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SMF Post Prefix

Started by Diego Andrés, May 11, 2015, 10:37:35 PM

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Diego Andrés

Quote from: Steve on April 13, 2023, 08:35:53 AMIn Admin → Topic Prefixes, how difficult would it be to have the sort order changed to the name column by default instead of the modify column?

'default_sort_col' => 'modify', Change to 'default_sort_col' => 'item_name',
Not sure if it will be the right order, might need to invert these
'sort' =>  [
'default' => 'prefix_name',
'reverse' => 'prefix_name DESC',

Quote from: DeadMan... on April 13, 2023, 08:56:36 AMNot quite sure how to do that.
I'm still not familiar with the SSI.

Code (Search) Select
COALESCE(lt.id_msg, lmr.id_msg, 0) >= ml.id_msg_modified AS is_read,
COALESCE(lt.id_msg, lmr.id_msg, -1) + 1 AS new_from') . ', SUBSTRING(ml.body, 1, 384) AS body, ml.smileys_enabled, ml.icon
FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ml ON (ml.id_msg = t.id_last_msg)
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mf ON (mf.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)
Code (Replace) Select
COALESCE(mem.real_name, ml.poster_name) AS poster_name, ' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '1 AS is_read, 0 AS new_from' : '
COALESCE(lt.id_msg, lmr.id_msg, 0) >= ml.id_msg_modified AS is_read,
COALESCE(lt.id_msg, lmr.id_msg, -1) + 1 AS new_from') . ', SUBSTRING(ml.body, 1, 384) AS body, ml.smileys_enabled, ml.icon,
t.id_prefix, AS prefix_id, AS prefix_name, pp.status AS prefix_status, pp.color AS prefix_color, pp.bgcolor AS prefix_bgcolor, pp.invert_color AS prefix_invert_color, pp.icon_class AS prefix_icon_class
FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ml ON (ml.id_msg = t.id_last_msg)
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mf ON (mf.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}postprefixes AS pp ON (t.id_prefix =

Code (Search) Select
'subject' => $row['subject'],
'replies' => $row['num_replies'],
Code (Replace) Select
'subject' => PostPrefix::format($row) . $row['subject'],
'replies' => $row['num_replies'],

Not sure if it will work, didn't test it.
Also you'll probably or likely need to include Sources/PostPrefix/PostPrefix.php?

function ssi_recentTopics($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'echo')
global $settings, $scripturl, $txt, $user_info;
global $modSettings, $smcFunc, $context;

require_once($sourcedir . '/PostPrefix/PostPrefix.php');

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Didn't work. Just gave me a 500 page.
Also, had error on the $sourcedir as not valid, so changed that and same result, just no error
, @Diego Andrés.

However, this part gives issue with the blocks, causing some things to not load, like rest of recent topics block and everything after.
'subject' => PostPrefix::format($row) . $row['subject'],
Fixed the issue, but they still don't show in that special recent topics block I am using.

global $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $settings, $txt;
$context['TPortal']['recentboxnum'] = '25';

$bb = $modSettings['recycle_board'];

$what = ssi_recentTopics($context['TPortal']['recentboxnum'], NULL, NULL, 'array');
$cmax = count($what);

echo '
<div style="width: 100%; overflow: auto; height: 30ex;">';
$member_ids = array();
foreach($what as $wi => $w)
$member_ids[] = $w['poster']['id'];

$avatars = progetAvatars($member_ids);
$avatars = array();

foreach($what as $w)
echo '<span class="tpavatar"><a href="' . $scripturl. '?action=profile;u=' . $w['poster']['id'] . '">' , empty($avatars[$w['poster']['id']]) ? '<img src="' . $settings['tp_images_url'] . '/TPguest.png" alt="" />' : $avatars[$w['poster']['id']] , '</a></span>
<div class="smalltext"><a href="'.$w['href'].'">' . $w['subject'] . '</a></div>
<div class="smalltext">', $txt['by'], ' <b>', $w['poster']['link'], '</b></div>
<div class="smalltext">';
if (!TP_SMF21)
echo '<a href="'.$w['href'].'"><img src="'.$settings['images_url'].'/'.$context['user']['language'].'/new.gif" alt="new" /></a> ';
echo '<a href="'.$w['href'].'" id="newicon" class="new_posts" >' . $txt['new'] . '</a> ';
echo '['.$w['time'].']

if($counter != $cmax)
echo '<hr />';
echo '
I tell it how I see it... Don't like it? Hit Alt+F4!


