
Started by SimplePortal Team, March 10, 2008, 11:16:07 PM

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Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 28, 2008, 08:27:34 AM

I can't see the screenshot. What is the language you are using? It should be because of that you are not using English language.

Dowload the package you've installed. Upload it via FTP to the Packages directory. Then [Uninstall].

Here's a link to the screenshot: 1.png
I'm using english language, and the default theme


Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 28, 2008, 08:27:34 AM

Will reply until tomorrow tuggaming.


I can't see the screenshot. What is the language you are using? It should be because of that you are not using English language.

Dowload the package you've installed. Upload it via FTP to the Packages directory. Then [Uninstall].

So, after you edit the files, my forum will be on again?
Because i have some backup's from yesterday  :o.
How i can use them? Just replace the old files to the backup files?



My forum works, i just use a backup file from today, and now seems to be OK


Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 28, 2008, 08:27:34 AM
Dowload the package you've installed. Upload it via FTP to the Packages directory. Then [Uninstall].
Just tried that, didn't work, still says "Unable to find package file!"


Santaji, is your forum set to English or utf8-english?

Do check, go to Admin > Server Settings


Quote from: ccbtimewiz on July 28, 2008, 11:06:01 AM
Santaji, is your forum set to English or utf8-english?

Do check, go to Admin > Server Settings

It's set to english!

i just want to fix this mess, i can worry about installing SimplePortal later :(



No worries. Can you attach your


I'll remove it manually for you.


Can you attach your un-edited (fresh) files?
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


I have decide to remove my portal (MKPortal) because is more confused and i don't use it except for topsites (like a small directory) and download area!
For this reason i want change to tinyportal (or simplyportal)!
But I've some questions:
1: can i have with simplyportal a download area?
2: can I've topsites/directory area?
3: can i make custom page and block (for example with iframe) to integrate my actual guestbook (iframed to mkportal)?
4: what is difference with tinyportal?
Thanks in advance for any answers and sorry for my probably bad english
kind regards, DarkWolf :)



1: In SimplePortal we do not have a download module. But we have many download mods too. See the vbgamers' one:

We can help you to add a block to display most popular downloads too and of course any other info about downloads.

2 and 3: For now, SimplePortal is just a single portal page mod. You cannot create new pages (for now). But you can use Custom Action Mod:

It gives you the ability to add unlimited number of HTML, BBC, and PHP coded pages into your forum.

4: TP has more features than SP. For example a better article system, showing blocks inside the forum pages and so on... It also has a download module. On the other hand, as I know it doesn't have the feature to create pages too (not sure). Its quite complex than SP. SP is just simple, but powerful too.

Hope this helps you. We're always here to help you. I'm not a native too, but your English seems well to me. :)
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Thank'you very much [SiNaN]
Now I've download to install/test with easyphp (local install) ;)



Not at all Dark-Wolf. We're here for support.

I use that too. Test both, then you will use the one that suits your needs. ;)
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 29, 2008, 10:37:47 AM
Not at all Dark-Wolf. We're here for support.
You're very kind :)
Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 29, 2008, 10:37:47 AM
I use that too. Test both, then you will use the one that suits your needs. ;)
Yes! IMHO is best solution ;)
Thanks again :)


weeee, dark ;) the [sinan] portal  8) is fantastic ......
i use it in local forum..... it's great! ;)

Ciao, Stefano ;)


Dark-Wolf and @L3:

Thanks for both of you. ;)
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Ciao stefano, grazie per l'info :)
Hi stefano thanks for your reports :)
I've test to install and it works fine!

Now i want test also download manager and Custom Action Mod!  ;)
PS: do you have any notice if prettyurls (i'm use on my forum) work also with simpleportal?
Really last questions: if i install a custom theme this is compatible with simpleportal?



I don't know whether they are compatible or not but it should be. Maybe there could be a problem with the article pagination stuff. I'll check until tomorrow and will inform you.

Yes, it will be compatible with all of the themes from the Theme Site perfectly. ;)
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 29, 2008, 12:30:07 PM

I don't know whether they are compatible or not but it should be. Maybe there could be a problem with the article pagination stuff. I'll check until tomorrow and will inform you.
Quote from: [SiNaN] on July 29, 2008, 12:30:07 PM
Yes, it will be compatible with all of the themes from the Theme Site perfectly. ;)
Very good! :)


[SiNaN], I've attached pics of my portal (one using IE7, one using Firefox).  Firefox displays everything correctly, but IE7 doesn't.  Have you seen this before and is there a way to fix this?




Eliana Tamerin

It's called IE sucks! :P

In all seriousness, though, i'm sure the problem will get solved. Understand that cross-browser compatibility with IE is usually the most difficult one.
Do NOT PM me for support.

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I've installed  Simpel Portal without any problems but I cant find the control panel?! Iv'e gon to Admin CP/Settings and opitions.


Admin > Simple Portal > SPortal Admin
