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CAPTCHA (Code Verification)

Started by Daniel15, February 11, 2006, 03:57:53 PM

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I agree, best mod I've ever used! It's also the first I've ever used ;D


Just passing this on:  You need to edit your uninstall so that any files you put into various directories are removed.


It says corrupted or not fit for this SMF version? I'm using latest version rc2  :o


Where is the language file for translation ?? Cant find it!


I downloaded and installed this mod tonight but it doesn't seem to work correctly for me.  In the admin I see none of the text describing the values (e.g., Number of characters to use for code, Minimum Font Size), nor do I see the changes on the registration page.

Is there something I need to do differently, either in the installation or the configuration, to get this to work correctly?  I'm using 1.1 RC2.

Thanks in advance.


I installed it using packet manager, and all worked well. I'm using v.1.1 rc2. I'm not sure but if you use other themes than core theme you may not get the registering screen visible at all, i did not see it in other themes yet. I have asked if someone could help me with the problem.

Try core theme and check if it is there available.

Go here to this thread, maybe there is something for you?


Thanks for the link.  While it didn't directly solve my problem it got me thinking.  When I installed the mod (by uploading it through Package Manager) the captcha directory was never created.  I'm guessing this is the cause of my problem since the strings are contained in the captcha/hn_captcha.class.php file (as mentioned in the thread you linked me to).  I tried manually uploading this folder after the installation but that doesn't seem to make a difference.  Any thoughts?

And I've tried this with Core, Classic, and Babylon with identical results.


Yes I installed this mod today, and it was fine but the registration page on all themes, even the main default core theme, shows up blank. The current theme I am using, Epsilon by bloc, configured for TinyPortal, does not use its own registration.template.php file, or its own post.template.php file.

The text shows up for me next to the fields in the configuration panel for it if it means anything.




Hello again,

Just to say that my server has both GD Library and FreeType installed, I know you asked this for the last person to report this problem.

Hope this helps.



My installation worked fine with package manager, not the link but i downloaded it manually and then installed with pac.manager, then added needed texts to needed file for another theme. Only the ready SMF link didn't worked in pack manager, therefore downloaded it to my computer first.


That's how I installed it.  I downloaded the ZIP file (which is now sitting on my PC's desktop) and used Package Manager to upload it to my server.  All of the tests are successful and the installation appears to work.  When I ls the root directory of SMF, however, there is no captcha folder and thus any of the SMF pages that would grab values from a file in the captcha folder don't include them.


Try to uninstall it and then reinstall it  ::)

I hade the locator mod today, it didn't installed first time, but second time it worked with pack.manager.  ???

Do you use 1.1 rc2 ?


Yes, I use 1.1 RC2.

I redownloaded the ZIP file.  Uninstalled and deleted the package through Package Manager, reuploaded the package, and installed it again.  I even created the captcha folder myself with the files in it.  The results are the same as before.

I'm using LAMP if that helps with any ideas.


I'm no experienced my self neither, try to ask someone in forum? There was an thread by the author somewhere, maybe there is something you could find out. At last there was something about installation problemss and chmod of files? Search with locationmod or similar. Hope you get it installed, seems to be useful mod.  ;D

Quote from: DiRN on February 19, 2006, 11:06:06 AM
Yes, I use 1.1 RC2.

I redownloaded the ZIP file.  Uninstalled and deleted the package through Package Manager, reuploaded the package, and installed it again.  I even created the captcha folder myself with the files in it.  The results are the same as before.

I'm using LAMP if that helps with any ideas.


Great mod, works fine for me on rc2 :)

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


Sorry everyone, I haven't had time to update this recently (due to school and stuff). If you  need support, here's how to get it:

1) Support ticket system: My support ticket system is at . Use it for all support-related questions
2) Bug tracker: If you find a bug, please submit it at . The bug tracker is also used for feature requests.
3) Forums: My forums are available at . You may use these forums for general chat regarding the CAPTCHA MOD
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


I just submitted a support ticket, as when I installed it attempts to register would produce a CAPTCHA garbage collection error. Needless to say, the attempt to register would fail. Running SMF 1.1 RC2 with my own theme installed. Possible conflict with theme design?