You'd need to add $sourcedir to the list of globals.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I did, @Arantor.
However, it doesn't appear to let me do the one edit I posted. It causes the blocks to not load. Starting with the recent topics block I posted.
I tell it how I see it... Don't like it? Hit Alt+F4!

Diego Andrés

Do you get any errors or info?
If everything is breaking after the block, then the error might be hiding around that area. I can't test it at the moment.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on April 13, 2023, 06:03:10 PMDo you get any errors or info?
If everything is breaking after the block, then the error might be hiding around that area. I can't test it at the moment.

That's the odd thing. Even after removing and getting the blocks back, there's no errors in the log.
I tell it how I see it... Don't like it? Hit Alt+F4!


Side note: Thanks Diego!

Back to @DeadMan...'s problem.
DO NOT pm me for support!


By chance, does anyone here have a version prior to v3.0 of this mod that they can share with me? I am looking for it since it is the only version that my forum supports smf 2.0.19 help please :'(  :'(


In next version would it be possible to add feature(s)

  • if you add a new board at the moment you have to add the board to each existing prefix could there be a feature to add existing prefixes to the new board?
  • same for member groups

Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025

Diego Andrés

It's been 'logged' for a while.
It requires a good amount of work, or I don't know if it's even possible with hooks only.

I would need to work on it, but it's not a priority right now for me, hopefully in the future.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on May 23, 2023, 08:29:42 PMIt's been 'logged' for a while.
It requires a good amount of work, or I don't know if it's even possible with hooks only.

I would need to work on it, but it's not a priority right now for me, hopefully in the future.

As it's an admin only thing, it makes it easer.

I think I have a ways to make this work, all you would need to do is add a page to your admin or additional options to current admin page plus add the functions, lol.

I won't have a chance today, but if my misses still love me tomorrow, if not it'll be next week lol, I'll look at altering a function I have for doing something like this.

Feel free to use it or alter as needed.

All the best mick
Site Under redesign not expected to be complete before July 2025

Diego Andrés

4.3.0 - 27 May 2023
  • New Feature Select prefixes for a group when editing a group.
  • New Feature Select prefixes for a board when editing a board.
  • Improvement Improved settings HTML markup.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Shades. on October 28, 2022, 12:58:14 PM
Quote from: Diego Andrés on October 11, 2022, 10:48:19 AMThis mod uses hooks, so you'd have to manually add the column into the group by for the other mod.

It occurs to me, that @vbgamer45 could include
 in the group by, to account for the selects added by hooks?
Can someone tell me where to add this? I tried adding it myself but got more errors cause I don't have a clue what I'm doing! :laugh:  O:)  :P
Quote from: Diego Andrés on October 28, 2022, 08:23:27 PMI think @vbgamer45 already did something similar in the latest update of his mod  8)
Yeah he did but I was still getting errors so Since you updated your mod I decided to tinker with it again and I finally figured out how to add the columns myself and it was more than just the one.

On line 393 of MessageIndex.php I changed:
        GROUP BY t.id_topic, big.id_attach, thn.id_attach, t.num_replies, t.locked, t.num_views, t.is_sticky, t.id_poll, t.id_previous_board, ' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' lt.id_msg,lmr.id_msg, ' ) . '  t.id_last_msg, t.approved, t.unapproved_posts, ml.poster_time,
        t.id_redirect_topic, ml.id_msg_modified, ml.subject, ml.icon, ml.body, ml.poster_name, ml.id_member, meml.real_name, t.id_first_msg, mf.poster_time, mf.subject, mf.icon, mf.poster_name, mf.id_member, memf.real_name, ml.smileys_enabled,
        mf.smileys_enabled, big.filename, big.width, big.height, thn.filename, thn.width, thn.height, mf.body, t.id_board
' . (!empty($settings['avatars_on_indexes']) ? ',meml.avatar, meml.email_address, memf.avatar, af.id_attach, al.id_attach, af.attachment_type, al.attachment_type, al.filename, af.filename' : '') . '
            ORDER BY is_sticky' . ($fake_ascending ? '' : ' DESC') . ', ' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ($ascending ? '' : ' DESC'),

