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Started by feeble, November 26, 2006, 07:36:17 PM

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Thank you but i guess you forgot to answer to my question :D

ELO (whatever that means) doesnt count the old finished games, which had been played before this version. I have played lots of matches but my elo is 1200 just like everybody else.

I personally dont care which number ELO stars from. But it should count the games which has been played before this update.


I don't think it's that big of a deal if the Elo rating doesn't count games prior to it's inception.  It calculates at the end of each game and a new Elo is issued to both the winner and the loser.  I think it's too much to expect that Feeble have the Elo system go back through history.  It will eventually "catch up" as more games are played.  Besides, remember that SMFChess is still beta software.  The important part is that Elo will be in place when version 1.0 is released.


Well maybe you are right. Maybe its not big of deal for you. But think about if made 30 matches and you havent lost any of them? Then how would you feel about it? You ELO is like your level of pride in chess... and its not easy to win those games everytime.

So i respect your opinion but i believe this is something should be looked into. Its not an immidiate request but i dont think its something we should put in the freezer eighter.


I also have won most of my games and I wanted to request the same thing you did. Then I thought better of it, because this is a beta mod and feeble has better and more useful things to do then to satisfy our pride by coding some probably difficult stuff (elo is based on the elo, so it's not a simple script) that is only useful once.


Sorry about the lack of updates or communication. Just been taking a look over SMF2 for the past couple, and visited Rapture for a bit.

In regards to the updating on ELO and stats for all your game.
Ill look into it, its a little bit more difficult, so I'm looking forward to getting it done.
But if you do recalculate, you ELO will be restarted to 1000 + your results.

The ELO scoring has me a little worried thou in its present state. As ELO shouldn't really be using to rank players, but more to compare in my opinion.
And since it can go up or down, there isn't much incentive for players to accept challenges from players with a lower ELO.

Would it be ok, if I put one more scoring system in?
basically ELO but your rating will only ever go up. And this method would be used to order the leaderboard. And the ELO rating, would be used as secondary.

Regarding Undo.
After reading your comments on this request.
I think it should stay as request only. Reason for this is because well, the touch system is really how you should play Chess.
If you still want it thou Brianw, I might be able to adjust it for you personally, anyways let me know if this is ok.

Regarding Live Games.
I do really want this, but.
The only problem is that, well...I have this strange suspicion its going to cause more problems then its worth, especially as it can already be done, just needs some scheduling by the Players.
So would you like possibly a place to chat globally so you can see if anyone else is looking for a game at the same time you are as well?


I do still want this if you don't mind. But don't post it now as I am waiting for the FIRST Real version no betas.


<<<<<<<<< CHARTER MEMBER? :) Good Job man. you deserve it. Whatever that is. It sounds cool :D

Here are what i got in my error logs...

8: Undefined index: SMFChess_admin
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Satır: 2819

Database error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')
GROUP BY ID_BOARD' at line 3
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Satır: 1976

1024: sendNotifications(): non-existant topic passed
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Satır: 1388

8: Undefined index: allow_chess_admin
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/ChessChat.php
Satır: 97

2: unlink(/home/site/folder/forum/Themes/default/SMFChess/pieces/leipzig/black_king.gif) [<a href='function.unlink'>function.unlink</a>]: Permission denied
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs-Package.php
Satır: 1157

8: Undefined index: SMFChess_admin_maintenance
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Satır: 2825

8: Undefined index: ID_MEMBER
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Chess.php
Satır: 254


Quote from: PLAYBOY on August 28, 2007, 04:21:10 AM
<<<<<<<<< CHARTER MEMBER? :) Good Job man. you deserve it. Whatever that is. It sounds cool :D
lol, thanks but charter really doesn't mean anything.
Quote from: PLAYBOY on August 28, 2007, 04:21:10 AM
Here are what i got in my error logs...
Im a little confused. as "SMFChess_admin_maintenance"
isn't even used anymore.

What are the dates on those errors anyway and are you using the latest build?

Also "SMFChess_admin" should of been solved by the Turkish language pack


hahah feeble.. people wanting it to work with beta 2.0.. like you didnt see that coming..

let me know if I can help in any way.. I am not moving to 2.0 any time soon my test install didnt go so well (as I expected) no 2.0 for me..for now.. :D


maybe those errors are old. i deleted all the errors now. if same thing happens again i ll let you know.

but these errors are new... just came out fresh :);sa=update;sesc;id=47;timestamp=1188063293;xml
Unable to load the 'main' template

8: Undefined index: SMFChess_admin
Dosya: /home/site/folder/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Satýr: 2819


I'd like to suggest an improvement regarding the export of Fischer-games. Currently the starting notation is not exported to PGN, so that if you want to replay or analyze the game in another software, you have to enter it manually.

PGN supports alternate starting positions (cf. specs) and I know you are using FEN already, so implementing this should be possible. I think you are not saving the inital game position as FEN, but as this would be useful for the castling code anyway (you can castle as the first move in some random setups) you might want to add it? Maybe it could be saved in the chess_move database as move 0, but that's just a quick idea without knowing your code as a whole, you probably select from the move db somewhere to determine whether a game is running :).

Flying Drupalist

Is there a way to manually upgrade? I can't uninstall without breaking my files.


Quote from: t0AsD on August 30, 2007, 09:03:04 AM
I'd like to suggest an improvement regarding the export of Fischer-games. Currently the starting notation is not exported to PGN, so that if you want to replay or analyze the game in another software, you have to enter it manually.

