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Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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Hello will888

No, this list only shows the columns ID, username, display name, e-mail address, IP address, last online, posts.

Nothing unusual here. Or should information entered in custom fields be displayed here?



Quote from: Aileen on December 09, 2007, 05:08:08 PM
So its not possible. thanks

What's the conclusion of this? Sorry I do not quite understand.

Best regards



The customer profile fields mod only adds display fields to the messages (and the profiles)

There have been a number of people who wanted to add fields to the memberlist...   and the code they used has been listed at least 4 times in this very thread...

please use search, and read the thread you are asking about... I know it's long, but (especially with a long thread) there is a good chance that your question has already  been answered.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I just read thourgh 81 pages of posts!  And first off, I love this mod.  It really makes my profile page what I want it to be.  I just added a block to search the member list on my home page, and I know it's been posted before through out this thread, but it would simply make my forum awsome if a custom feild was searchable also.  My users badly want to have a "Real Name" feild that's visitors to the site can look through..  Keep up the great work guys!


custom fields being searchable would be a whole 'nother ball of wax (so to speak)...  You're talking huge amounts of additional code...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


That's what I hear.  Thanks for getting back to me. 
Just for the sake of figuring something out, I invited my users to change their login to their realname, which appears to be searchable in the memberlist, then they have their displayname different, and a custom field to show their real name.  It works for me.


Quote from: m@d on June 29, 2007, 01:39:45 PM

Actually, I was able to get it to work, but only on one field - so far...

I created a few custom fields using the Custom Profile Field MOD for First Name, Last Name, Address etc...

So, I went into the Memberlist.php file and made the modifications to include my new custom profile fields on the mlist.

Then, I setup the query:

// Select the members from the database.
   $request = db_query("
      SELECT mem.ID_MEMBER, th.ID_MEMBER, th.variable, th.value
      FROM {$db_prefix}members AS mem" . ($_REQUEST['sort'] === 'isOnline' ? "
         LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}log_online AS lo ON (lo.ID_MEMBER = mem.ID_MEMBER)" : '') . ($_REQUEST['sort'] === 'ID_GROUP' ? "
         LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.ID_GROUP = IF(mem.ID_GROUP = 0, mem.ID_POST_GROUP, mem.ID_GROUP))" : '') . "
         LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}themes AS th on (th.ID_MEMBER = mem.ID_MEMBER AND th.variable = 'first_name')
               WHERE mem.is_activated = 1" . (empty($where) ? '' : "
         AND $where") . "
               ORDER BY " . $sort_methods[$_REQUEST['sort']][$context['sort_direction']] . "
      LIMIT $limit, $modSettings[defaultMaxMembers]", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Then I setup the sort methods:

// List out the different sorting methods...
   'firstName' => array(
   'down' => 'th.value ASC',
   'up' => 'th.value DESC'
   'lastName' => array(
   'down' => 'th.value ASC',
   'up' => 'th.value DESC'

So far, it works for just one of the variables and blows up when I try to add more than one Custom Profile field to sort on.  But, I am still working on this.  Its pretty cool that I was able to get the first_name field to sort but I need to have the ability to have the rest of my fields sort.


I have tested this code from rgum for one custom profile field, it dont really works ,  my problem is when a Member from my forum leave this profile field blank then he is not listed in the Memberlist.
Any ideas?
Sorry for my bad English  :-[

wht else did u modify?


Hi there!

Really Great Mod!

I have installed it without any errors but when I click "Features and Options", i receive this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare modifyprofilesettings() (previously declared in /home/clubski/public_html/Sources/ModSettings.php:351) in /home/clubski/public_html/Sources/ModSettings.php on line 361

And after i've unistaled the mod, when i click to read some topic this error shows up:
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/clubski/public_html/Sources/CustomProfile.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5fcgi/lib/php') in /home/clubski/public_html/Sources/Load.php(1746) : eval()'d code on line 318
Any ideas of how to correct that?

Please help, because my forum isn't workig now and I'm stuck!

Btw, I'm using SMF 1.1.4, the default theme ONLY and those are the mods i'm using:

1. Language Drop 1.3 
2. Topic description 1.1 
3. TinyPortal 0.983 
4. FontandSizeDropdown_1.2 1.2 
5. Default Avatar 1.0 
6. Avatars at Index Mod 1.5 
7. Auto Embed Video Clips 1.7 
8. Colorize Boards 1.0 
9. Topic description 1.1 
10. Custom BBCode 2.00 
11. Skype Name Mod 2.0 
12. Reason For Editing Mod 1.14 
13. Increase/Decrease Postbox Size 1.0 
14. Spoiler Tag 0.3.2 
15. vQuoteSelection Mod 0.90 
16. Sticky First Post (extends sticky topic) 1.3.2 
17. Wrap Text Around Image 1.0 
18. Group on Registration 1.1.1 
19. Member Color Link 2.0.5 
20. Custom Profile Field Mod 3.16 


You appear to have installed the mod more than need to follow the process of a manual install but removing the duplicate code the mod has added.


Quote from: TrueSatan on December 19, 2007, 02:46:11 PM
You appear to have installed the mod more than once...

No, just once.

Well, i don't want to install it again - all I want is to UNINSTALL it - and I CAN'T !
Please, Help!

Something in Load.php is looking for CustomProfile.php file even after i've uninstalled the mod

Tell me what code of Load.php i have to remove please!



It doesn't matter what you SAY you did... from the error, it is obvious that the mod was installed twice.

You will have to manually remove either the double function (and any other duplicated code) or manually uninstall the whole shebang...

Plus, installing mods after installing this one may have altered your code beyond auto-un-install.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I'm really sorry I haven't been able to keep up with support for this mod and would like to give a big thanks to others who have helped out.

Anyways I've updated the mod to (I think) fix the bug with moving fields.

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


Always a pleasure and Merry Xmas



I'm having some trouble with the custom profile field mod..On the profile page, everything looks normal, but when users go to edit their profile information, the custom profile fields show twice (picture attached). Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you :)


Please check the edits made by the mod to see that none of the changes have been this by following the process of a manual install...if there is an duplicate editing by the mod please back up the files first then edit out the duplications.

Please read:

The following may also prove helpful:

Mirror of the last link:


Thank you, TrueSatan :)

I replaced all the files (that the mod modifies) with the original files and then manually modified the files. And the mod works now! I should have done that  earlier  ::)


Glad you got it fixed...and Merry Xmas.


thanks :) merry christmas to you, too!


i have one question: do i get a good uninstalling of this mod so that it doesnt leave trace in the database ?

i also want to know what and where new stuff are added in the database