        GROUP BY t.id_prefix,,, pp.status, pp.color, pp.bgcolor, pp.invert_color, pp.icon_class, t.id_topic, big.id_attach, thn.id_attach, t.num_replies, t.locked, t.num_views, t.is_sticky, t.id_poll, t.id_previous_board, ' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '' : ' lt.id_msg,lmr.id_msg, ' ) . '  t.id_last_msg, t.approved, t.unapproved_posts, ml.poster_time,
        t.id_redirect_topic, ml.id_msg_modified, ml.subject, ml.icon, ml.body, ml.poster_name, ml.id_member, meml.real_name, t.id_first_msg, mf.poster_time, mf.subject, mf.icon, mf.poster_name, mf.id_member, memf.real_name, ml.smileys_enabled,
        mf.smileys_enabled, big.filename, big.width, big.height, thn.filename, thn.width, thn.height, mf.body, t.id_board
' . (!empty($settings['avatars_on_indexes']) ? ',meml.avatar, meml.email_address, memf.avatar, af.id_attach, al.id_attach, af.attachment_type, al.attachment_type, al.filename, af.filename' : '') . '
            ORDER BY is_sticky' . ($fake_ascending ? '' : ' DESC') . ', ' . $_REQUEST['sort'] . ($ascending ? '' : ' DESC'),

I had to add this to the beginning of the group by and seems to work perfect now with the other mod:
t.id_prefix,,, pp.status, pp.color, pp.bgcolor, pp.invert_color, pp.icon_class, - Custom Logos - My Themes on SMF | My Themes on ShadesWeb - Sniffing out the road ahead

Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you'll die today. - James Dean


Quote from: Diego Andrés on May 27, 2023, 09:38:44 PM4.3.0 - 27 May 2023
  • New Feature Select prefixes for a group when editing a group.
  • New Feature Select prefixes for a board when editing a board.
  • Improvement Improved settings HTML markup.

Added italian translation update

P.S. in crowdin, you can uoload this file?
I have no permits... thanks :)
Italian SMF - Supporto Italiano per la board SMF - Ci trovate tutti li!! :)

Diego Andrés

Thanks, will update languages soon.  ;D

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.

Diego Andrés

4.3.1 - 02 June 2023
  • Translation Italian translation provided by Darknico
  • Translation Updated translations.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


I like the look of your mod, but as an SMF noob I am not sure how to install it. I looked up 'hooks' in the SMF documentation and found it quite confusing. Do you, or someone else, have a step by step guide on installing a 'hooks' mod like yours?

Stefan Bartelski
Webmaster for the Cadillac LaSalle Discussion forums


Quote from: sbartelski on June 29, 2023, 12:54:15 PMDiego,
I like the look of your mod, but as an SMF noob I am not sure how to install it. I looked up 'hooks' in the SMF documentation and found it quite confusing. Do you, or someone else, have a step by step guide on installing a 'hooks' mod like yours?

You do not need to worry about the "Hooks".

You are looking for how to install a mod package.

See more here -


I am getting an error on this line, could you help me?

<a class="button button_strip_' . $key . (!empty($value['active']) ? ' active' : '') . (isset($value['class']) ? ' ' . $value['class'] : '') . '" ' . (!empty($value['url']) ? 'href="' . $value['url'] . '"' : '') . ' ' . (isset($value['custom']) ? ' ' . $value['custom'] : '') . '>'.(!empty($value['icon']) ? '<span class="main_icons '.$value['icon'].'"></span>' : '').'' . $txt[$value['text']] . '</a>';
Thank you very much and sorry for my english

Diego Andrés

Quote from: jafl on July 03, 2023, 01:32:20 AMI am getting an error on this line, could you help me?

Hola, esa línea no tiene que nada ver con este MOD o no tiene suficiente contexto.
Lo mejor es que abras un tema de soporte y expliques qué problema tienes, ya sea en inglés o español.


SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.
