Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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I know that this has been answered in this thread, although I don't reall the exact page/post.
try search?
the variables are stored in the themes table...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I had searched for "database" in this topic and found a couple things but couldn't understand/realise what was said.

But thanks, I'll have a look in PhpMyAdmin to find something in the themes table.


@satan: thanks for the links.

wouldnt it be easier to owerwrite the changed files by the original ones?

the package parser is a great link, thanks for that.


@ Skoell

I play safe when answering by giving a solution that will always do what is expected...had I said what you are suggesting and had you added/removed other mods in between this mod and the current state of your files you could have got into a situation known in technical circles as "a right mess". If you are sure there were no other changes made to the files and you had set your forum to save the altered files with a tilde after the name you could do as you are suggesting but I'd never risk putting that down as general advice for the above reasons.


Ok, excuse me if my question its a little stupid but...

how can i see the fields im created with this MOD?

ok, im install succefull, go to "features and options", after to "Custom profile fields" after i create the custom fields and active this, but this dont work, i active all the check boxes for see the fields in my profile but really i dont see nothing about this new fields

i create a field called "information", and i enable this, its Text type, but dont work :(

any person can help me please? :)

thanks already, byebye :D


Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Musiciona :O

but im trying changue to default theme and dot work in this too :S

im have my forum in spanish and musiciona theme, but im always changue the forum (in py profile) to english language and default theme to check all MODS, and this dont work :'(


Are you sure you manually installed this mod in profile.template.php?
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


im install it with the package manager of my SMF system, i use SMF v 1.1.2

sorry my bad english, im from mexico :$


No problem but some mods need to be installed manually. The docs tell you how to install it. ;)
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Quote from: shadow82x on August 05, 2007, 12:54:10 AM
No problem but some mods need to be installed manually. The docs tell you how to install it. ;)

i can see in the ACP all the things about this MOD, really i need to install it manually? im too bad to install this thinks and this scar me :$

i read already the readme file, but i cant understand, can you give me a little guide about this MOD installations, im a old-user phpbb and its totally diferent :S

EDIT: the readme dont say me any about the installation :P


Did you try searching the online manual? Like a keyword of 'manual' for a search. In SMF2.0 you don't have to do it. But for now you. I have to go for now. :)
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member



Got this message upon install using newest version, any ideas?  Or is it just not compatible with the latest release?

Type     Action     Description
1.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/ModSettings.php    Test successful
2.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php    Test successful
3.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Display.template.php    Test successful
4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/PersonalMessage.template.php    Test successful
5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Register.template.php    Test successful
6.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Register.php    Test failed
7.    Extract File    ./Sources/CustomProfile.php    
8.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/languages/CustomProfile.english.php    


Try reuploading /sources/register from a fresh install in FTP. Than proceed.
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member



Shadow!  Please don't give advice like that without getting further info!!!!!!!

Assuming you did NOT follow shadow's advice.
Do you have any other mods which modify your registration process?
This is likely the cause of the failure (and following shadow's advice would cause you to lose parts of those modifications)

You may have to apply the code changes to that one file by hand.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I have installed this mode, but when I add filed I cant see it in my profile, I dont use English as default language


You will need to translate CustomProfile.english.php into the language you wish to use and change the file name accordingly...leave the english version in place in case it is needed to help you fix problems...upload your new version to the same directory as the original file (theme language directory.) If you are also using a custom theme (any theme bar the SMF Default theme is a custom theme) you will need to manually edit this mod into that theme...each theme will need to be manually edited.


My forums runs in german.
After installing this mod - there is at "features and options" a blank place without text. can you help me?
where do I have the translation?
please give me the name of the template or the file I need.
Mein Forum:

SMF 2.0 RC 1-2
deutsches Sprachpaket
Ajax Chat Ingetration


Please read my last post again...I already gave you the name of the file to translate!