PGN supports alternate starting positions (cf. specs) and I know you are using FEN already, so implementing this should be possible. I think you are not saving the inital game position as FEN, but as this would be useful for the castling code anyway (you can castle as the first move in some random setups) you might want to add it? Maybe it could be saved in the chess_move database as move 0, but that's just a quick idea without knowing your code as a whole, you probably select from the move db somewhere to determine whether a game is running :).
No worries, Ill make the change
currently its exporting

[Site "Leaderless Clan Website"]
[Date "2007.08.23"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Feeble"]
[Black "t0AsD"]
[Result "*"]
[Board "48"]

1.h4 f6 2.g4 Qf7 3.Ng3 Ne6 4.e4 b5 5.g5 b4 6.g6 b3 7.gxh7 bxa2 8.h5 Ba6 9.c4 axb1=R 10.b4 Rxb4 11.Ba3 Nc6 12.d3 Rbb8 13.d4 g5 14.f3 g4 15.f4 Rg5 16.Ne2 Rb3 17.Ng3 Rgb5 18.Ne2 Rbb8 19.Ng3 O-O-O *

just need to add
'[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]'

I haven't seen the tag "SetUp" very often.
But if you want, ill include that as well.

Ill also make a few adjustments to the PGN import, so that it can handle the FEN tag. as at the moment it assumes default positions.

Quote from: Miraploy on August 30, 2007, 10:36:05 AM
Is there a way to manually upgrade? I can't uninstall without breaking my files.
Hmm, ill make a manual Script package.
But you will have to wait as Im made alot of small changes to the tables for the next build.


Miraploy, I'm not sure what you mean by "breaking" your files, but it probably would be best to uninstall via the mod manager and then manually uninstall (have a backup of the install/uninstall xml) from the files, that the package manager couldn't get hold of. Then do a clean install of a new version.

I assume you meant that the package manager shows some files as "test failed", if you were talking about something different then disregard this method ;)


Ok this is my Final Push of changes to Finalize this Mod for v1 release.

So Please, take a look, and if there is anything you need last minute please let me know, as I will probably stop adding things once the language files are done.
Also please keep in mind that
-the concept of "Live Game" will have to wait till later, but its still possible to do it now
-show last move will have to wait till later as well

Most notable changes in this release:
-Recount Wins,Draw,Loses and ELO Rating - Please don't try and use this to often, its not the most efficient of scripts

-Fixed many more bugs with castling, thanks again to t0AsD.
Note: you can only castle now, by clicking on one of the castling images. This was done to alleviate problems in some chess960 setups.

-All 960 of Chess960 board setups are now in, so you should see more variety

-Chess BBC Tag now in place - Please comment of the design
Example can be found here

-Notepad added, now you can job down notes between moves

-Alot of small bug fixes

Also Ive done some small experiments to calculate the bandwidth used by SMFChess
Check Update Ticks
Chess Board - 140 bytes per tick
Chat - 220 bytes per tick

When an update Occurs -
ChessBoard - 500 bytes on average
Chat - 1000 bytes on average

So what that means that on the recommend settings of
20min timeout, 10 seconds between Update Ticks
-120 ticks till timeout
-44Kbytes in 20min till timeout occurs
-Roughly couple of hundred Kbytes per game.

Package is for 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.
If you installed the last package, you will need to uninstall that before going ahead with this version, I've kept the packages the same and version as well, to keep you from doing this.
Download here
Preview Here

Note: To manually make table changes. Just uploaded the InstallScript.php from into your SMF directory and run it through a browser

Languages: If you do not see your language here, please follow this link
NOTE: As with the main package, these language packs are not final, and will need to be uninstalled at a future date. What this does however, its stop language errors in your forum log regarding missing languages.
NOTE: If you have installed one of the language packs already, dont worry about uninstalling, the new build will not affect any of the language packs.
Thai UTF-8
Croatian UTF-8


Everything is Perfect. I think its good to go now.

Im cleaning my error log now. If i get any error messages i ll let you know.

Later on, you may wanna add an option to change color of pieces.

Can anybody (including admins) see the persons notes on notepad?

Thanks again. Good job. Keep it up.


Thanks Feeble, it's working great!  I like the CHESS bbcode tag, it could be really useful for posting chess puzzles and teaching newbie woodpushers.  Great idea.

I noticed another change, where when looking at a game, where the most recent moves are listed, they are hyperlinks now and you can visually step through the last few moves.  Very nice, but mine only seems to be showing the number of the move, and not the move itself..  so it looks like..


instead of

3b. Nb4
3w. Nf3
2b. Na6
2w. d2-d3
1b. c7-c6
1w. h2-h3

Any idea why?  Is this an edit that I missed somewhere or a bug in the latest beta?


OK, so since its almost out that means its almost time for me to download...

I have one question about the bbc. Does it allow you to play chess from the topic the bbc is in?


Quote from: Godsongz on August 31, 2007, 10:42:19 PMAny idea why?  Is this an edit that I missed somewhere or a bug in the latest beta?

My fault, in the table smf_chess_move I changed the field name `moveInfo` to `moveinfo`, instead of `move_info`.


Quote from: PLAYBOY on August 31, 2007, 08:49:27 PM
Can anybody (including admins) see the persons notes on notepad?
No its only available to the player

Quote from: brianjw on September 01, 2007, 10:48:46 AM
OK, so since its almost out that means its almost time for me to download...

I have one question about the bbc. Does it allow you to play chess from the topic the bbc is in?
no its just a table