Really like the idea of this mod, so am hoping for a fast resolve.
The Computer Lady!
Design Works Internet - CEBUG
Custom Web Design & Programming, Video Tutorials


Footnote to above... Switched to new default theme, and re-installed MOD again. Now the registration screen is showing up, and no more 'garbage collection' errors. Must be a flaw in my theme design then. Great, have to re-do that from scratch again. Oh well, got the MOD working at least!
The Computer Lady!
Design Works Internet - CEBUG
Custom Web Design & Programming, Video Tutorials


For German user here is the German Translation:

Please install it after a success full installed Version / Erst nach einer erfogreichen installation benutzen.

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
</search for>

<add before>
//General Strings
$txt['captchaEnter'] = "Bitte den gezeigten Code eingeben";
$txt['captchaEnterShort'] = "Code eingabe";
$txt['captchaWrong'] = "Dein Eingegebener Code war Falsch! Klicke auf Zur&uuml;ck, und gib den Code erneut ein (Bei Problemem Aktualisiere diese Regestrierseite)!";
$txt['captchaMaxTries'] = "Leider hast du zuviele male den Code Falsch eingegeben! Die Registration kann nicht fortgesezt werden.";

//When posting a reply to a topic
$txt['error_captcha_wrong'] = "Der Code wurde falsch eingegben!";

//Administration strings
$txt['captchaHeading'] = "CAPTCHA Einstellungen";
$txt['captchaChars'] = "Wieviel Buchstaben werden für den Code ben&ouml;tigt";
$txt['captchaMinSize'] = "Kleinste Schriftgr&ouml;&szlig;e";
$txt['captchaMaxSize'] = "Gr&ouml;ste Schriftgr&ouml;&szlig;e";
$txt['captchaMaxRotate'] = "Maximaler Winkel der Buchstaben verdrehung";
$txt['captchaNoise'] = "Verzehrung einschalten <div class='smalltext'>eingeschalten = Buchstaben werden 'verzehrt' (recommended), ausgeschalten = Benutzt Raster</div>";
$txt['captchaWebSafeColours'] = "Benutzte Web sichere Farben";
$txt['captchaBadGuysURL'] = "'Böse Jungs' URL <div class='smalltext'>(wenn jemand CAPTCHA zu umgehen versucht wird er hier her geleitet)</div>";
</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
'lang'           => 'en',    // Only 'en' supported in SMF CAPTCHA
</serach for>

'lang'           => 'de',    // Only 'en' supported in SMF CAPTCHA... okay not any more :P

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
$this->messages = array(
'msg1'=>'You must read and type the <b>'.$this->chars.' chars</b> within <b>0..9</b> and <b>A..F</b>',
'msg2'=>'Oh no, I cannot read this. Please, generate a ',
'refreshbuttontext'=>'new ID'
</search for>

$this->messages = array(
'msg1'=>'You must read and type the <b>'.$this->chars.' chars</b> within <b>0..9</b> and <b>A..F</b>',
'msg2'=>'Oh no, I cannot read this. Please, generate a ',
'refreshbuttontext'=>'new ID'
'msg1'=>'Lese und Schreibe diese <b>'.$this->chars.' Buchstaben</b> von <b>0..9</b> und <b>A..F</b>',
'msg2'=>'Oh nein, ich kann dieses nicht Lesen bitte generie eine ',
'refreshbuttontext'=>'Neue ID'

<search for>
if($this->lang == "en" && $this->current_try > 2 && $this->refreshlink) return 'No valid entry. Please try again:<br>Tipp: If you cannot identify the chars, you can generate a new image!';
if($this->lang == "en" && $this->current_try >= 2) return 'No valid entry. Please try again:<br>&nbsp;';
</search for>

<add after>
if($this->lang == "de" && $this->current_try > 2 && $this->refreshlink) return 'Kein g&uuml:ltige eingabe. Bitte noch einmal Versuchen. <br />Tip: Wenn du die Buchstaben nicht lesen kannst, dann gernerie einen neues Bild erzeugen!';
if($this->lang == "de" && $this->current_try >= 2) return 'Keine g&uuml;ltige eingabe. Bitte Versuch es noch einmal:<br />&nbsp;';
</add after>

Okay this are the Changes for a complete german Version. / Dies sind die Änderungen für einen komplett deutsch Version.

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
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My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


This mod is really, really cool!  Thanks for taking the time to develop it.  :)
