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SMF Shoutbox

Started by Deep, March 15, 2006, 08:09:52 AM

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I haven't checked in on this mod in ages, last i knew mbirth was supporting it and I've got v1.20

what is the latest version, where can i download it, and who is supporting this??   thanks! <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running TT 2.06


well the one we all have so far is version 1.1.6 and it would seem there is nobody supporting it anymore which accounts for nobody getting answers here---unless some of us figured it out for ourselves and shared the
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


Quote from: DarkAngel612 on April 01, 2008, 12:05:20 AM
well the one we all have so far is version 1.1.6 and it would seem there is nobody supporting it anymore which accounts for nobody getting answers here---unless some of us figured it out for ourselves and shared the

More's the pity no one is supporting it. I can't get it to run on SMF 2.0 Beta and liked it best of the few shout box options.


Also, I have the version 1.16b, I downloaded it somewhere, searching on goole. I think it's the latest version.


how on earth do i have 1.20 and you're all stuck on old crap

here is 1.20, you can also find links for it in this thread if you look hard enough lol

i'll try and help if i can
when i get some time i'll install a test board for 2beta and have a look at this
i wont be switching my sites to 2 until it goes final  8) <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running SMF 1.1.16 & heavily modified <----- Running TT 2.06


OK thanks......
but even with this version I have the sounds problems....
None can fix this little bug? I'm new to php... I'm not able!


Also, I changed the colour of shouts in Control Panel, but if two users write one is always in Black, does anyone know how change this black colour? thanks.


this mod i feel is a very important part of an smf forum,  it allows users to interact with each other,  unlike any other shoutbox mod on here,  we use this on our site and all of our members love this mod,  we also have a chat room from tufat,  but nobody ever uses the chat room,  they prefere to use the shoutbox,  it is a fun mod and a valiable tool for smf i feel.

it is a shame that nobody is supporting this mod.  :'(

i can't imagine upgrading to smf 2 and not having this mod avaliable,  it would feel like a downgrade :'(


yes you are so right, I fortunately have installed Tiny Portal on the majority of our forums and other sites I have put together and am equally pleased with the shoutbox...which I believe is the same one for without the portal.

It has been integrated into the portal software and you can show it on the left -- right -- center of every page too.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


Quote from: gianko82 on April 02, 2008, 06:41:34 AM
Also, I changed the colour of shouts in Control Panel, but if two users write one is always in Black, does anyone know how change this black colour? thanks.
I solved it:
in Sources/sboxDB.php
$sbox_DarkThemes = explode('|', strtolower($modSettings['sbox_DarkThemes']));

if (in_array($sbox_CurTheme, $sbox_DarkThemes)) {

  $sbox_TextColor2 = $modSettings['sbox_TextColor2'];

} else {

  $sbox_TextColor2 = $modSettings['sbox_TextColor1'];


and replace with:
$sbox_DarkThemes = explode('|', strtolower($modSettings['sbox_DarkThemes']));

  $sbox_TextColor2 = $modSettings['sbox_TextColor2'];

  $sbox_TextColor1 = $modSettings['sbox_TextColor1'];

then, in the same sboxDB file find:
.windowbg2 {

      font-family: ' . $modSettings['sbox_FontFamily'] . ';

      font-style: normal;

      font-size: ' . $modSettings['sbox_TextSize'] . ';

      font-weight: normal;

      text-decoration: none;

and replace it with:
    .windowbg2 {

color: ' . $sbox_TextColor1 . ';

      font-family: ' . $modSettings['sbox_FontFamily'] . ';

      font-style: normal;

      font-size: ' . $modSettings['sbox_TextSize'] . ';

      font-weight: normal;

      text-decoration: none;


In this way The shoutbox uses the two colours you can change in the control panel. Ignoring if it is a dark theme or not.
Byebye ;)


I encountered a problem installing the shout box to my forum now all I see when trying to get on my forum is this error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/wernkin8/public_html/forum/Sources/Subs.php on line 3601

I need help,I have members trying to get on the board.

