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Board Sort Methods

Started by drhamad, March 12, 2009, 12:20:23 PM

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So either me and/or the mod author is supposed to guess what the problem is? If you would like help, you need to be specific in what the problem is.


its it any alphabet order for topics ? like i press A then all topics starting with A come

like a MOD or sumthing

like this



You noe where i can get a MOD like this?


I have SMF 2.0 and tried both the Board Sort Method 2.0.1 and the Custom Board Sort 1.0.2.

With the 1.0.2 my boards sort fine, but now I can't add new boards, I get the following error:
Field 'sort_order' doesn't have a default value
File: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SMF\Sources\Subs-Boards.php
Line: 792

Even if I un-install I still get the same error.  Can't add boards anymore.

Any help would be appreciated>



I fixed this myself.  Went into the database and set the field default for sort_order = 0  everything works fine now.

Jeremy M.

This mod really needs to be updates for smf 2.0.2. My boards do not order by the most recent. They are in order by date, and i hate that.


I've got 2.0.2, and run into a "Error in Package Installation" error with step 3 of the install, ManageBoards.template.php:

// Board Sort Methods v2.0 by drhamad, based on Custom Board Sort v1.0.1 by akabugeyes
echo '
<tr class="windowbg2">
<b>', $txt['sort_title'],'</b><br />
', $txt['sort_desc'],'<br /><br />
<td valign="top" align="right">
<select name="sort_method">
<option value="0"', $context['board']['sort_method'] == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['mboards_theme_default'], '</option>';

foreach ($context['sort_methods'] as $sort)
echo '
<option value="', $sort['value'], '" ', $context['board']['sort_method'] == $sort['value'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $sort['name'], '</option>';

echo '

echo '
<select name="sort_order">
<option title="', $txt['desc_full'], '" value="0" ', $context['board']['sort_order'] == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['desc'], '</option>
<option title="', $txt['asc_full'], '" value="1" ', $context['board']['sort_order'] == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $txt['asc'], '</option>


Any help is much appreciated! (Really need the ability to sort news posts by their date)



is there someone who could tell me how to use Board Sort Methods i have installed it without warning but dont know how to use it


I have this when trying to install this mod:


Table 'friends6_smf341.boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/friends6/public_html/forum/Packages/temp/BoardSortMethods_2-0-1/boardsortmethods2.php
Line: 13

However as the last but one latest message on this board was 2013, I am not holding my breath whilst waiting for a solution?
"Them as can do has to do for them as can't. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices."


If someone is interested, I have a compatible version of this mod for SMF version 2.1.4. Since I'm not the original author of this mod, I can't upload it.

Diego Andrés

There's already an updated version of the MOD, using hooks:

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