User Control Panel ( User CP ) V3.0

Started by Alan S, April 28, 2007, 12:59:54 PM

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Alan S

Hmmm okay its a bug in the mod , will have to work on it to find the source and the fix.

Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: Alan S on November 01, 2008, 05:28:54 PM
Hmmm okay its a bug in the mod , will have to work on it to find the source and the fix.

I have almost deleted many pages of errors created due to google bot.

Help us to fix it soon. Thanks in advance , bye.
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I'm no sure it is a bug in the mod...  I have this installed and have no problems with those errors.

Plus, BOTS should never see the userCP, since it should be retsricted to logged in members only (after all, only members have a profile)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Alan S

Quote from: Kindred on November 02, 2008, 07:37:21 AM
I'm no sure it is a bug in the mod...  I have this installed and have no problems with those errors.

Plus, BOTS should never see the userCP, since it should be retsricted to logged in members only (after all, only members have a profile)

Your not using my version of the mod however , I believe your using your own RC1 version of the mod , I made a few changes to your code and made a few addons to the my code aswell.

If your using V3.0 , you will get the error if you vist  action=xmlhttp;sa=jumpto;xml

I was thinking the same thing though , The UserCP doesnt have any RSS feeds sand it has nothing to do with the xml page so i dont know why a error would  be displaying on that action.
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P


Yup, that is true, but I didn't change THAT part of the code at all. :)

Hmmm....  it might be an incorrectly closed argument before or in (this affecting after) the added code (?)

Can you confirm that
there are three closing parens just before the usercp array (at the end of the profile array)?
there are two closing parens at the end of the usercp array, but before the PM array?

Wait...   in that code that I gave you, did I have you read the menu array into $smcFunc? (or did you change it do this?)

Either that, or it might be the load permissions thing...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Sudhakar Arjunan

Hey Author,

All errors (28768) - Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1918

In 1 hour. You have to get yes some codes to rectify the error.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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Quote from: A.SK on November 08, 2008, 10:43:02 AM
Hey Author,

All errors (28768) - Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1918

In 1 hour. You have to get yes some codes to rectify the error.

And the error message is?
C a r b o n i z e


I think this is a problem with this mod cause i am getting this error log and it is filling up the log report;view=0;sesc;xml
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: usercp
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: /home2/ac919h/public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 3971



I'd like to have this modification for the theme Ancient and Rusted :)

Thanks in advance,


I get the following error:

8: Undefined index: thumbnail_href
File: /home/*******/public_html/Themes/default/Themes.template.php (pick sub template - eval?)
Line: 440

which is related to the line 440:

      <td rowspan="2" width="126" height="120"><img src="', $theme['thumbnail_href'], '" alt="" /></td>

The error appears every time a member goes to the UserCP and select 'My Themes'

Can you please help me to fix it?


Ok folks maybe you can help me with this...

I was using this mod on 2.0 beta 4. It installed with all test passed, but after that it started giving me errors so I tried to uninstall it. I got test failed results on several files.

I made the file edits manually and uninstalled the mod.

The forum is now error free but there is no longer a "Profile" tab in the main menu.....

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get the profile tab to show back up on the menu??

Thanks in advance!!!
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.

Alan S

Quote from: searchgr on November 11, 2008, 01:17:42 AM
I get the following error:

8: Undefined index: thumbnail_href
File: /home/*******/public_html/Themes/default/Themes.template.php (pick sub template - eval?)
Line: 440

which is related to the line 440:

      <td rowspan="2" width="126" height="120"><img src="', $theme['thumbnail_href'], '" alt="" /></td>

The error appears every time a member goes to the UserCP and select 'My Themes'

Can you please help me to fix it?

That file is unrelated to the UserCP , That file is a part of the SMF Core distribution , I would ask in the SMF 1X or 2.X support forums.

Quote from: SISPro on November 08, 2008, 09:59:15 PM
I think this is a problem with this mod cause i am getting this error log and it is filling up the log report;view=0;sesc;xml
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: usercp
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: /home2/ac919h/public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 3971

Yes it is a bug in V3.0 , Working on it but my time is very limited lately.

