Contact Page

Started by Team, July 06, 2006, 12:59:38 PM

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Quote from: Photoshocker on June 27, 2007, 12:51:30 PM
Great Mod! But there is no image verification is this because i have it disabled in the register also?
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I want guests to have access to contact form how can i do that?

Thanks. :)


hey someone plz help me, my site logs are flooded with the following error. how can i fix them. plz help.

Undefined variable: first
File: C:\wamp\www\hangout\Themes\default\languages\Login.english.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 708

Undefined variable: last
File: C:\wamp\www\hangout\Themes\default\languages\Links.english.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 679


Quote from: Photoshocker on June 28, 2007, 09:29:56 AM
I want guests to have access to contact form how can i do that?

Thanks. :)

go to permissions and select guests. look for contact page option and check that option. save it.


I can't find any permission related to the contact.. :(


Got it! thanks...i had a little problem with the translation in the language..


Quite like the look of this mod.
I have put it in, but my problem is i have tried to change a bit in index.temp.php, so it matches the current theme i'm using " Silvanost Orange "

What happens is when i put it in,i get 2 sets of "members" in the top nav bar, even though it is working. How can i change it to say contact.

   // the [contact] button
   if ($context['allow_view_contact'])
   echo '
            <td align="center" valign="top"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/menu_devider.gif" width="31" height="28" alt="" /></td>
            <td class="mainNav"><a href="', $scripturl, '?action=contact">' , $txt[331] , '</a></td>';

i think it has something to do with the $txt[331] which obviously means ' members"
how can i change it to say CONTACT

Any help appreciated, as i'm just trying to learn how to go about changing bits & pieces


' , $txt[331] , '
Change to
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Like this.  ' , $txt[Contact] , '

Did'nt work m8


No completly remove the stuff i said in the other post.
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That worked . cheers for that. :D Does it automaticaly link to my e-mail address ?


Just tested ,and everything works perfectly. Thanks for your advice. & keep up the good work :D


Quote from: kill3r on June 28, 2007, 05:05:04 PM

Kind of weird, it shows the checkbox but not the wordage... I'm using a non-default theme, though.

Everything looks set-up OK (besides above), however, I get this error when trying to send:

The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture.

And the images aren't showing.


same here.

do i need to modify my modsettings again or something?


Never mind my first question...... I already fixed it.

how can I add the menu button? I tried adding it but I always get errors =/ where should I place the code and what code should I add to the index.template.php file?

will appreciate your help. thanks.


Quote from: askepott on July 08, 2007, 12:43:04 PM
Never mind my first question...... I already fixed it.

how can I add the menu button? I tried adding it but I always get errors =/ where should I place the code and what code should I add to the index.template.php file?

will appreciate your help. thanks.

You need to add them manually if you are not using the default smf theme. just upload the modification package here.

and then do the changes for index.template.php file of your custom theme as said there.

Ps. make a backup of the file before editing.


I'd love a modified version of this mod, similar to to the one mentioned in [url]this[/url] reply.  I also want to add a feature that will add an additional permission per group allowing it to bypass the image verification.  I'm looking to basically set up my forum up so that when they use the contact form as a guest or a 'New Member', they have to use the image verification.  If they use the contact form from any other group, they bypass the image verification.  Also, if the member is in fact a registered user, the E-mail box should be hidden, as it is obtained from the member's profile.  If the user does not have an E-mail address on their profile, a message is displayed asking to update that portion of their profile.


OK I just installed this mod on SMF 1.1.3/TP 0.9.8.  When accessing it, the image box isn't appearing.  I'm accessing it from the webmaster's account.  In looking through the coding, I couldn't see if contact.gif was being used, and if so, where to place it.  It seems as if the image is missing, but then again, it also looks as if contact.gif is only used in older editions of SMF.  Please help.


The image box will only appear if you visual confirmation turned on.
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