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Re: Bridge 1.1.4

Started by tarquel, July 05, 2006, 04:50:57 PM

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I no longer see the User Menu that you get when you log in via the bridge...

I haven't noticed any problem with logging in via the bridge i.e. appears to log in and out with no problems, but i cant get the user menu to appear.

[I also get the following happen with the who's online of joomla - mentioned:,72826.msg378478.html#msg378478 [nofollow] which refers to a change in the Who´s online definitions found:,66501.msg349477.html#msg349477 [nofollow] if this is helpful at all]

Any ideas?

I did try uninstalling the bridge and installing it again, but it made no difference... Should the bridge remove the added items in the SQL DB automatically when it is uninstalled and the files from the directories in the joomla install or not?

Nathan H. - Network Administrator @ YBD [Edu]
Webmaster of 3MW [nofollow] & PCHM [nofollow]


QuoteFor the 1.1.4 bridge, one small change needs to be made for the Joomla 1.0.9 or higher.  Find this in smf.php (in the integrate_login function):

//Joomla 1.0.8 compatibility

if (isset($_VERSION) && $_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' && $_VERSION->DEV_LEVEL >= '8'){
$remCookieName = mosMainFrame::remCookieName_User();
                        $remCookieValue = mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_User( $username ) . mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_Pass( $passwd );
setcookie( $remCookieName, $remCookieValue, $lifetime, '/' );

and replace it with this:

//Joomla 1.0.8 compatibility

if (isset($_VERSION) && $_VERSION->PRODUCT == 'Joomla!' && $_VERSION->DEV_LEVEL >= '8'){
$remCookieName = mosMainFrame::remCookieName_User();
//Joomla 1.0.9 compatibility
                        if ($_VERSION->DEV_LEVEL>='9')
$remCookieValue = mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_User( $username ) . mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_Pass( $passwd ) . $row['id'];
$remCookieValue = mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_User( $username ) . mosMainFrame::remCookieValue_Pass( $passwd );
setcookie( $remCookieName, $remCookieValue, $lifetime, '/' );


couldn't manage to edit it in any way while it was live [smf.php] so tried ftping a copy and editing it and uploading it, but it seemed to ignore the overwrite - even after chmod-ing and deleting the file hehe

I found the best way was to:

- uninstall the bridge
- check for and remove the files if they hadnt been deleted during the uninstall
- extract just the smf.php from the bridge archive
- make the adjustment
- add/replace the file into the archive
- install the bridge
- configure as normal


Working lovely [you may need to log out and log in to see the change however]

Thanks mate :)

Nathan H. - Network Administrator @ YBD [Edu]
Webmaster of 3MW [nofollow] & PCHM [nofollow]
