nneonneo's Shoutbox

Started by nneonneo, December 26, 2006, 06:58:11 PM

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Could use some help here, i've followed the instructions, and all looks ok but when i try to shout it doesnt do anything.

I've done the fix for SMF Beta 4.0 but still doesnt work.

http://www.war-nfd.co.uk [nofollow]


Quote from: nneonneo on October 12, 2008, 03:00:45 PM

4) Check your Themes/<theme>/languages/Modifications.<language>.php file. It is possible that the shoutbox strings are missing. This is what should be there:
// ---- Begin modification - nneonneo's Shoutbox ----
$txt['yshout_shoutbox'] = 'Shout Box';
$txt['yshout_loading'] = '...loading shoutbox...';
$txt['yshout_rp_banned'] = "Sorry, you've been banned from the shoutbox.";
$txt['yshout_no_guests'] = 'Sorry, you must be logged in to use the shoutbox!';
$txt['yshout_ban_conf'] = 'Ban Confirmation';
$txt['yshout_select_mode'] = 'Select Ban Mode:';
$txt['yshout_rp'] = 'Reading and Posting';
$txt['yshout_p'] = 'Posting only';
$txt['yshout_error'] = 'ERROR: ';
$txt['yshout_no_user'] = 'User not found.';
$txt['yshout_del_success'] = 'Shout deleted.';
$txt['yshout_no_action'] = 'Nothing to do.';
$txt['yshout_history'] = 'History';
$txt['yshout_commands'] = 'Commands';
$txt['yshout_exthistory'] = 'ExtendedHistory';
$txt['yshout_hide'] = 'Hide';
$txt['yshout_show'] = 'Show';
$txt['yshout_admlinks'] = 'AdminLinks';
$txt['yshout_return'] = 'ReturnToShoutbox';
$txt['yshout_p_banned'] = 'You are banned from posting.';
$txt['yshout_banned'] = 'Banned';
$txt['yshout_shout_button'] = 'Shout!';
$txt['yshout_banlist_caption'] = 'Shout Box Bans (click to unban)';
$txt['yshout_ip_bans'] = 'IP Bans for ';
$txt['yshout_username_bans'] = 'Username Bans for ';
$txt['yshout_ban_type_error'] = 'use /banuser or /banip!';
$txt['yshout_ban_mode_error'] = 'Must have mode argument.';
$txt['yshout_imp_slash_error'] = 'Prefix shout with "/" (slash character)! See "/help impersonate" for details.';
$txt['yshout_imp_uname_error'] = 'No username given!';
$txt['yshout_imp_max4_error'] = 'Maximum 4 arguments!';
$txt['yshout_cmd_reference'] = 'Command Reference';
$txt['yshout_cmdlist'] = array(
               '/help'      =>   ' [command]: Help on a command, or all if no command is specified.',
               '/return'   =>   ': Go back to the Shout Box.',
               '/pi'      =>   ' [digits]: What is the value of pi to the nth digit?',
               '/me'      =>   ' &lt;message&gt;: Emotes the message (e.g. <span class="meaction"> * Nathaniel likes dogs</span>)');
$txt['yshout_cmdlistadmin'] = array(
                  '/clear'      =>   ': Completely empty the Shout Box.',
                  '/help'         =>   ' [command]: Help on a command, or all if no command is specified.',
                  '/return'      =>   ': Go back to the Shout Box.',
                  '/banlist'      =>   ': List all bans currently in place. Unban the users by clicking on their names.',
                  '/banuser'      =>   ' &lt;mode&gt; &lt;username&gt;: Ban a user by name. You should use the user\'s real username, otherwise the ban can be evaded. Mode can be "u" to unban, "rp" for read and post bans, or "p" for a post ban.',
                  '/banip'      =>   ' &lt;mode&gt; &lt;IP&gt;: Ban a user by IP. Mode can be "u" to unban, "rp" for read and post bans, or "p" for a post ban.',
                  '/impersonate'   =>   ' &lt;user&gt; [userlevel] [ip] [userid] /[shout text]: Impersonate a user. Shout text must be prefixed by a "/" or else it will fail.<blockquote><div>
                  &lt;user&gt;: Username to use<br />
                  [userlevel]: User Level to use. 0=normal, 1=mod, 2=admin<br />
                  [ip]: IP address to use, as<br />
                  [userid]: User ID from forum, to fix profile link</div></blockquote>',
                  '/lock'         =>   ' &lt;message&gt;: Lock the shoutbox for maintenance with the specified message.',
                  '/unlock'      =>   ': Release the shoutbox from maintenance.');
$txt['yshout_maintenance'] = 'Locked';
$txt['yshout_lock_arg_error'] = 'You need to specify a reason for maintenance!';
$txt['yshout_lock_changed'] = 'Changed maintenance reason to "%s".';
$txt['yshout_lock_success'] = 'Locked shoutbox for maintenance with reason "%s".';
$txt['yshout_unlock_already'] = 'Failed to unlock: shoutbox isn\'t locked!';
$txt['yshout_unlock_success'] = 'Successfully unlocked shoutbox.';
$txt['yshout_no_posting'] = 'Sorry, you cannot post to the shoutbox.';
$txt['yshout_smilies'] = "Smilies";
// Permissions
$txt['permissiongroup_yshout'] = 'Shoutbox';
$txt['permissionname_yshout_view'] = 'View shoutbox';
$txt['permissionname_yshout_post'] = 'Post in shoutbox';
$txt['permissionname_yshout_moderate'] = 'Moderate shoutbox';
$txt['permissionhelp_yshout_view'] = 'This permission allows access to the shoutbox. If it is enabled, users will see the shoutbox and the chats in it.';
$txt['permissionhelp_yshout_post'] = 'This permission allows users to post messages to the shoutbox. If it is disabled, users cannot enter any messages.';
$txt['permissionhelp_yshout_moderate'] = 'If this permission is set, users will be allowed to moderate the shoutbox -- deleting, banning and clearing among other features.';
// ---- End modification - nneonneo's Shoutbox ----

