? What? Feel free to PM a response if need be.


lol this mod is supposed to act as a lyrics database primarily. There are lots of music websites on the net, and usually they have really low quality grammar and spelling, or they are incomplete, etc. A lot of people have the odd hobby of collecting lyrics to their favorite songs, so I wrote this mod for that. Along the way, someone asked if they could attach music samples as well. I figured it would be a nice addition. Then people wanted album covers, etc. Now you start getting into lots of file handling. So now I have to work on a file manager as well.

This mod will eventually overtake all that is SMF and it will become an entire system in which SMF is the backbone.

The only problem is I am not like [Unknown] and I don't code 24/7/365. I only code in spurts that last about 4 weeks, and then I stop for about 2 to 3 months. It's how I keep from getting burned out. I mix in art, outdoors, clubbing, photography, movie watching, gaming, etc.


Quote from: roboter on February 28, 2005, 10:05:27 AM
i got probs getting da package!

I installe dur Package serve, but all i get is this:

QuoteMultiple Choices
The document name you requested (/packages/index.php) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.

Available documents:

* /packages/index.html?package-list&language=english&ref= (common basename)

Now when i click this URL i get this:

QuoteThis folder is setup for my package server for Simple Machines Forum software. You cannot access this folder directly. Instead, you must add this url to your package server list.


1. Goto
where is your domain, and smf_install_dir is your SMF installation directory.

2. click on [ Download New Packages ]

3. under where it says "Add Server"
in "Server Name:" type "Cheschire's Package Server"
in "URL:" type

4. My package server should now appear on the list under [ Download New Packages ]

Sooo my question is their a way to download this package manuelly?

I guess my custom bbs theme has somewhere a bug which blogs the package thingy, and yes i already tried manuelly and i run latest version (1.0.2)

Help is appriciated cheers

It sounds like you just aren't setting up the package server properly. Did you read this whole thread already because I know some other people had similar issues, and were helped already.


Thanx for the info.  Now are the samples playable online through this utility?  Would be great if it works that way.



they already are in the v3.0 alpha on my pkg server.


Quote from: Cheschire on March 07, 2005, 11:39:37 AM
they already are in the v3.0 alpha on my pkg server.

Cool!!!!!  Now Hurrup and get this thing to beta so I can test it out. :thumbsup:



the music db is on hold at the moment until I can get a beta of my filemanager mod done. The music db will tie into the file manager, allowing music files, album covers, etc to be uploaded, and assigned to individual artists, albums, and songs.

It's a bit too complicated right now with figuring out how to handle everything. I think I am going to take a shorthanded approach though, and leave out specific permissions until after I get into the beta testing for the file manager. Once I get it in beta, I will start tieing in the music database stuff, and get the music db to beta stage. then I will bounce back and forth supporting the two and adding minor features until they are both stable.


btw I am just now entering back into my coding phase again. It will take me a couple weeks to really gear up, but I think I should have the file manager at least released in the next month.



*hooking up waterline to Cheschire's automatic coffee maker while Juan Valdez delivers 50 lb. burlap sacks of rich, columbian coffee*

Keep us posted!



aight I am gonna go release an alpha package for the file manager in a second. I have a working demo of the filemanager alpha package here:

Now mind you, this thing is still pretty hackable, as I was focused solely on functionality and hardly at all on security. This is super alpha, and I don't recommend anyone installing it yet to be honest. I'm just making it a package myself so I can start working on integrating the music db into it, and then testing whether it works with a clean install or if i have to hack it to make it work, then fix, rinse, repeat.

Also, I am keeping the guest account limited right now so that I can test the permissions. You need to register to see the full functionality.


aight. I've gotten the music database and teh file manager to work together on a basic level. Now it's just a matter of finalizing some of the stuff before i release the latest alpha package. I expect to release a workable package by the weekend.


woo, there goes the weekend.

I actually got what I wanted accomplished, accomplished. There's a few issues though. First, there's a lot of errors being generated by some stupid stuff that I never noticed due to my error logging being turned off. Some of the pages have loops that generate up to FIVE freaking pages of errors. So if the mod gets installed, you need to disable error logging.

Second, I forgot I needed to package the file manager too, and since I haven't designed teh package for that yet, this is gonna take a bit.

And finally, I need to add some error handling code so when someone installs the mod for the first time with an empty database, they won't get hit with a page full of errors.


sup bro.  i was thinking can the filemanager be distributed as a separate mod for smf also as i would like to use it to upload files to my music playlists but i want to gve certain users the right to upload to it.
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