This is the bottom half of my Sub.php

The error is in here..somewhere...any help would be appriciated.

function smfshout(){ global $sourcedir; include_once("$sourcedir/shout.php"); shout_display(true);}

// Debugging.
function db_debug_junk()
global $context, $scripturl, $boarddir, $modSettings;
global $db_cache, $db_count, $db_show_debug, $cache_count, $cache_hits;

// Add to Settings.php if you want to show the debugging information.
if (!isset($db_show_debug) || $db_show_debug !== true || (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'viewquery') || WIRELESS)

if (empty($_SESSION['view_queries']))
$_SESSION['view_queries'] = 0;
if (empty($context['debug']['language_files']))
$context['debug']['language_files'] = array();

$files = get_included_files();
$total_size = 0;
for ($i = 0, $n = count($files); $i < $n; $i++)
$total_size += filesize($files[$i]);
$files[$i] = strtr($files[$i], array($boarddir => '.'));

$warnings = 0;
foreach ($db_cache as $q => $qq)
if (!empty($qq['w']))
$warnings += count($qq['w']);

$_SESSION['debug'] = &$db_cache;

// Gotta have valid HTML ;).
$temp = ob_get_contents();
if (function_exists('ob_clean'))

echo preg_replace('~</body>\s*</html>~', '', $temp), '
<div class="smalltext" style="text-align: left; margin: 1ex;">
Templates: ', count($context['debug']['templates']), ': <i>', implode('</i>, <i>', $context['debug']['templates']), '</i>.<br />
Sub templates: ', count($context['debug']['sub_templates']), ': <i>', implode('</i>, <i>', $context['debug']['sub_templates']), '</i>.<br />
Language files: ', count($context['debug']['language_files']), ': <i>', implode('</i>, <i>', $context['debug']['language_files']), '</i>.<br />
Files included: ', count($files), ' - ', round($total_size / 1024), 'KB. (<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById(\'debug_include_info\').style.display = \'inline\'; = \'none\'; return false;">show</a><span id="debug_include_info" style="display: none;"><i>', implode('</i>, <i>', $files), '</i></span>)<br />';

if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && !empty($cache_hits))
$entries = array();
$total_t = 0;
$total_s = 0;
foreach ($cache_hits as $h)
$entries[] = $h['d'] . ' ' . $h['k'] . ': ' . comma_format($h['t'], 5) . ' - ' . $h['s'] . ' bytes';
$total_t += $h['t'];
$total_s += $h['s'];

echo '
Cache hits: ', $cache_count, ': ', comma_format($total_t, 5), 's for ', comma_format($total_s), ' bytes (<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById(\'debug_cache_info\').style.display = \'inline\'; = \'none\'; return false;">show</a><span id="debug_cache_info" style="display: none;"><i>', implode('</i>, <i>', $entries), '</i></span>)<br />';

echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=viewquery" target="_blank">Queries used: ', $db_count, $warnings == 0 ? '' : ', ' . $warnings . ' warning(s)', '</a>.<br />
<br />';

if ($_SESSION['view_queries'] == 1)
foreach ($db_cache as $q => $qq)
$is_select = substr(trim($qq['q']), 0, 6) == 'SELECT' || preg_match('~^INSERT(?: IGNORE)? INTO \w+(?:\s+\([^)]+\))?\s+SELECT .+$~s', trim($qq['q'])) != 0;

echo '
<b>', $is_select ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=viewquery;qq=' . ($q + 1) . '#qq' . $q . '" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;">' : '', nl2br(str_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', htmlspecialchars(ltrim($qq['q'], "\n\r")))) . ($is_select ? '</a></b>' : '</b>') . '<br />
if (!empty($qq['f']) && !empty($qq['l']))
echo 'in <i>' . $qq['f'] . '</i> line <i>' . $qq['l'] . '</i>, ';
echo 'which took ' . round($qq['t'], 8) . ' seconds.<br />
<br />';

echo '
<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=viewquery;sa=hide">[' . (empty($_SESSION['view_queries']) ? 'show' : 'hide') . ' queries]</a>