i 've edited the file, but what you write is the same that is in my file (i've copy it!).
but the title "shoutbox" in my permission panel don' exist (in classic mode is visible "shoutbox", but in "simple mode" is not visible), in any member! the problem is not here.
can you help me?

and, for the theme box: i use black rain theme (v1), do you now which mod i make or were i can found it?

thx, very much, and i'm afraid for my english!


Quote from: nneonneo on October 13, 2008, 05:53:05 PM
@BlackXBOX: Please include the index.template.php with edits.

@Chopper: Have you checked that the code is correct (e.g. not all packed on one line) and that the shoutbox code is placed where it will be visible (i.e. not inside a if($context['is_guest']) block or similar)

@bitmovel: I have not seen that before. Is the CSS block in the custom theme? If so, try replacing the CSS block with this one, from the AdvSB package:
#yshout {
font-size: 10px;
font-style: normal;
font-family: arial, helvetica, verdana, san-serif;
#yshout #yshout-toollinks { /* tool links (History, Commands, etc.) */
#yshout #shouts {
border: 1px solid #777777;
padding: 5px;
#yshout .shout { /* one shout */
margin: 0 0 0; /* Top Bottom Linespacing */
line-height: 1;
margin-top: 0;
#yshout hr { /* shout divider */
color: #cccccc;
height: 1px;
border: 0;
#yshout .shout-timestamp {
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
color: #bbbbbb;
#yshout .shout-adminlinks { /* del and ban buttons */
font-size: 6pt;
color: #141414;
#yshout #shout-form {
#yshout #shout-form fieldset {
border: none;
#forum-name, #shout-text, #shout-button {
font-size: 9px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#yshout #forum-name {
color: #666666;
width: 70px;
margin-right: 5px;
#yshout #shout-text {
color: #000000;
width: 310px;
margin-right: 5px;
#yshout #shout-button {
width: 55px;
#yshout .shout-invalid { /* invalid shout (shout textbox) */
background: #FFFDD1;

@Jessikard: Yes, if it uses the action= system. You would add a string to Modifications.<language>.php which says
$txt['whoall_<action>'] = 'Shoutbox';
where <action> is the action's name. That puts them in Who's Online. If you want to do something a little fancier, you can use an SQL query to put the list of names directly on the shoutbox: http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=236625.msg1723748#msg1723748

nneonneo, where is that supposed to be?

in theme's index.template.php?

I dont find it there.

I can only find a /Themes/default/CSS/yshout.css (I am using another theme)


Hi, thanks for the great thread on this mod..

I have another customization question... How can I change the text of the Shout! button?



