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Greeklish to Greek

Started by agridoc, January 08, 2009, 04:06:04 PM

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As this is a mod of interest for Greek language forums, a support page in Greek is opened in

Greek support board: Greeklish to Greek mod

Oct. 24, 2010: added for SMF 2.0 RC1 up. Just small changes to be compatible with changes in templates. If there is another Greeklish to Greek version installed, it must be uninstalled before installing this one.
For SMF 1.0x, 1.1x and earlier SMF 2.0 up to Beta4 use instead.

Greeklish, Greek language written with latin characters, is a problem in Greek forums, however some people are not able to write properly in Greek or have no access to a computer where they that can write in Greek.

Several pages and programs existed, the best, including spell checking, was a demo of All Greek to me software but was limited to 255 characters. Lately a new page with 5000 chars limit was announced and a Google gadget that could be incorporated in webpages.

This very simple mod incorporates Greeklish to Greek by innoetics gadget in SMF' s Post and PM pages.

The gadget is positioned right below the text area, so that it will be easily found. It uses an expand - collapse javascript code as Additional Options..., that is below.

By clicking, the Greeklish to Greek window is expanded and Greeklish, copied or written there, can be converted to Greek, then copied to text area. The converter works also from Greek to Greeklish, rarely but sometimes needed. There is a limit of 5000 characters and spellchecking is incorporated in conversion.

A handy tool for Greek language SMF installations. Will save quite a few grins, recommendations and complaints. Also useful for administrators and moderators.

The mod was made as simple as possible, should work with all SMF 1.1x and 2.0x versions, UTF-8 or not. Height was chosen to be 400 pixels, as less caused scroll bars and 350 or less error codes in MSIE.

If the mod is installed manually you can have a customized gadget here and change the code.
  For Greek aeromodellers and our friends around the world  - Greek Button sets for SMF - Greeklish to Greek mod
Δeν αφιερώνω χρόνο για μηνύματα σε greeklish.


If someone doesn't want to install it and have tinyportal then create a left box with type script and add the following code:

<script src=""></script>


Greeklish to Greek by innoetics gadget can be added in various places in a site, depending on general layout and needs.

A TP block is an easy solution, yet not so functional and the gadget selected is too narrow, why be restricted?

Greeklish to Greek mod' s code is very simple. It works with all SMF vesions, it displays, when needed,  the large, more functional gadget in the right place, not using unnecessary pop-ups. Install and uninstall is very easy and it's unlikable that it will have conflict with another SMF mod.
  For Greek aeromodellers and our friends around the world  - Greek Button sets for SMF - Greeklish to Greek mod
Δeν αφιερώνω χρόνο για μηνύματα σε greeklish.


Perfect , awesome , super , fantastic.

You are our hero :D

We wanted this for ages , thanks agridoc!!! Just installed it on my site - and works like a charm!!
Always looking for the best  Greek Gaming Community


Thanks should go to innoetics, it's their software that does the work.
  For Greek aeromodellers and our friends around the world  - Greek Button sets for SMF - Greeklish to Greek mod
Δeν αφιερώνω χρόνο για μηνύματα σε greeklish.




In my case (SMF 2 RC2, default theme) it appears expanded by default and clicking on the button on the left does not collapse it. It would be better if it was one more of the expandable options in Additional options.


I will check it when I find time. It should be collapsed by default.

People that write in greeklish many times don't see it even in the current place, just below the text. I doubt if they would use it at all, if it was "hidden" in Additional options.
  For Greek aeromodellers and our friends around the world  - Greek Button sets for SMF - Greeklish to Greek mod
Δeν αφιερώνω χρόνο για μηνύματα σε greeklish.


Well, it would be good if the collapse thingy worked anyway ;)
Another idea would be to have an option in the profile to activate/deactivate the mod (for people who never use Greeklish).



Oct. 24, 2010: added for SMF 2.0 RC1 up. Just small changes to be compatible with changes in templates. If there is another Greeklish to Greek version installed, it must be uninstalled before installing this one.
For SMF 1.0x, 1.1x and earlier SMF 2.0 up to Beta4 use instead.

The new version has been tested with SMF 2.0 RC3, it would rather work well with RC1 and RC2 too.
  For Greek aeromodellers and our friends around the world  - Greek Button sets for SMF - Greeklish to Greek mod
Δeν αφιερώνω χρόνο για μηνύματα σε greeklish.
