[Solved] Moderators UNABLE TO SEE 'ADMIN' icon

Started by Nitro, September 18, 2004, 02:47:54 AM

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why when i add a new moderator this new one CANNOT see the extra icon 'Admin' ??
i have looked for awhile and i jusdt cannot see why this is hapening. permissions are set to do whatever they want for the moderators permissions and they cannot see except the same buttons they have always have.


thank you!

Moderator-Edit: [Solved] prefix added since this topic might be helpful to others
MPF Rocks!!!


Which member is this?  Are they using something besides English?  Are you certain they have proper permissions to see not just moderation tools, but also administrative ones?



eyah, actually all the members that i want to have as moderators and the ones i had for moderators now cannot see the 'admin' page at all! i was working the other day with someone as a new moderator and this person comes back today and she cannot even see the 'admin' button.
i looked under permissions and she has all the rights to do whatever she wants and even though she cannot see the 'admin' button.

i wonder why?


i can give you the same account for you if you want to again.

i wanted to have hidden topics there and it was working good. so what i did, i went to the manage boards section and on each one of them i set the same permission for all the boards to members ALL of them, so this way as a new moderator for certain specific hidden board can only moderate that particual board and not the other ones. do you think this has to do with the problem i am havingt with moderators?

-thanks man!
MPF Rocks!!!


I just checked, and it seems you're using deny permissions.... these are "dangerous" because they cause EXACTLY this.  In short:

If you deny "Jr. Members" from administrating, but allow "Moderators" too, then people who are Moderators but also have less than 50 posts will be denied.

Deny is like banning.  Use it when you want to burn anyone in that range.  Disallow is saying just no to that one group.



hm, so this is where it gets really confusing wiht boards permissions and group permissions, in a way they kind of contradict each other.
i will folow your advice and have a general 'allow' for moderators and see what happens.
will post here the results.

thank you for helping me on this.

MPF Rocks!!!


Quote from: [Unknown] on September 18, 2004, 03:49:51 AM
I just checked, and it seems you're using deny permissions.... these are "dangerous" because they cause EXACTLY this. In short:

If you deny "Jr. Members" from administrating, but allow "Moderators" too, then people who are Moderators but also have less than 50 posts will be denied.

Deny is like banning. Use it when you want to burn anyone in that range. Disallow is saying just no to that one group.


could you please tell me what this means:
on the boards permission i see two options:
Allowed      Denied
     0                0

if i set 'allowed'=0 and 'denied'=0 for moderators, this means they can do anything as a moderators supposed to do? my thoughts are telling me this '0' means it is neutral, which means, they have freedom, is that right?

MPF Rocks!!!


Quote from: [Unknown] on September 18, 2004, 03:49:51 AM
I just checked, and it seems you're using deny permissions....


i just changed the permission by board for the moderators, now they have been given permission to moderate board and still they cannot see the 'admin' button, i have removed the deny option to moderators so they can have access to anywhere where they want, but this didn't change all , they still cannot see the 'admin' option.

i have several boards and it takes a lot of time, how can i reset all these permissions and stuff for all the boards or groups? is there something i can do to put it juast as when i created a new board? does it make sense what i am trying to say here?

i am sure there should be an option to do this, is that right?

thank you

MPF Rocks!!!


all i had to do is go to admin-->Member groups-->Editor Permission-->all i had to do is scroll down and under 'Permissions by board' i noticed they were all set to 'local' so i switched them all to 'Global' and this fixed the problem!

thanks for eveyr thing [unknown] you set the flag when you said about permissions.

MPF Rocks!!!


It takes a little time to learn how to use the permissions system, but it is very powerful and once you learn how to use some you can figure out the rest :)


well, i'm still learning but i will!

thanks man!
MPF Rocks!!!