In your language file which can be found in themes/default/language/modifications.english.php

Look for this line

$txt['yshout_shout_button'] = 'Shout!';


hi there nneonneo...

im back once again to this support thread. please visit my www.mirc-chatters.isgreat.org

i am using Shiny Blue theme. i installed the package and applied 'installation instructions to other theme' and yes it showed up in my forum page. i made it appear in the board.index inside User's Online box but the problem now is when sending message, it wont send.  i clicked 'shout' button several times, it wont send the message. you may visit my site and check it yourself.


Ok I got it to show up now, but I still cant use it, nothing shows up, even though I did the modification thats supposed to fix this for beta 4. Also theres now a ?> on the top of my forum that I can't get rid of. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Quote from: JonoJames on October 13, 2008, 08:54:18 PM
Could use some help here, i've followed the instructions, and all looks ok but when i try to shout it doesnt do anything.

I've done the fix for SMF Beta 4.0 but still doesnt work.


NEONNSHOUTBOX NOT WORK with Simpleportal i had same problem i solved ONLY installing PORTAMX
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

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Ugh. I feel completely sick, so I apologize for not replying sooner.

@AeroFennec: ?> is probably a hanging PHP tag from one of the files, but without knowing what you've edited and how, I can't say any more. If nothing shows up, it is likely that you've made the theme edits incorrectly (a common problem is having all the code on a single line; a less common problem is accidentally putting it in a guest-only block or similar).

@Jessikard: If you are using the standalone shoutbox, I am not too sure what needs to be done for "who's viewing".

For the smileys, replace the line
<div id="yshout">Loading...</div>
<?php echo '<div id="yshout">Loading...</div>'?>
then you can add the smileys code after </div>
You will need to put mymod/smileys.php in yshout folder.

As for the id="shout-form" replacement, "up to four times" means that it might be in the file once, twice, three times or four times. In newer versions, it is probably only once.

@tadi: In a file: yshout/chats/home.txt. I am not sure what you are asking in the second question.

@leonardus: add the string
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_yshout'] = 'Shoutbox';

@bitmovel: CSS block is in the <head> code that you added to your custom theme's index.template.php.

@fofobody: edit Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php and change Shout! in
$txt['yshout_shout_button'] = 'Shout!';
to whatever you want.

@psynx: I can't see it. Do I need to be logged in?
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion)...contact me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!


hey mate, i got the advance ver running, how can i limit the amount of shouts, its like showing all shouts and taking up most of the page.

Thank you


$maxLines in yshout/settings.php
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion)...contact me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!




Can someone tell me how to out a scroll bar in the shoutbox?

Sometimes the text-form is hidden.

How can I solve this problem?


I have been trying to get this to insert at the top of my forum but cannot figure out where to insert the code. I am using SMF & Tiny Portal, any ideas?


Here is my index.template.php

Man, if I knew how to edit it then I wouldn't be asking you for help.


my forum is in a template, like  :

index.template.php :
echo $header_template;
forum code;

echo $footer_template;

which   $header_template and $footer_template are in templates.php (my own file).
I want my shout box be placed in $header_template ..

I placed the the shoutbox codes (the one in the index.template, 2 sets of codes) in $header_template.
for example , eachtime i saw "echo" I replaced it with  "$header_template .= ", and I placed  commas to dots ...

for now shoutbox works fine, I see the text and the field where I want them to be,
on the top of the page before anything start, I see again the input filed and commands. Like now I have 2 sets of them, one in the place i want, Second on the top of my screen.

I saw the yshout.php is including there. and that was my problem. I went there, and changed ALL echo's there to "$header_template .= " .and i fixed all syntaxes.   Now none of them is showing .

I hope it is not a lot to ask, What am i doing wrong here?  or is there an easier way  to do this?


I got 2 features that could be useful to add for images: 

-Allow the admin to set a limit of images that can be shown at a time
-Allow the admin to configure number of seconds an image can be displayed

Both of these would be very useful to me, so that I don't have to delete images myself and that I can tell my members that's the way the shoutbox is configured ;)

Still, for all the features it has right now, I'm extremely pleased with it, thanks a bunch :D


In Reply #2215 to this thread it has the info on adding the shoutbox to the news section of your site. It has instructions for 1.17 and 1.21, will the 1.21 instructions work for 2.0 beta 4?


Great mod! Works like a charm (although manually installed...) Well documented!
Ultimate Game Solutions - 'cause there's a solution for everything


nneoneo.. it's really slow on such big boards.. i have 500 members login a day, with like 40+ active, and it is very slow, any fix or settings i should use?
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