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Stars and Badges

Started by Bulakbol, February 29, 2008, 11:59:19 PM

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Yeah I would like to display them both.  If I put the primary group up there with an image image this mod, it will show the group post image off posts.

That is great, but if i change my primary group with an image, it will show the group post name but no image. 

I need an image for my primary group (instead of the text), my post group name (text) and under that the image that goes along with the post group name.  Once they reach a certain number of posts, i need it to change also, just like the default.


Well, use image instead of stars then for all your groups. 

$message['member']['group'] // group name
$message['member']['group_stars'] // post or primary group stars

Display the group_stars instead of the group name.
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will that just replace the text to an image in just the primary membergroup?


Quote from: fecu2008 on April 12, 2008, 09:37:55 PM
will that just replace the text to an image in just the primary membergroup?

If you want to display only images for primary group, you have to do some checking. You can try this and see if it will do it.
if (isset($message['member']['group']) && $message['member']['group'] != '')
echo '
', $message['member']['group_stars'], '<br />';

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ok johny ill play around with it, thank you. 


yes nice work

good Mod
translate portuguese Pt_Pt/pt_BR

<file name="$languagedir/Help.portuguese.php" error="skip">
<search position="end"></search>
$helptxt['badge_ownline'] = 'Organizar a exibição de grupos adicionais crachá ou estrelas. Digite o número adicional grupo id e devem ser separados por vírgula. (i.e. 1,2,4)';

<file name="$languagedir/Help.brazilian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end"></search>
$helptxt['badge_ownline'] = 'Organizar a exibição de grupos adicionais crachá ou estrelas. Digite o número adicional grupo id e devem ser separados por vírgula. (i.e. 1,2,4)';

<file name="$languagedir/ManageSettings.portuguese.php" error="skip">
<search position="end"></search>
$txt['badge_ownline'] = 'Organizar adicionais grupo identificaçao a serem exibido.<div class="smalltext">(Devem ser separados por vírgula. i.e. 1,2,4)</div>';

<file name="$languagedir/ManageSettings.brazilian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end"></search>
$txt['badge_ownline'] = 'Organizar adicionais grupo identificaçao a serem exibido.<div class="smalltext">(Devem ser separados por vírgula. i.e. 1,2,4)</div>';


Quote from: fecu2008 on April 12, 2008, 10:46:54 PM
ok johny ill play around with it, thank you. 

If you need a code for reading primary groups' post_group stars/badges/images, let me know.

@Joomlamz. Thanks a lot for the translation.  8) Does the ModSettings equivalent of ManageSettings in your language? I need the one for ModSettings though.
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Eliana Tamerin

Hey, Johny, I was toying around with this and I realized it doesn't show post groups. Would it be possible to include an option to show post groups in the next version of Stars and Badges? I nearly got it working, and then I forgot all about the Load.php file. Couldn't quite wrap my head around what it was telling me, so I gave up.

Btw, the old "Multiple Badges" mod did this, it showed both membergroup badges and postgroup badges.
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Hi Eliana. Sure.  I think I can do that. Thanks for the suggestion.
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I really need some help because  I don't have some of those  files that you asked  me to change in the manual  install.  I can  say that  this  mod  does work bcause its  showing stars in the place where it should be showing the images that I have created for the membergroups.   So  bottom line is  that  I need the image or rank icon  to be precise, to show instead of a star.  Can you please help me with that?

I seached in the subs folder  for the lines  and  no  go.  I don't have them.  I don't have a  dispay template in my theme, and I dont  have  mod settings  either.  So  I  am completely  baffled. 

Hopefully  its simply a matter of  diresting the mod to the rank image instead of stars

I  will  be  checking here  often.  Thanks

If you wish to see it you can  check it out at HERE  Its an adult content website though.   If  you don't  object to that kind of thing.  I 'd be happy  to give you access as well. 

Thanks  very  much


Hi Niagra. If you don't have the files that needed to be edited by this mod, then your custom theme probably use the default one. If there were no errors when you installed this mod, then it's okay.

This mod will display whatever you designated stars/badge as group stars. You have to use badge or image of your choice instead of stars. I visited your forum and there were missing images. If you need assistance, PM me a temporay admin access and I'll check it myself. Make sure that images used as stars exist in images folder. 
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Sorry I'm such a dork, but I'm having a major brain fart...

Could someone please tell me where you find the group id?  I can't seem to find them displayed anywhere.

Thanks muchly!

Jade Elizabeth

Just hover OVER the group in the admin > membergroups section, and it will say group=## in the link location (seen mostly on the bottom left of the browser)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Did you follow Alundra's instruction? Do you know what to do now to find the id number?

Can you flip your avatar vertically?  :P
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Hi Johny,

I Have a This mod, a one of your many mods  :D, installed.

The I have made a group, VIPmember.. wich a have attached a picture to.

Al the account, inlcluding my own, it displays very well.. the only thing is, that one girls who is a moderator is does not display, eventho i have marked here as a vip member in here account ralating page on her profile.

Also.. i do no have the extra line as in your third screen shot;mod=1110;id=53274;image

on the admin page..

And it doesnt display the picture in the profile and pm either...

do you know what might be wrong?


If you want i can send you a pm with the password, so you can take a look :)
Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


Quote from: Alundra on May 09, 2008, 07:15:54 PM
Just hover OVER the group in the admin > membergroups section, and it will say group=## in the link location (seen mostly on the bottom left of the browser)

You're not the only dork who couldn't figure that out , Ghostrose.  Thanks for pointing that out Alundra.

Now that I have that part figured out how do I now arrange the badges to display 3 side by side in a single line?  Or can I even do that? 



Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: JohnyB on May 10, 2008, 04:44:35 AM
Can you flip your avatar vertically?  :P

I'm getting ready to change it actually.

Quote from: Shortrnd on May 10, 2008, 08:09:17 AM
Quote from: Alundra on May 09, 2008, 07:15:54 PM
Just hover OVER the group in the admin > membergroups section, and it will say group=## in the link location (seen mostly on the bottom left of the browser)

You're not the only dork who couldn't figure that out , Ghostrose.  Thanks for pointing that out Alundra.

No prob. I'd look into help icons for this one JB :)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Quote from: JohnyB on May 10, 2008, 04:44:35 AM
Did you follow Alundra's instruction? Do you know what to do now to find the id number?

Yup, I found it.  Thanks!


     When are you going to replace your avatar? I feel sleepy everytime I look at it.  :D

Maybe we should add instruction to the help text on how to find group id's.

     Good to know.
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Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: JohnyB on May 11, 2008, 04:03:36 AM
     When are you going to replace your avatar? I feel sleepy everytime I look at it.  :D

Maybe we should add instruction to the help text on how to find group id's.

     Good to know.

Done now :P
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.