// Get an attachment's encrypted filename.  If $new is true, won't check for file existence.
function getAttachmentFilename($filename, $attachment_id, $new = false)
global $modSettings;

// Remove special accented characters - ie. sí.
$clean_name = strtr($filename, 'ŠŽšžŸÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ', 'SZszYAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy');
$clean_name = strtr($clean_name, array('Þ' => 'TH', 'þ' => 'th', 'Ð' => 'DH', 'ð' => 'dh', 'ß' => 'ss', 'Œ' => 'OE', 'œ' => 'oe', 'Æ' => 'AE', 'æ' => 'ae', 'µ' => 'u'));

// Sorry, no spaces, dots, or anything else but letters allowed.
$clean_name = preg_replace(array('/\s/', '/[^\w_\.\-]/'), array('_', ''), $clean_name);

$enc_name = $attachment_id . '_' . strtr($clean_name, '.', '_') . md5($clean_name);
$clean_name = preg_replace('~\.[\.]+~', '.', $clean_name);

if ($attachment_id == false || ($new && empty($modSettings['attachmentEncryptFilenames'])))
return $clean_name;
elseif ($new)
return $enc_name;

if (file_exists($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $enc_name))
$filename = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $enc_name;
$filename = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $clean_name;

return $filename;

// Lookup an IP; try shell_exec first because we can do a timeout on it.
function host_from_ip($ip)
global $modSettings;

if (($host = cache_get_data('hostlookup-' . $ip, 600)) !== null)
return $host;
$t = microtime();

// If we can't access nslookup/host, PHP 4.1.x might just crash.
if (@version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0') == -1)
$host = false;

// Try the Linux host command, perhaps?
if (!isset($host) && (strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win') === false || strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'darwin') !== false) && rand(0, 1) == 1)
if (!isset($modSettings['host_to_dis']))
$test = @shell_exec('host -W 1 ' . @escapeshellarg($ip));
$test = @shell_exec('host ' . @escapeshellarg($ip));

// Did host say it didn't find anything?
if (strpos($test, 'not found') !== false)
$host = '';
// Invalid server option?
elseif ((strpos($test, 'invalid option') || strpos($test, 'Invalid query name 1')) && !isset($modSettings['host_to_dis']))
updateSettings(array('host_to_dis' => 1));
// Maybe it found something, after all?
elseif (preg_match('~\s([^\s]+?)\.\s~', $test, $match) == 1)
$host = $match[1];

// This is nslookup; usually only Windows, but possibly some Unix?
if (!isset($host) && strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win') !== false && strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'darwin') === false && rand(0, 1) == 1)
$test = @shell_exec('nslookup -timeout=1 ' . @escapeshellarg($ip));
if (strpos($test, 'Non-existent domain') !== false)
$host = '';
elseif (preg_match('~Name:\s+([^\s]+)~', $test, $match) == 1)
$host = $match[1];

// This is the last try :/.
if (!isset($host) || $host === false)
$host = @gethostbyaddr($ip);

// It took a long time, so let's cache it!
if (array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $t)) > 0.5)
cache_put_data('hostlookup-' . $ip, $host, 600);

return $host;

// Chops a string into words and prepares them to be inserted into (or searched from) the database.
function text2words($text, $max_chars = 20, $encrypt = false)
global $func, $context;

// Step 1: Remove entities/things we don't consider words:
$words = preg_replace('~([\x0B\0' . ($context['utf8'] ? ($context['server']['complex_preg_chars'] ? '\x{A0}' : pack('C*', 0xC2, 0xA0)) : '\xA0') . '\t\r\s\n(){}\\[\\]<>!@$%^*.,:+=`\~\?/\\\\]|&(amp|lt|gt|quot);)+~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : ''), ' ', strtr($text, array('<br />' => ' ')));

// Step 2: Entities we left to letters, where applicable, lowercase.
$words = un_htmlspecialchars($func['strtolower']($words));