Quote from: Tyrsson on November 12, 2008, 02:04:48 AM
Ok folks maybe you can help me with this...

I was using this mod on 2.0 beta 4. It installed with all test passed, but after that it started giving me errors so I tried to uninstall it. I got test failed results on several files.

I made the file edits manually and uninstalled the mod.

The forum is now error free but there is no longer a "Profile" tab in the main menu.....

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get the profile tab to show back up on the menu??

Thanks in advance!!!

In your Subs.php file , find ( should be somewhere in within lines 3700 to 3800 depending on any mods you have installed.

'calendar' => array (

Add before it

'profile' => array(
'title' => $txt['profile'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile',
'show' => $context['allow_edit_profile'],
'sub_buttons' => array(
'summary' => array(
'title' => $txt['summary'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile',
'show' => true,
'account' => array(
'title' => $txt['account'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;sa=account',
'show' => allowedTo(array('profile_identity_any', 'profile_identity_own', 'manage_membergroups')),
'profile' => array(
'title' => $txt['forumProfile'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;sa=forumProfile',
'show' => allowedTo(array('profile_extra_any', 'profile_extra_own')),

And that should display your profile button.
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P


Thank you for the reply. I have it fixed!!!
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.



Quote from: Kindred on November 02, 2008, 03:57:05 PM
Yup, that is true, but I didn't change THAT part of the code at all. :)

Hmmm....  it might be an incorrectly closed argument before or in (this affecting after) the added code (?)

Can you confirm that
there are three closing parens just before the usercp array (at the end of the profile array)?
there are two closing parens at the end of the usercp array, but before the PM array?

Wait...   in that code that I gave you, did I have you read the menu array into $smcFunc? (or did you change it do this?)

Either that, or it might be the load permissions thing...

Quotethere are two closing parens at the end of the usercp array, but before the PM array?
I can't swear to this but when I was having trouble with this mod I think this was an issue... Best I can remember there were three....
PM at your own risk, some I answer, if they are interesting, some I ignore.

Alan S

Quote from: searchgr on November 12, 2008, 12:41:41 PM
Any clue why this icon is missing?

That has nothing to do with the UserCP , but make sure there is a thumbnail.gif image inside that themes images directory
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P

Sudhakar Arjunan

Hi Author, Any update for the xml link issue Which i have raised and you have confirmed it as a bug on latest version.

I have uninstalled for time being.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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I installed this mod, useful thx, but i had a lot of errors Undefined Index: $txt['usercp']

So i changed this line:
'title' => $txt['usercp'],

in this way:
'title' => (!isset($txt['usercp']) ? '' : $txt['usercp']),

and not more errors ;) i wrote this only for know Alan.
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


There is a problem with version 3 that stops captcha from working. I just spent effing hours tracking down why captcha wasn't working just to find it was because you had a load of white space after the closing ?> in your language files.

I also turned on error logging and discovered that usercp was creating an error when someone viewed an entry using wap. I fixed it by adding the $txt['usercp'] = 'User CP'; to the wireless language file.
C a r b o n i z e

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: carbonize on November 14, 2008, 05:25:48 PM
There is a problem with version 3 that stops captcha from working. I just spent effing hours tracking down why captcha wasn't working just to find it was because you had a load of white space after the closing ?> in your language files.

I also turned on error logging and discovered that usercp was creating an error when someone viewed an entry using wap. I fixed it by adding the $txt['usercp'] = 'User CP'; to the wireless language file.

Yes your right. I had My default captcha broken and its not showing.
I have raised issues in many places and found that one saying . There many be a white spaces on a file .

I have Overridden the error with other mod,

Author informed that error is due to inserted code or other space at the top of your file,

I will uninstall the smf recptcha mod and use it now with default captcha by uninstalling user cp v 3.0.

Quote from: carbonize on November 14, 2008, 05:25:48 PM
I also turned on error logging and discovered that usercp was creating an error when someone viewed an entry using wap. I fixed it by adding the $txt['usercp'] = 'User CP'; to the wireless language file.

Is this a correct solution or temporary solution for wap issue created by bots over my forum.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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