// Step 3: Ready to split apart and index!
$words = explode(' ', $words);

if ($encrypt)
$possible_chars = array_flip(array_merge(range(46, 57), range(65, 90), range(97, 122)));
$returned_ints = array();
foreach ($words as $word)
if (($word = trim($word, '-_\'')) !== '')
$encrypted = substr(crypt($word, 'uk'), 2, $max_chars);
$total = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $max_chars; $i++)
$total += $possible_chars[ord($encrypted{$i})] * pow(63, $i);
$returned_ints[] = $max_chars == 4 ? min($total, 16777215) : $total;
return array_unique($returned_ints);
// Trim characters before and after and add slashes for database insertion.
$returned_words = array();
foreach ($words as $word)
if (($word = trim($word, '-_\'')) !== '')
$returned_words[] = addslashes($max_chars === null ? $word : substr($word, 0, $max_chars));

// Filter out all words that occur more than once.
return array_unique($returned_words);

// Creates an image/text button
function create_button($name, $alt, $label = '', $custom = '')
global $settings, $txt, $context;

if (!$settings['use_image_buttons'])
return $txt[$alt];
elseif (!empty($settings['use_buttons']))
return '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/buttons/' . $name . '" alt="' . $txt[$alt] . '" ' . $custom . ' />' . ($label != '' ? '<b>' . $txt[$label] . '</b>' : '');
return '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/' . $name . '" alt="' . $txt[$alt] . '" ' . $custom . ' />';



Hi a i find a litle bug

if post to shout :


The page cannot be found

in the shout box
Yaarar clan Azure L2 [nofollow] Admin


where can finder update for 114



i have installed SMF Shoutbox 1.20 on the SMF 1.1.4

The Shoutbox have a Problem when i go of the Forum-Settings in the Admin CP the i become this:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare modifysboxsettings() (previously declared in /nmt/web3/34/01/53388302/htdocs/sozialer/brennpunkt/Forum/Sources/ModSettings.php:357) in /nmt/web3/34/01/53388302/htdocs/sozialer/brennpunkt/Forum/Sources/ModSettings.php on line 435

Line 356     function ModifySboxSettings() {
      357     global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc;

Line 435    function ModifySboxSettings() {
Line 436    global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc;

What can i do ?

Sorry my English is not so good ...



I have found the Problem, i have 2 Code in the Modsetting.php , i delete any and the Shoutbox run !




Does this mod work?


It would seem that the version in the mod section here and the versin 1.20 do work for people....however the link to the higher version doesn't work so not sure what is going on.

If the creator doesn't mind I have the aip and could send it to people that request it.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


Quote from: DarkAngel612 on April 24, 2008, 05:52:00 PM
It would seem that the version in the mod section here and the versin 1.20 do work for people....however the link to the higher version doesn't work so not sure what is going on.

If the creator doesn't mind I have the aip and could send it to people that request it.

Im looking for a good shoutbox so if you could possibly that would be great


as long as the creator doesn't pitch a fit I can send to you just email me for link.

on the other could do what i did and install the smf tiny portal that has the choutbox incorporated with the ability to have it either at the top...bottom or side with the same theme blocks.

let me know my email should  be available
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


Yes!! this mod works great!
Now I have this question... everyone knowk html or php can help and answer this:

This shoutbox underlines and shows in bold the own nickname, if it appear on the shouts, i think the lines that do this are these:
// highlight username, realname and make sound
    if (!empty($context['user']['name']) && strpos($content, $context['user']['name']) !== false) {
      if ($div === false) $alert = true;
      $content = str_replace($context['user']['name'], '<b><u>' . $context['user']['name'] . '</u></b>', $content);

Ok, if there's an user called "USer" it appears underlined and bolded only if it appers in the shouts "USer", but not if it appears "user" or "USER" or "usER". Does someone know how make became this feature "case INSENSITIVE"?
(I found a case insensitive smilies mod, and it add onli an "i" in the code, maybe here's a similar stupid thing to fix this!)


how can i add the custom backgroud and not using the forum background fot this shoutbox?
